King news, articles and information:
 | 9/21/2016 - Most people who don't live in Florida are not aware that the state is kind of famous (or infamous, depending on your point of view) for sinkholes; in fact, they're fairly common.
And, as reported by Daisy Luther, you may have recently heard some scuttlebutt about a new sinkhole in the state.
 | 4/18/2016 - Fast-food franchise Burger King has introduced a massive sandwich it is calling "The Angriest Whopper."
The sandwich features all the normal burger fixings – lettuce, cheese, sauces, pickles, onions, etc. – but its marketing focuses on its brilliant red-dyed bun, which, according to published...
 | 4/12/2016 - What kind of world are we living in when a man defending himself in court is not only routinely interrupted by the judge but also jolted with 50,000 volts of electricity because he continued speaking?
It's the world of Judge Robert Christopher Nalley who, in 2014, continually treated defendant Delvon...
 | 2/24/2016 - With the rise of social media, the global domination of the internet, and the way that we have access to more and more information at our fingertips, fast food chains have come into a bit of trouble over recent years. They still have the edge when it comes to convenience, but as we start to care more...
 | 1/18/2016 - Unless a criminal investigation is launched against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), we may never know exactly what caused the August 5, 2015, Gold King Mine disaster in Colorado, while those responsible may never be held accountable for their actions.
The agency was in charge of the cleanup...
 | 12/31/2015 - In recent days, Natural News published the names of the 2015 Journalist Courage Awards to recognize some of the country's most innovative and fearless investigative journalists dedicated to honest reporting. Conversely, today we announce the names of journalistic hacks, phonies, charlatans and frauds...
 | 12/18/2015 7:44:31 PM - This past year saw a great number of journalists – new media and old – who took a stand for liberty, personal responsibility, freedom and truth, and Natural News wanted to take the opportunity to recognize and salute them.
Ben Swann: Without a doubt Mr. Swann is one of the best and brightest...
 | 12/14/2015 3:44:01 PM - Many (if not most) Facebook users have been known to regret having posted something at one point or another, but few have ever imagined the type of repercussions that a Thailand man now faces: up to 32 years in jail for merely clicking the "Like" button.
As crazy as it sounds, it's true. Thanakorn...
 | 11/24/2015 - It's been three months since the Gold King Mine spill in which millions of gallons of toxic waste were dumped into the Animas River, turning the water yellow and poisoning a stretch of the river that included two states and the Navajo Nation.
The disaster happened during a botched EPA-led cleanup...
 | 10/8/2015 - As the apparitions of Halloween come out of hiding, Burger King is pulling out a trick of their own. "Something wicked is coming," the haunting fast food juggernaut announced on their Twitter feed. Burger King launched a promo video flashing with lightning, thunder, and a black-bunned Whopper posing...
 | 9/21/2015 7:18:49 PM - As the old saying goes, nothing in this world is free. And nothing could be more not free than supposedly "free" services like Facebook, Google, Twitter and even your wireless carrier — all of which actively harvest your personal data and track your online activities in exchange for offering you...
 | 5/10/2015 - What you're about to read here is a revealing look at the psychological mechanism presently being used by government and media to achieve near-absolute control over the population. I'm calling the concept the "crisis of the NOW," and understanding this is a lot like taking the RED pill.
The "crisis...
 | 4/21/2015 - Lately, it seems that fast food restaurants are jumping on the "get healthy" bandwagon, doing everything from displaying the calorie content of their meals to hyping up the fact that they now serve salads. Because we all know that a salad will offset the health problems one can incur from ingesting...
 | 2/24/2015 - A noted global finance expert who accurately predicted more than a decade ago that the price of gold would rise and, more recently, forecast the economic unrest in Europe and downsizing of the euro says that central banks are essentially going bankrupt, which will lead to additional economic chaos in...
 | 2/8/2015 - The mainstream media can't figure out why it keeps losing readers and viewers. Maybe it's because they keep calling health-conscious consumers "whackos" and "kooks." In their latest example of alienating readers, mainstream media outlets like USA Today, Washington Post, and the New York Times...
 | 1/19/2015 - Jonathan Emord joins RSB to discuss how a large pharmaceutical company is attempting to defend itself over health claims of its product -- by using a defense that countless supplement companies have unfairly lost with! (Originally aired on October 12, 2014, on The Robert Scott Bell Show)
Don LaFontaine:...
 | 11/26/2014 - A once-heavily redacted letter sent by the FBI to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., before his death reveals that the nation's premier federal law enforcement agency once urged the civil rights leader to commit suicide.
As reported by Beverly Gage, a professor in American history at Yale, in The...
 | 11/26/2014 - With the stroke of a pen, President Obama has now set America on the path toward open rebellion and revolt. By declaring that he alone has the right to dictate immigration policy without the legislative approval of Congress, he has committed yet another lawless act in a long series of illegal schemes...
 | 11/26/2014 - A question posed by a reader has kept my mind churning ever since it was asked. The question itself was genuine and expressed a desire to change the world for the better, but hinted that he was resigned to the fact that it would get worse before it gets better. This is probably the driest article I...
 | 11/24/2014 12:00:15 PM - Life is hard and everybody gets anxious and "frazzled" sometimes, but if this is how you feel on/off all day, maybe it's because you smoke cigarettes. Maybe it's also because nicotine is only 30-minute relief for the "cigarette hangover" -- that feeling that ensues when the commercial cigarette's insecticide,...
 | 4/8/2014 - Infectious diseases that the system insists have been mostly eradicated due to the advent of vaccines are starting to reemerge, with much of the blame for this being levied on the unvaccinated, who are automatically assumed to be the culprits. But a deeper look into the history of vaccines, how they...
 | 2/8/2014 - Which "drug" store do you buy your cigarettes from? Is it Rite Aid, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Target, Kroger or CVS? Do you ask for extra-strength nicotine or do the packages not say how much you're getting? Isn't it kind of strange that the stores (pharmacies) of America, that are supposed to help you get...
 | 1/30/2014 - A new report from the surgeon general finds that smoking causes much more collateral damage than previously estimated, and the death toll includes those perishing from diseases like diabetes, colorectal cancer and liver cancer. The report was just released and reveals other diseases and disorders that...
 | 7/12/2013 - The McAfee anti-virus and security company is currently engaged in a malicious, slanderous defamation campaign against Natural News. Although the Natural News website contains no malicious code whatsoever (and has passed numerous security scans with a clean bill of health), it is being flagged by McAfee...
 | 6/20/2013 - Most people don't know about the existence of quantum computers. Almost no one understands how they work, but theories include bizarre-sounding explanations like, "they reach into alternate universes to derive the correct answers to highly complex computational problems."
Quantum computers are not...
| 6/13/2013 - Ed Snowden, NSA leaker. Honest man. Doing what was right. Bravo.
That still doesn't preclude the possibility that, unknown to him, he was managed by people to put him the right place to expose NSA secrets.
Snowden's exposure of NSA was a righteous act, because that agency is a RICO criminal. But...
 | 4/26/2013 - The boy. Abdul Rahman Alharbi. He was here, then he wasn't.
He was featured in major stories, then he wasn't.
The Ministry of Truth (controlled media) has no further concerns.
For a few hours, Alharbi was the prime suspect in the Boston bombing. Then he was a person of interest.
Then he...
 | 4/25/2013 - In the latest example of government overreach and outright paranoia following the Boston Marathon terrorist attack, a New York Republican congressman is actually calling for a measure that would require retailers to inform cops when customers buy innocuous items that could be, somehow, someday, perhaps,...
 | 3/11/2013 - Mention a problem to just about anyone and you'll be inundated with positive advice. "Things will get better soon. Just keep a positive outlook. Chin up, my friend! Behind every dark cloud is a silver lining. When one door closes, another opens. Your attitude determines your altitude. You'll be fine....
| 2/24/2013 - Nightmares, out-of-control aggressive behavior, extreme sadness and passivity, confusion, hallucinations, mania, brain damage, suicide, homicide---these are just a few central effects of psychiatric drugs.
Read the staggering statistics reported by Robert Whitaker, the author of Mad in America: "The...
 | 2/3/2013 - If you've been eating at Burger King recently, you've been snarfing down ground-up alien flesh. That's the result of a new DNA test that Burger King ordered after its recent horse meat scare in which one of its food processors admitted using horse flesh alongside beef.
What Burger King didn't expect...
 | 11/20/2012 - Here is a famous riddle:
In the land of Capra, a king called three of his servants to the court. The king blindfolded each servant, and then placed a hat on each servant's head. The king said truthfully to the servants, "You are wearing either a white hat or a blue hat, but at least one of you is...
 | 11/17/2012 - Ron Paul's recent farewell speech is arguably the single most important speech in American history. Dr. Paul lays out the fatal problems facing America while pulling no punches. This speech is a must-read piece by anyone who seeks to understand the real reasons why America remains in a downward spiral...
| 7/31/2012 - People don't get it. The media don't get it and they don't want to get it. Billions of dollars are riding on the drugs Dr. Lynne Fenton may have prescribed to her patient, James Holmes, the accused Batman shooter.
And when billions of dollars in potentially lost revenue are hanging in the balance,...
 | 5/15/2012 - Health freedom champions Dr. Nick Gonzales and Suzanne Somers guest star on the Robert Scott Bell Show to talk about what they're doing to spread the truth about serious issues like cancer that the media has been trying to censor and keep from the public. Suzanne Somers is a famous health advocate and...
 | 4/28/2012 - The latest fast food chain to alter its image in an attempt to appeal to the health-conscious crowd is Burger King, which announced recently that it will begin using only "cage-free" chicken eggs and pork products at its restaurants. One major problem with this, though, is that the term "cage-free"...
 | 4/19/2012 - In the race to be the most offensive junk food providers in the world, U.S. fast food giants are rolling out disgusting and health-destroying menu concoctions that come close to activating the gag reflex.
Burger King, for example, is now actively testing a bacon sundae, consisting of a (processed,...
 | 7/8/2011 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
 | 7/3/2011 - Happy July 4th, my fellow Americans. It's the Independence Day weekend! Independence from what, you might ask? As even the somewhat revisionist history taught in public schools readily admits, July 4th is a celebration of independence from government tyranny under British rule.
And what kind of government...
| 4/30/2011 - The movie, The King's Speech, received huge publicity and plaudits. It tells of the major speech impediment suffered by King George VI of England - referred to as a stammer or stutter - and particularly of the attempts to overcome it with the help of a speech therapist.
King George was born in 1895...
| 3/2/2011 - "I believe what prevents men from accepting the homeopathic principles is ignorance, but ignorance is criminal when human lives are at stake. No honest man faced with the facts of homeopathy can refuse to accept it. He has no choice. When I had to face it, I had to become a follower. There was no choice...
 | 5/10/2010 - The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF), an organization whose mission includes "defending the rights and broadening the freedoms of family farms and protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient dense foods", recently filed a lawsuit against the FDA for its ban on interstate sales of...
| 3/3/2010 - In the first Paxil birth defect trial against GlaxoSmithKline, much of evidence focused on the doctors on Glaxo's payroll involved in the corruption of the medical literature and seminars given to promote the off label use of Paxil with pregnant and nursing mothers.
On October 13, 2009, the trial...
 | 10/23/2009 - What do you get when you combine a good operating system with a ridiculously bad idea of a burger? Burger King's news "Windows 7 Whopper," made with 7 beef patties and sold for ¥777 (Yen).
The seven-decker processed beef burger clocks in at 1,000 calories, reports FoxNews. It's offered only...
| 8/28/2009 - Health care reform is the hottest debate around, but unfortunately, Washington has it all wrong. Health care reform shouldn't be about who is going to pay for more drugs for people; health care reform should be about how to create and keep healthy people, so that symptoms of disease aren't apparent...
| 8/18/2009 - Cayenne pepper has been called "the king of herbs" with good reason, as it has been prized for thousands of years for its healing powers. Folklore from around the world has recounted amazing results in its simple healing of baffling health problems.
The famed herbal healer Dr. Shulze said, "If you...
| 8/8/2009 - Durian is a little known fruit from Asia that has an extremely pungent smell and an amazingly sweet taste. The smell of the durian fruit is so bad that many hotels in the areas where durian grows will not allow their guests to have the fruit in their rooms. But those who brave the smell are quickly...
| 5/24/2009 - For years, I've been a strong proponent of astaxanthin, a remarkable nutrient sometimes called "King of the carotenoids!" Derived from microalgae (and also found in wild salmon), astaxanthin is on my list as one of the top three most important nutrients for human health. I take an astaxanthin supplement...
| 2/4/2009 - What do the top authors, doctors and health experts have to say about the realtionship between omega-3 fatty acids and inflammation? I asked my Private Research Library that question recently and was overwhelmed with the remarkable wisdom it revealed.
Below, I share the top quotes from noted authors...
 | 12/28/2008 - In today's world full of confusion and conflicting information on supplements and supplementation, it`s often very hard to know what to take or even whether we should be taking any supplements at all. You need to know the truth on this subject and to know what is worth your time and money and what is...
 | 11/6/2008 - This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger reporting for . This article is a transcript of the audio from Health Ranger Report #11, available here:
Today, I'm bringing you some rather disturbing news about the Supreme Court's decision...
 | 10/21/2008 - NaturalNews has learned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is running a criminal extortion racket designed to drain cash from health supplement companies and shift it into the pockets of top FDA contractors. This organized crime operation has been running for years, and it has operated with impunity...
 | 10/20/2008 - Ruth Ann Plourde suddenly interrupted the workshop as her class was trying to recreate the graceful but agonizingly slow T'ai Chi forms she'd taught moments before. "How's the monkey chatter now?" she asked. "Are you feeling in the present?" (Image of Plourde demonstrating T'ai Chi at Restore, a holistic...
 | 10/8/2008 - In 1942, German intelligence officers rounded up skilled Jewish prisoners and launched Operation Bernhardt, a clever scheme designed to counterfeit hundreds of millions of dollars worth of British Pounds and destroy the British economy by flooding it with counterfeit money. Located in the Sachsenhausen...
 | 10/3/2008 - Dana Ullman has written numerous articles for magazines, academic journals, authored many books, organized conferences for homeopaths (for 20 years he organized the annual conference for the National Center for Homeopathy in the U.S.) and is often quoted in various media and internet sites. This interview...
 | 10/1/2008 - The media is applauding a recent announcement by Burger King introducing new healthy menu items designed to appeal to kids. Apparently the term 'healthy' is relative. While it may be a baby step in the right direction, one is left thinking, "Gee, Burger King, is this really the best you can do?"
 | 9/24/2008 - When Ron and Nadine from the Living Libations beauty care and chocolate company ( attempted to fly to the United States in August of this year, they ran into something completely unexpected: Drug-sniffing dogs at the Toronto airport. When their dogs took a special interest in...
 | 9/11/2008 - A video posted on the Internet shows an employee of a Burger King located in Xenia, Ohio, taking a bubble bath inside of a sink in the kitchen, according to a report by Megan O'Rourke of WDTN News. A video of the whole charade, which was taken by another employee, is currently available for viewing...
 | 8/20/2008 - The media is applauding a recent announcement by Burger King introducing new healthy menu items designed to appeal to kids. Apparently the term 'healthy' is relative. While it may be a baby step in the right direction, one is left thinking, "Gee, Burger King, is this really the best you can do?"
 | 1/31/2008 - The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has gone ballistic over a fictional television program airing on ABC that shows a family successfully suing a vaccine manufacturer for their child's autism. Not satisfied to push dangerous vaccines onto children in the real world, the AAP now feels it must also...
 | 10/24/2007 - This is the second annual publication of NaturalNews's "Education, Not Medication" program designed to teach women the truth about how to prevent and even cure breast cancer. This disease is 90 percent preventable, mostly using completely free therapies. The breast cancer industry does not want women...
 | 10/4/2007 - The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) filed a lawsuit recently against Burger King for knowingly harming its customers, increasing their risk of heart disease and early death by refusing to stop cooking with partially hydrogenated oils.
Cooking oils are artificially hydrogenated to...
 | 11/3/2006 - In the United Kingdom, Burger King appears to be struggling with sales due to the renewed interest in healthy eating by its British consumers.
Burger King -- the world's second-largest hamburger vendor -- indicated that its 650 British stores are continuing to see falling sales while sales in other...
 | 7/13/2006 - Many experts name Ray Kroc, founder of the McDonald's franchise, and Walt Disney as the pioneers of child-focused marketing, since they first recognized children as a separate marketing demographic from adults in the 1960s. For Kroc and Disney, the decision was a pragmatic business move. "A child who...
| 5/31/2006 - Rolling through virtually any reasonably populous city or town in America, one encounters a surreal landscape blighted by grotesque temples to America's twin gods of Capitalism and Consumerism. As an increasing number of individual proprietors are driven to extinction, Wal-Mart, McDonald's, and hundreds...
 | 3/6/2006 - Mike: I'm here with Jeanne Jennings. Could you introduce yourself and talk about your background? I know you have an MBA and a lot of experience in email marketing, but how did get started with The Jennings Report?
Jennings: I actually got into the online world back in the 1980s. When I graduated...
 | 1/19/2006 - The following is the full text of a speech given by Al Gore at Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C., Monday, January 16, 2006. We feature it here due to its importance in explaining exactly why recent actions by President Bush are a grave threat to freedom. Bush's actions can only be described as a "war...
 | 1/10/2006 - Mike Espy, Spiro Agnew, the Bolsheviks -- why, even Thomas Edison participated in bribery. African American civil rights activist W.E.B. DuBois exposed the connections between bribery, exploitation and the "new capitalism" of his day; however, bribery was an epidemic even in ancient civilizations, widespread...
 | 8/30/2005 - As part of an ongoing investigation into Hoodia Gordonii supplements sold around the world, Truth Publishing has now learned that eleven out of seventeen brand-name hoodia supplements have failed a laboratory analysis of authenticity. The laboratory tests, conducted by Alkemist Pharmaceuticals in Costa...
| 1/18/2004 9:07:44 AM - It's rare that I have any praise for a fast food chain, but in this
case, I applaud Burger King's move to offer bunless hamburgers to their
customers. It's being done in response to consumer demand and the
accelerating popularity of the Atkins diet, the South Beach Diet, and
other low-carb diets....
| See all 208 King feature articles.Concept-related articles:Prescription drugs:The FDA:FDA:Consumers:Food:Authority:Drugs:Companies:WHO:Profits:Drug:Prices:Financial:Prescription:Fast food:Restaurants:
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