Privacy news, articles and information:
 | 9/12/2016 - The digital age is leading to the end of centuries-old constitutional privacy guarantees, as evidenced by the growth of Internet cloud-based data storage and electronic records, both of which are too easily accessible to prying eyes enabled by power-hungry politicians.
For instance, most Americans...
 | 8/5/2016 - You and your family's medical records are being subjected to privacy breaches like never before. There's a growing demand for your personal medical information. In 2012, statistics showed that pharmaceutical companies were spending 27 billion annually on drug promotion, so you can imagine what they're...
 | 5/15/2016 - Students at Harrison Street Elementary school in Geneva, Illinois, will no longer have to keep track of their lunch money. Geneva School District 304 is putting in a new biometric scanner system that will read students' thumb prints at the lunch checkout line. Privacy experts warn that this kind of...
 | 4/16/2016 - For just $89.99, you can now purchase a device that allows everything you say to be recorded and uploaded to Amazon's servers so that it can "be processed in the Cloud."
That's right – if you like the idea of your conversations being digitized, analyzed and stored by a large corporation, then...
 | 11/5/2015 - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is set to release Privacy Badger 1.0, which is a browser extension that prevents tracking activity on the web. It works with Chrome and Firefox and is a surefire way to get rid those pesky ads that eventually end up on your computer's sidebar or smack-dab in...
 | 9/21/2015 7:18:49 PM - As the old saying goes, nothing in this world is free. And nothing could be more not free than supposedly "free" services like Facebook, Google, Twitter and even your wireless carrier — all of which actively harvest your personal data and track your online activities in exchange for offering you...
 | 9/3/2015 - Once again, a major social media company is under fire for essentially trashing users' privacy rights.
This time, it's Google, which is being heavily criticized for a controversial new service that reveals some of the personal information that the company knows about you.
The service, "Your Timeline,"...
 | 8/27/2015 - Academics and scientists researching privacy on the Internet have found it difficult to actually define the parameters of their research and, specifically, what exactly constitutes "privacy" and "privacy violations."
As this this study notes, for example, the study of online privacy is a popular...
 | 8/15/2015 - I was sitting outside on my deck on a recent warm, summer evening when suddenly, I heard a buzzing noise overhead. I looked up and, in the distance, I could see an "object" bearing red and green lights hovering over my suburbia.
Faint at first, the buzz grew steadily as it approached my home. I watched...
 | 8/13/2015 - In so many ways in the Information Age, Americans are powerless to thwart violations of privacy. Be it consumer companies, retail firms, or the federal government, it seems like our personal data is now an open book.
But in many ways Americans invite invasions of privacy too, such as when we join...
 | 7/5/2015 - The non-profit organization responsible for managing domain names online is proposing new privacy guidelines that suggest an imminent resurrection of the ill-reputed "Stop Online Privacy Act," or SOPA. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is pushing for sweeping changes to...
 | 5/31/2015 - A privacy watchdog organization from Belgium has accused Facebook of "trampling" on European privacy laws because the social media giant tracks users online without their consent.
The Privacy Protection Commission (PPC), which is currently working with French, Spanish, German, and Dutch counterparts,...
 | 5/29/2015 - It all seemed rather innocent in the beginning. It certainly seemed convenient, and still is - maybe more so than ever, to be truthful. But if you haven't noticed, slowly and gradually, during the past 17 years since its inception, Google has evolved from being a company which once merely provided Internet...
 | 5/14/2015 - A massive public genealogy database owned by the family history web site is being exploited by law enforcement even though donors to the collection were told that their privacy would be assured.
In recent weeks, the New Orleans Advocate published an alarming story that helps explain...
 | 4/17/2015 - In the modern, text-heavy vernacular, consider it an "OMG" moment.
Facebook is at it again, using its advertisement targeting software to commit one of the most heinous acts of callousness you could think of. More on that in a moment.
First, some background. According to Mike Kreiger at the Liberty...
 | 4/11/2015 - In its bid to become the provider - and tracker - of all things to all humans, Facebook has announced that it is entering the peer-to-peer money transferal market.
The initiative is meant to rival PayPay, and it revolves around Facebook's Messenger app. According to the Financial Times, the Silcon...
 | 3/27/2015 - As the government continues to widen its electronic surveillance in the ongoing fight against "terrorism," Americans are witnessing the slow, steady erosion of their constitutional right to privacy embodied within the Constitution's Fourth Amendment.
As reported by McClatchy Papers, the federal government...
 | 3/26/2015 6:03:02 PM - If you're a Facebook user, the European Commission is warning that you're being spied on.
Recently, a member of the EU warned European citizens that they ought to close their Facebook accounts if they have any intentions of keeping their personal information away from the prying eyes of U.S. intelligence...
 | 2/27/2015 - It's no secret that the National Security Agency is capable of tracking your movements from your cell phone signal. Facebook is registering everything you click on, using advertising as an excuse to insert itself even further into our lives. Online advertisers collect and catalog "cookies" left behind...
 | 1/7/2015 - In a naked attempt to shred the Constitution's privacy and due process provisions, drug warriors are pursuing a new avenue of prosecution: Testing your sewage waste to see if you've been naughty or nice when it comes to using a drug Uncle Sam has deemed illegal.
What's worse, there are actually some...
 | 11/10/2014 - The practice did not begin with the Obama Administration, but it has certainly quickened during his tenure: The federal government increasingly seeks to violate basic constitutional privacy protections under the guise of "saving us" from criminal activity.
As reported recently by Bloomberg News,...
 | 11/8/2014 - We have moved into the age of Big Brother. Though not as crudely obvious as two-way TVs in everyone's dwelling the way George Orwell depicted in his novel 1984, all the electronic devices we use can be tapped into by Homeland Security, the CIA and the the NSA (National Security Agency).
Let's get...
 | 6/26/2014 - In a decision being seen as a huge victory for privacy advocates who have not had many in the digital age, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled unanimously that police must follow the Constitution if they want to search the contents of your cell phones.
The ruling, written by Chief Justice John Roberts,...
 | 6/5/2014 - Energy executives and government officials want us to believe that this worldwide effort to install 'smart' meters on every home and business are merely to reduce energy costs and protect the environment. By using deceptive terminology like, infrastructure 'upgrades' and 'green' technology, utility...
 | 5/19/2014 - In today's technologically advanced world, authorities are finding new ways to collect the average person's DNA, storing people's unique identification in databases without consent. Not held accountable, a police state can grow unchecked, swabbing people's DNA at roadside checkpoints, implementing fingerprint...
 | 3/29/2014 - Officials at Tennessee State University have implemented new rules to force students to carry ID badges that will allow them to be tracked, citing safety and security concerns following a series of criminal acts on campus.
According to local reports, it is already difficult for students to navigate...
 | 1/12/2014 - It's bad enough that traffic cameras, satellites and the National Security Agency tracks and records virtually everything you do and everywhere you go. Now the nation's major automobile makers are doing the same thing.
According to a report in The Detroit News, the tracking isn't something that buyers...
 | 8/22/2013 - The CVS/pharmacy corporation recently launched a new pharmaceutical marketing scheme that pushes customers to fill more drug prescriptions at its stores by enticing them with cash prizes and other rewards, an initiative that is now part of the company's "ExtraCare Rewards Program." But a recent investigation...
 | 7/27/2013 - Have privacy protections contained within the Constitution's Fourth Amendment become completely irrelevant in this modern age of technology? More and more unelected federal bureaucrats sure think so, as evidenced in responses to questions from members of Congress by an official of the Federal Aviation...
 | 6/17/2013 - Amid news that the National Security Agency, or NSA, has data-mined the information of millions of Americans with the help of telecom Verizon and has built the capacity to gather all electronically transmitted data on every single American at any time, comes news from the reporter who initially broke...
 | 6/16/2013 - One by one, traditionally left-wing and liberal institutions are turning on President Obama, who is perhaps the most liberal president in U.S. history, following disclosure of a series of horrific abuses of power that have taken place during his tenure.
In early June an editorial from no less than...
 | 6/8/2013 - You may not always agree with him, but one thing about Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul is that he is a consistent champion of individual rights, personal liberty and small government freedom.
These traits were on display once more in a recent interview with Wired magazine's Danger Room during a trip through...
 | 5/8/2013 - As long as it is something that enhances your safety, then any law enforcement technique used by police is acceptable in our system of government, right?
If the existence and proliferation of license plate-reading technology is any indication, the answer, apparently, is yes - especially if the readers...
 | 4/29/2013 - Don't look now, Southern Californians, but the remaining shreds of your privacy rights - and they are threadbare already, to be sure - are about to vanish into the dustbin of history, if the "see everything all of the time" crowd gets its way.
"Business and military interests" are pressuring politicians...
 | 3/15/2013 - More and more Americans are becoming leery of the ever-widening use of drones by federal agencies and domestic law enforcement, which is in and of itself disturbing, but increasingly, college students are beginning to get nervous over a rise in drone applications to the Federal Aviation Administration...
 | 3/13/2013 - No state is perfect, but Texans like to think theirs is pretty close, especially when it comes to whose elected officials are more apt to pursue policies and legislation which enhance freedom, liberty and self-reliance.
Privacy advocates and experts say two new pieces of legislation dealing with...
 | 1/2/2013 - In a move supporters say equates with the expression, "Turnabout is fair play," a local New York publication has decided to publish the names, addresses and work-related information of all employees of The Journal News, the paper that recently decided to invade the privacy of lawful handgun permit holders...
 | 11/27/2012 - Where do these insane professors come from? Maybe they're hatched from eggs in a lab. The neuroscientists, in particular, are prime candidates for the funny farm.
One wants the human brain to be recast as a hologram and planted in a robot. Another wants the robot to be made out of pure energy.
 | 11/20/2012 - Not that this Congress or president much care, but the Transportation Security Administration is growing more and more out of hand by the month (hat tip to George W. Bush and a GOP House and Senate for giving America this monstrosity of an agency).
The latest outrage was revealed by an official of...
 | 10/15/2012 - It seems like these days, abuses of our Constitution are occurring more frequently by those who have been entrusted to protect and uphold it.
U.S. attorney Nathan Judish argued recently before the 5th Circuit Court in New Orleans that the government need not obtain a probable cause search warrant...
 | 10/8/2012 - Are you one of the tens of millions of Facebook users who don't think you can live without it? If you value your privacy in a high-tech society in which 24/7 surveillance is a virtual reality - especially online - you might want to reassess just how important the site really is to you.
 | 8/25/2012 - As good as technology has been throughout the centuries for the development and advancement of Mankind, it is becoming a four-letter-word in the 21st century as it is being used more and more to rob us of our constitutionally-protected right to privacy.
In fact, it's to the point now that Leviathan...
 | 8/10/2012 - Lawmakers and privacy advocates are becoming increasingly concerned about the rising number of drones used by federal, state and local governmental entities, an effort that is being coordinated through the Department of Homeland Security.
According to the nation's foremost anti-terrorist agency,...
 | 4/30/2012 - If you're not familiar with "Washingtonspeak" - that odd, unique variance of the English language in which words don't really mean what they are supposed to mean - you might not know that the lawmakers who wrote the new Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) aren't really too concerned...
 | 4/6/2012 - The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the federal government's chief consumer protection agency, has the right idea in wanting to crack down on the invasion of our privacy by companies who buy and sell our personal information, but the approach it has chosen to address the problem is more of a band-aid...
 | 3/20/2012 - As we have warned often here at NaturalNews, the concept of personal privacy - that quaint, Fourth Amendment constitutional protection that supposedly guarantees "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures" - is all...
 | 3/1/2012 - As early as the late 1970s, there have been privacy concerns in the so-called "information age." And why not? At every stage since the widespread acceptance and use of the computer, and especially the Internet, someone has been trying to invade your privacy.
The latest infringement comes from Facebook,...
 | 3/1/2012 - Whether it is a federal agency monitoring your social Web presence or the world's largest search engine/media company violating your privacy, it's getting nearly impossible to escape the constitutional misuse of technology.
Google, the world's largest Web presence, in addition to other advertisers,...
 | 2/2/2012 - Under the guise of helping people remember to take their medications as prescribed, a new microchip product called Helius, or the Raisin Personal Monitor, will be attached to pills in the UK by the end of 2012. The product is designed by Proteus Biomedical in California. Presumably, the powers that...
 | 11/12/2010 - The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) is proceeding with a lawsuit against the TSA over its use of naked body scanners. Filed in the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, EPIC's lawsuit asks for the courts to halt the US government's use of naked body scanners altogether.
EPIC has brought...
 | 5/20/2008 - Google Health was launched with much fanfare this week, positioned by Google, Inc. as a technological solution to the rather embarrassing problem of an advanced nation still running on medical records that seem to be stuck in 1970's-era technology. The Google Health service promises to give users a...
 | 3/27/2007 - By the year 2013, nearly every American will be outfitted with a new digital ID card, according to a recent Bush administration announcement. Opponents of this legislation have been advising states to publicly oppose a system that is insufficient in protecting privacy and strips people of their identity.
 | 12/16/2006 - According to a poll released Tuesday by the Washington Post and ABC News, two thirds of Americans feel the FBI and other federal agencies are stepping on citizens' right to privacy in the course of investigating terrorism.
The survey randomly polled 1,005 Americans between Dec. 7 and Monday, giving...
 | 11/10/2006 - Radio Frequency Identification tags -- electronic tags that store data and transmit it to sensors within a certain range -- have caused controversy since it was first theorized that they could be used carry private information, but IBM claims they have an answer to privacy concerns.
On Wednesday...
| 10/23/2006 - The practices of commercial data brokers can rob consumers of their privacy, threaten them with identity theft and profile them as dead beats or security risks, according to an investigative report in Consumer Reports October Issue.
Choice Point, LexisNexis and Acxiom are among the largest of the...
| 9/21/2006 - Hactivismo, a group of computer security and privacy experts, have developed a special version of the web browser Firefox that can prevent sites from tracing where computer data departs and arrives.
The browser, named Torpark, makes the computer's Internet Protocol address -- the number that identifies...
| 6/21/2006 - Several major high-tech companies lobbied Congress on Tuesday to pass a federal consumer privacy law concerning personal data on the internet.
Representatives from the companies that make up the Consumer Privacy Legislative Forum -- including Intel Corp., eBay Inc., Symantec Corp., Google Inc., Microsoft...
 | 5/24/2005 - How important is email privacy to your business? A new email privacy survey conducted by Relemail reveals it may be far more important than you expected. The survey presents some startling statistics about how email subscribers view privacy. Let's take a closer look at these statistics and reveal what...
 | 12/5/2004 - Internet users can now access the email privacy ratings for more than 1,000 online firms in a public ratings database published at These ratings are the result of a secret audit conducted by Relemail that sought to determine the email privacy practices and anti-spam compliance behaviors...
 | 12/5/2004 - Email senders can now reassure potential subscribers and customers that their email addresses will be protected. Relemail, a new service that audits and certifies email privacy practices, launched today.
ReleMail monitors an organization's email practices and certifies those that meet stringent standards...
| 10/26/2003 5:58:21 PM - Believe it or not, there's a bill pending in the Senate that would block States from protecting the privacy of consumers. A chief supporter of this bill is Citigroup, the banking conglomerate, according to this story.
In a hilarious act of "making it personal," a group that's in favor of tighter...
| See all 164 privacy feature articles.Concept-related articles:Email:Justice Department:Law enforcement:E-mail:Investigation:Protection:Americans:Information:Crime:Communication:Constitution:University:Justice:Emails:Software:Warrant:
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