United States news, articles and information:
 | 10/11/2016 - The level of opioid abuse in the United States has reached a critical point, and appropriate action is urgently needed to tackle the problem, according to a recent op-ed piece in The Hill.
Clare Waismann, a Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor (CATC) with two decades of experience treating opioid-dependent...
 | 11/4/2015 - Living a healthy lifestyle is all about making the healthiest choices. But what if the best choice (or the information needed to make the best choice) wasn't available to you because the people tasked with looking out for you and your interests don't have the same high standards and the corporations...
 | 8/17/2015 - EXCLUSIVE: Mainland Chinese dissidents have handed Natural News the following bombshell story. (Two minor updates / corrections are now included in this story, see below.)
The Tianjin explosion was waged as an act of "kinetic retaliation" by the Pentagon in response to China's currency war Yuan devaluation,...
 | 8/4/2015 - Celebrity business magnate turned Republican nominee for the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump, refuses to apologize for remarks he made recently regarding illegal immigration, a concept that's not only become widely accepted in recent years, but highly encouraged and applauded by the U.S. government...
 | 7/10/2015 - According to the "Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015" (H.R. 2232), the United States federal government wants to take away all religious and philosophical exemptions or, in order words, require every school age child to get vaccinated – whether you like it or not. Simply put, if this legislation...
 | 10/17/2014 - After watching the testimony of CDC director Tom Frieden (and others) before a congressional committee today, it is abundantly obvious that no official source is going to tell the truth about the realistic danger of an exploding Ebola outbreak in the United States. Under the leadership of Frieden, the...
 | 7/29/2014 - According to the most recent federal earthquake map from the U.S. Geologic Survey (USGS), roughly half of the United States is at a higher risk of quakes than previously thought.
The actual risk is probably even higher, as the map does not take into account increased risk due to oil and gas extraction...
 | 7/5/2014 - A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that the overprescription of narcotic painkillers is still a major problem in the United States.
The report, published on July 1, is based on data collected by retail pharmacies, which fill the majority of US prescriptions....
 | 1/1/2012 - In the aftermath of the signing of the NDAA by the traitorous President Obama, some citizens remain completely hoodwinked by the language of the bill, running around the internet screaming that the law "does not apply to American citizens."
This is, naturally, part of the side effect of having such...
| 4/23/2009 - The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has given the mental health care system of the United States a D grade, in the second such report released by the organization. In the first report, issued in 2006, the United States also received a D.
The report, available at www.nami.org, also ranks...
| 2/16/2009 - Nine state legislatures have either passed or introduced bills intended to reaffirm their state's sovereignty as laid out in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments of the Constitution. Another twenty states are expected to introduce similar measures this year. While the ramifications of these resolutions are...
| 1/21/2009 - Psychotropic drugs are prescribed to children in the United States at three times the rate of children in Europe, according to one of the first studies to rigorously compare such prescription patterns between different countries.
"There is significantly greater use of atypical antipsychotics and...
 | 10/21/2008 - NaturalNews has learned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is running a criminal extortion racket designed to drain cash from health supplement companies and shift it into the pockets of top FDA contractors. This organized crime operation has been running for years, and it has operated with impunity...
 | 2/12/2008 - During the week of December 17 - 19, 2007, Lakota Indian leaders traveled to Washington DC and withdrew from the constitutionally mandated treaties to become a free and independent country. They do so in a fully honest, legal, and ethical manner.
"We are no longer citizens of the United States of...
 | 5/7/2007 - On May 3rd, 2007, U.S. Senators voted on an amendment to the 2007 Prescription Drug User Fee bill that aims to reform the FDA and enhance drug safety. This amendment, known as the "Dorgan Amendment No. 990," threatened to break Big Pharma's monopoly over pharmaceutical sales and allow U.S. consumers,...
 | 4/2/2007 - With consumer demand for organic products continuing to grow, more large corporations are entering the organic market. To maximize profits, some of these companies don't follow organic standards but still label products as organic. For example, Horizon Organic and Aurora Organic, sold by Wal-Mart and...
 | 3/8/2007 - The amount of money people spend on health care in the United States is likely to double over the next 10 years - from $2.1 trillion to $4 trillion - according to a new report published in an online edition of Health Affairs. The report was authored by a team of economists, statisticians and actuaries...
 | 12/13/2006 - Criminal justice experts from the U.S. Justice Department report that the United States has the largest prison population and highest incarceration rate in the world due to factors such as tough sentencing laws, record drug offender arrests and high crime rates.
A report released by the justice department...
| 9/27/2006 - According to the annual "Survey of Employer Health Benefits," a report released Tuesday by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research and Educational Trust, health care costs in the United States have risen 7.7 percent between spring 2005 and spring 2006.
While this increase is...
 | 7/17/2006 - The bankruptcy of the United States government has been talked about for years by independent observers. If you've read the book, "Empire of Debt," then you know where the U.S. is headed financially. But most people have no idea about the ultimate financial consequences of decades of borrowing and spending...
| 5/31/2006 - Rolling through virtually any reasonably populous city or town in America, one encounters a surreal landscape blighted by grotesque temples to America's twin gods of Capitalism and Consumerism. As an increasing number of individual proprietors are driven to extinction, Wal-Mart, McDonald's, and hundreds...
 | 4/4/2006 - This is an article about the disease economy. That's a term I coined because I could find no other existing term to describe what I'm observing in our economy today. I call it the disease economy because such a huge percentage of the economic activity and economic growth I see in this country is based...
 | 3/20/2006 - A new economic study by the U.S. government reveals that health care spending is rising so rapidly in the United States that in less than ten years, it will represent 20% of the domestic economy. That's an astonishing $1 out of every $5 in economic productivity, almost all of which is based on treating...
 | 9/7/2005 - Although I find plenty to complain about with the United States of America, and I'm convinced this nation's freedoms, economy and leadership could use some major reforms, there's still a lot to like about the USA. I'm dedicating this essay to the top things I think are really great about the United...
 | 8/30/2005 - As part of an ongoing investigation into Hoodia Gordonii supplements sold around the world, Truth Publishing has now learned that eleven out of seventeen brand-name hoodia supplements have failed a laboratory analysis of authenticity. The laboratory tests, conducted by Alkemist Pharmaceuticals in Costa...
 | 7/17/2005 - Mike: I'm here with Ruth Shamai of Ruth's Hemp Foods. The company's web address is ruthshempfoods.com. Ruth, you have a line of hemp-based products. Could you give people an overview of your product line, and then we'll get into more of the history of your company and your experience?
Shamai: Absolutely....
 | 6/1/2005 - The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recently announced a three-year, multi-million dollar alliance with Cadbury Schweppes Americas Beverages (CSAB) to help combat obesity and diabetes in America by stressing the importance of making smart nutritional choices.
According to an ADA press release...
 | 4/21/2005 - Defenders of organized medicine are fond of saying that the United States has the best healthcare in the world, but I challenge that. I don't think we have the best healthcare in the world, I think we have the most expensive healthcare in the world. In fact, in terms of results for dollars spent, I...
| 8/19/2004 - The war on drugs has taken a quantum leap to a fascinating new level with the seizure of $250,000 worth of legal prescription drugs entering the country from a Canadian mail-order pharmacy company called CanadaRx. U.S. customs officials alerted the FDA about this shipment and the FDA was called in to...
| 8/17/2004 - Many U.S. citizens mistakenly believe they live in a free society. But when it comes to health, medicine and nutritional supplements, the system under which we live today is more like the Dark Ages than a system of freedom. Want proof? Just ask yourself, "What kinds of health choices should I be able...
| 8/8/2004 - Skyrocketing health insurance costs are heavily impacting employers in the United States. Now, for the first time, medical benefits to employees has become the most expensive benefit paid by employers, according to a new report issued by the Employment Policy Foundation. The cost of health care for...
| See all 180 United States feature articles.Concept-related articles:Technology:Canada:Internet:Music:States:War:Decision:Tactics:The FDA:FDA:Law enforcement:Consumers:Drugs:Industry:Drug:Prescription:
Concepts related to United States
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TV.NaturalNews.com is
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CounterThink Cartoons are
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
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help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
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in the food supply.
Webseed.com offers
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The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating.
HealingFoodReference.com offers
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medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions.
HerbReference.com is
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foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.