America news, articles and information:
 | 12/2/2016 - Dear Donald Trump: As long as we're draining the swamp, let's also drain the lying leftist media swamp with all the other swamp scum.
It's time to banish the lying mainstream media from the White House press corps. Why give these hateful, anti-American propaganda rags direct access to you, your travel...
 | 11/27/2016 - Instead of stepping back for some self introspection after being handed a stunning defeat in the elections, the political left has declared that the whole world is wrong. These communist-leaning radicals now believe it's their job to correct the "errors" of the election by putting Hillary Clinton in...
 | 11/26/2016 - Fidel Castro, now dead at 90, was a communist tyrant who oppressed his people, ordered the deaths of his political enemies, and turned Cuba into such a human hell that tens of thousands of his own citizens risked their lives to flee the island nation in search of freedom.
Today, thousands of Cuban...
 | 11/25/2016 - I had to interrupt my high-level meeting with Vladamir Putin to bring you this breaking story: According to the Washington Post, Natural News is working for the Russians to overthrow America's journalism with Russian propaganda.
Read the astonishing accusation via The Gateway Pundit, All News Pipeline...
 | 11/24/2016 - When pondering what, exactly, we might give thanks for on this Thanksgiving holiday, it's worth remembering that throughout human history, most people have lived under absolute tyranny. They were "subjects" of kings, or emperors or tyrants pretending to be gods.
Yet America is something different....
 | 11/20/2016 - You may not know it yet, but in electing Donald Trump our next President, we all dodged a huge bullet. Hillary Clinton is a seething, evil criminal who despises the independent media. Had she attained the presidency, she would have shut down Natural News and imprisoned all the leaders of the alternative...
 | 11/20/2016 - Over the last year and a half, the dishonest (and failed) left-wing media created a monstrous caricature of Donald Trump, scaring their audience half to death with slanderous depictions of the man that simply aren't true.
As someone who has long stood up for truth and honesty against the corrupt...
 | 11/17/2016 - The Navajo Tribe is hoping to begin growing industrial hemp on its native lands next year, but there are numerous hurdles to be cleared before the first seeds can be planted.
The tribe has signed a resolution and entered into the final stages of an agreement with Native American-owned CannaNative,...
 | 11/16/2016 - As I'm asking myself when I'm going to return Natural News to its usual format of covering health, nutrition and disease prevention, I'm struck by the realization that the left wing media is now the single greatest cause of psychological stress and mental illness in America. While Hillary Clinton's...
 | 11/14/2016 - In the days following President-elect Donald J. Trump's historic upset victory over the mainstream media's (MSM's) handpicked candidate, Hillary Clinton, demonstrations, violence and threats of assassination against the real estate mogul-turned-politician have continued to proliferate. One of the main...
 | 11/13/2016 - Members of the leftist media smugly claim they advocate love, compassion and progressivism, but any honest analysis of their content leads to the conclusion that their reporters are journo-terrorists. They deliberately fabricate falsehoods about their political enemies to effectively hypnotize their...
 | 11/11/2016 - Is anyone surprised? The very same leftists who wagged their finger at candidate Donald Trump and demanded he "accept the outcome of the election" and "respect democracy" are now burning flags, rioting in the streets and torching buildings in their own collapsing cities.
As it turns out, it is the...
 | 11/11/2016 - Defying every odd, prediction, and poll that said he couldn't win, and every politician, media pundit, and wishful thinker who said he wouldn't win, it was everyday Americans from all walks of life who had the final say on November 8th at the voting booth. And their choice, much to the chagrin of the...
 | 11/11/2016 - Most people believe that if they eat some vegetables here and there, and lay off the junk food most of the time, that their weight, health, heart and mind will be just fine. Maybe so 50 or 60 years ago, but not anymore.
Our grandparents' and great grandparents' food wasn't doused with chemical insecticides,...
 | 11/10/2016 - Now that the voters have wholly rejected the retarded, delusional leftist vision for America -- which we might as well just call "liberal suicide" -- the real character of the left is on full display. Today, angry liberals are turning to extreme violence and hatred, calling for the killing of Trump...
 | 11/9/2016 - To all Natural News fans, readers and patriots:
Last night we struck a devastating blow against the establishment, acting in self-defense to protect our nation, our liberties and our Constitution.
Today I declare "LOVE WINS" because it is love for America that inspired us to collectively achieve...
 | 11/9/2016 - Donald J. Trump will be the next President of the United States.
The evil, demonic, mass murdering Hillary Clinton has been defeated.
This is VICTORY for all Americans, even the uninformed, ignorant morons who voted for Hillary.
Notably, Natural News has consistently predicted a Donald Trump...
 | 11/8/2016 - Today We the People are taking America back from the lawless, corrupt, incompetent criminals running Washington and the lying leftist media.
We're going to start by rejecting Hillary Clinton and the entire corrupt political class, most of whom belong in prison, not in high office.
Next, we're...
 | 11/4/2016 - To all the men and women of the FBI who are now working diligently to bring down the corrupt DOJ and the criminal Clinton cartel, We the People support your effort!
Agents in the FBI are right now seeking to topple the criminal corruption at the DOJ by targeting all the following individuals who...
 | 11/2/2016 - A Democratic presidential nominee – Hillary Clinton, who is by far the "establishment candidate" in this year's presidential race – wants to take over from another Democratic president, Barack Obama. She is promising to carry on his "successful" economic policies by promising to essentially...
 | 11/1/2016 - Dirty Donna Brazile. Political filth on display. The stench of dirty democrat tactics has now reached a new, nauseating milestone in America with the revelation that "Dirty" Donna Brazile, a DNC operative working for Clinton, smuggled debate questions out of CNN and handed them over to the Clinton camp...
 | 10/30/2016 - It's not just that the corruption and criminality of the Clintons knows no bounds; it's also that the democrat political machine trying to thrust her into power also has total disregard for democracy, truth and ethics. Their mission? Put our nation's worst political criminal into the White House by...
 | 10/28/2016 - To even call this 2016 president election an "election" is a cruel joke. Democracy is supposed to be about open, fair and free elections, and those elections must be predicated on open, fair and free access to information so that voters can make an informed decision. Yet all we have today is a media...
 | 10/26/2016 - The entire leftist media is not merely dishonest and corrupt, their science writers are unbelievably stupid and ill-informed about nearly everything in the natural world. Today, after months of printing fear-inducing "Zika terrorism" stories that scared America half to death while convincing the government...
 | 10/25/2016 - McClatchy is now reporting that Obamacare premiums are skyrocketing another 25% in 2017, thrusting health insurance premiums into the stratosphere. With the American middle class now being devastated by rising health insurance premiums and Obamacare's confiscatory tax penalties for non-compliance, traumatized...
 | 10/24/2016 - My ANALYSIS of possible outcomes from the upcoming presidential election reveals that America only has a 5% chance of remaining peaceful after November 8. This does not mean the violence will occur on November 9th, but rather that events will be set into motion on that day which will lead to an escalation...
 | 10/23/2016 - As Dave Hodges has correctly pointed out in this article, both the New York Times and Washington Post have been interviewing pro-Trump supporters who are warning readers about the possibility of an armed citizens' revolt if Hillary Clinton steals the White House.
I was interviewed last week by a...
 | 10/22/2016 - Donald J. Trump just delivered an historic speech that lays out his plan for the first 100 days in office.
Highlights are listed here. Actual quotes from Donald Trump shown in italics.
The system is totally rigged and broken.
The dishonest mainstream media is a major part of this corruption....
 | 10/21/2016 - In a little over two weeks, we're going to find out whether we have a country anymore. If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, she will preside over an illegitimate, illegal dictatorship that was seized through massive fraud, collusion and corruption at every level.
Without all the fraud, collusion...
 | 10/19/2016 - This is an urgent news flash to all Americans. Share widely.
It is now apparent that the same media which has rigged every debate, every question, every Clinton appearance, every act of "Trump rally" violence, every female accuser of Donald Trump and every poll is preparing to rig the voting results...
 | 10/19/2016 - My Personal Introduction to Conventional Cancer Treatment Began in 1995
The surgeon pointed his pen at a large tumor on the CAT scan and began to explain the procedure for removing the colon cancer. He then paused for a moment and said to my wife, "This isn't your biggest problem." He then began to...
 | 10/18/2016 - A 13-year-old teen fighting a rare type of cancer has provided an inspiring example by turning her wish from the Make-a-Wish Foundation into a food drive for needy people.
Emma Allred's selfless generosity resulted in the donation of more than 13,000 pounds of food at a charity event she organized...
 | 10/17/2016 - For decades, the Democratic party has pushed policies that have turned America's inner cites into islands of profound impoverishment — neighborhoods where shattered families are often housed, doctored, educated, and fed by bureaucrats.
(Article by Jerome Hudson, republished from
 | 10/13/2016 - If you're not following the flurry of email dumps now being released every 24 hours by Wikileaks, you're missing out on the most damning revelations of systemic government corruption in the history of this nation.
The emails reveal unprecedented criminal collusion between the State Dept., the Clinton...
 | 10/10/2016 - We saw it all in the debate last night. Hillary Clinton wants background checks for gun purchases but not for immigrants. She's completely clueless about why Obamacare is imploding and wants us all to believe that her NEW promises on "fixing" the failed system will be more credible than the OLD promises...
 | 10/9/2016 - There's no longer any question whatsoever about whether Trump is an insider or outsider. The all-out attack on Trump by the leftist media, democrats and the republican establishment now confirm that the political elite are terrified of Donald Trump and will do anything to stop him.
As proof, just...
 | 10/1/2016 - On Sunday, October 9th at 9 pm, the eyes of much of the nation will once again be on TV for round 2 of our very own 'Thrilla in Manilla', the presidential debates featuring Donald Trump vs 'War Criminal' Clinton.
(Article by Stefan Stanford, republished from
While Trump tells...
 | 9/30/2016 - Ready to have your worldview blown away with a shocking realization? Consider the following. You know how bombarding bacterial populations with antibiotics actually makes them stronger? Turns them into superbugs that can survive almost anything? Now consider this stunning realization: As western civilization...
 | 9/29/2016 - MY HEART GOES OUT to those injured in this morning's NJ train accident. My hope for all Americans is that we can all live in a safer, more just and more free society.
On September 18th, I predicted the unleashing of a massive false flag attack against America's transportation infrastructure. In this...
 | 9/26/2016 - Natural News readers have long known that my core mission in life is to protect and defend life. Hillary Clinton -- and every evil institution trying to push her into the White House -- means death to all the things that most Americans hold dear. In this article, I list some of the many things that...
 | 9/24/2016 - Just when you thought the delusional insanity if the irrational, apologist left couldn't get any more absurd, now a terrorist apologist "research fellow" at the University of Austin, Texas -- yeah, the same place where dildo waving students recently held a "cocks not Glocks" anti-gun protest -- has...
 | 9/23/2016 - An Environmental Working Group review of government water analysis data reveals that 75% of drinking water in America is contaminated with cancer-causing hexavalent chromium (also known as chromium-6). In a widely publicized report, EWG warns that 200 million Americans are right now being exposed to...
 | 9/22/2016 - You didn't really think the criminal cabal of globalists was going to idly stand by and let the voters elect an anti-establishment candidate, did you? According to the latest insider buzz I'm hearing, a staged event of historic magnitude is set to take place in the next six days that will end the populist...
 | 9/19/2016 - As yet more proof of the complete lunacy of "gun free zones" and the truly delusional argument that society would be safer if all the law abiding citizens were stripped of firearms by a totalitarian government, guess who just stopped the Minnesota mall murderer over the weekend? A man with a concealed...
 | 9/18/2016 - Less than 20 days ago, I warned Natural News readers that "chaos will erupt across America in less than 100 days," specifically explaining that the frustrated political left will "go full terror" across America's cities.
Yesterday, the bombings began (and Trump hasn't even won the election yet!).
 | 9/12/2016 - The U.S. Government has been caught conducting an insane amount of vile, inhumane, and grisly experiments on humans without their consent... and often without their knowledge. These are the thirteen most evil, creepy, disturbing cases of human-testing ever conducted by the United States of America.
 | 9/8/2016 - As experts and Americans familiar with smart meters know, they represent a huge privacy violation. They are also inherently unsafe, yet you won't hear much about that in the mainstream media.
Smart meters began to spread to homes and businesses some years ago, with power companies claiming that they...
 | 8/30/2016 - The clock is ticking for America. There are 70 days remaining until the presidential election, and after the results are counted, America will be a tinderbox ready to explode no matter who wins.
What follows is an educated analysis of the political friction now escalating in America. Note carefully...
 | 8/23/2016 - A vaccine scandal has erupted in China.
Time Magazine reports ("China Vaccine Scandal Prompts Angry Backlash From Parents and Doctors," 3/22/2016):
"Furious parents and health care professionals in China are demanding to know how almost $90 million of improperly stored and potentially fatal vaccines...
 | 8/21/2016 - One of the most remarkable observations of our time is how the things we've been saying in the independent media for years are now becoming mainstream.
Case in point: Today's op-ed piece by Michael Goodwin of the New York Post sounds almost exactly like something I would have written here on Natural...
 | 8/21/2016 - With every ignorant news organization across America now pushing Americans to slather their skin with DEET chemicals as a defense against Zika mosquitoes, there's something every American needs to know: DEET is one chemical component of a binary chemical weapon system currently being carpet bombed onto...
 | 8/19/2016 - Neighborhoods where kids face the highest risk of lead poisoning exist all across America.
The trouble is that exposure risk is surprisingly difficult estimate, due to a variety of state-by-state differences in reporting standards. So we worked with epidemiologists in Washington state to estimate...
 | 8/18/2016 - Donald Trump is polling at about two-thirds support in real polls compromised of real people, while Hillary Clinton's support is waning. When people are allowed to vote anonymously, Trump surges to 64% support, while Clinton drops to 36%, we've now seen in the Zip question and answer app. As reported...
 | 8/11/2016 - Harvard University scientists just published the results of an enormous scientific investigation that finds millions of Americans are exposed to deadly chemicals in the water supply. The study is described in this Harvard University announcement and says that researchers found toxic chemicals in the...
 | 8/2/2016 - After witnessing how Reuters just blatantly cooked the presidential election polls this week to favor Clinton and how the mainstream media is so terrifyingly biased in favor of Clinton that the very foundation of democracy is now in crisis, it's time to tell you something that perhaps a lot more people...
 | 7/20/2016 - Americans are workaholics. It's been a staple of our culture since the industrial revolution, continued by the baby boomers of the 50s, and very much the norm in modern day living.
While being a hard worker is an exemplary quality, excessively working without taking breaks can have severe negative...
 | 7/14/2016 - The more that the global governing elite and agribusiness corporatists try to push genetically modified foods down our throats, the more resistance they meet, and that is a good thing, not only for humanity, but for the environment as well.
The most recent push-back is coming from what many might...
 | 7/11/2016 - This isn't a long article. It's a short piece put together after three days of contemplation on the insanity and violence that has now exploded across America. The situation is so severe that I haven't been able to think about much else.
I'm convinced that the events in Dallas were designed to stoke...
 | 7/8/2016 - STATEMENT FROM NATURAL NEWS PUBLISHER MIKE ADAMS: I realize this statement has nothing to do with natural health, nutrition or GMOs. But as a Texan, a firearms owner and a long-time supporter of local law enforcement, I am appalled, disgusted and nauseated by the mass shooting of law enforcement officers...
 | 7/5/2016 - Earlier today, FBI director James Comey magically cleared democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton of any risk of criminal prosecution related to her classified email violations. In a live press conference that was obviously scripted, Comey confirmed that Hillary Clinton sent or received at least...
 | 6/29/2016 - IMPORTANT UPDATE: Whole Foods was just caught blatantly LYING about everything covered in this article. CEO Walter Robb has been captured on video admitting total support for Monsanto-engineered GMO fake labeling law that kills Vermont GMO labeling bill. Whole Foods takes to social media to LIE to everyone,...
 | 6/21/2016 - Our citizen-powered EPA Watch program has now resulted in the open source publishing of heavy metals contamination tests of 230 municipal water samples across America. The results show that two to three per cent of the U.S. water is highly contaminated with toxic heavy metals, poisoning an estimated...
 | 6/13/2016 - Natural News does not cover politics as a news focus, yet in the wake of the massacre of 50 innocent Americans in Orlando, I feel a strong humanitarian responsibility to warn all Natural News readers about the danger we all now face due to our federal government's runaway incompetence and abandonment...
 | 6/5/2016 - America is being destroyed by a cancer. That cancer winds its way through the politics of the federal government, the sleazebag lying media (that hates America, by the way) and the runaway criminality of regulators like the EPA, FDA and CDC.
The cancer is CORRUPTION... yet that word doesn't even...
 | 5/23/2016 - New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows a significant jump in the suicide rate in America in the years from 1999 to 2014. The rise has been particularly sharp among women and girls. Is it any coincidence that the percentage of Americans who take antidepressants nearly...
 | 5/20/2016 - The AFI: The American Food Industry. What a shame that more than 90 percent of all conventional foods cause obesity, cancer, diabetes, dementia, arthritis, inflammation, fibromyalgia, brittle bones, strokes, lowered IQ and heart disease. One of the courses available at Harvard University, Center for...
 | 5/12/2016 - Why would a media outlet take the time to criticize healthy eating? Why would a media outlet attack positive organizations that promote organic foods and transparency in the marketplace? Why would the media outlet in question – Forbes – attack a great pro-organic organization like Moms Across...
 | 4/26/2016 - Americans enamored with Sen. Bernie Sanders' socialist economic plans – which essentially amount to taxing the rich (a lot – to the point where they'd leave the country), along with everyone who earns a wage, so that government could make lots of things like college, healthcare and day care...
 | 4/24/2016 - For those who wonder why, as the editor of Natural News, I carry a loaded weapon with me at all times, consider how often whistleblowers who threaten to expose government conspiracy crimes end up dead. In just the last few days, a water treatment plant foreman who could have testified against the corrupt...
 | 4/1/2016 - Experimental crops genetically engineered to withstand high doses of pesticides are growing all over the U.S., and in some cases illegally. However, rarely does the biotech industry suffer repercussions, as the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the agency responsible for oversight, largely ignores...
 | 3/28/2016 - With a massive backlash now mounting against Robert De Niro for censoring an independent film on vaccines, the Tribeca Film Festival has been subjected to intense scrutiny across independent media as journalists seek to discover who got to De Niro and what did they threaten him with?
After being...
 | 3/22/2016 - The path that pilgrims once cut, through rugged landscapes and across great rivers, has been paved over. The men who pounded the stakes and laid the railroads across the plains are now just dust, watching Amtrak trains roll over the tracks they once built. The homesteads that once provided organic produce...
 | 3/16/2016 - Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz suffered nationwide devastating defeats at the polls just one day after denouncing health-conscious Americans as "anti-science zealots" for their opposition to GMOs. In a shameless endorsement of agrichemical giant Monsanto during an Iowa speech, Cruz made it...
 | 3/15/2016 - U.S. presidential candidate and Texas senator Ted Cruz went all-in for Monsanto on the campaign trail in Iowa, parroting Monsanto's propaganda by proclaiming that GMOs are feeding the world while insulting health-conscious consumers by equating support of GMO labeling with "anti-science zealotry."
 | 3/5/2016 - Dr. Charles R. Attwood, a board certified pediatrician and Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, has spent 35 years teaching the world about the impacts of nutrition and fitness. His involvement in national health and nutrition policy is the reason the 1996 U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans...
 | 2/28/2016 - Almost two months ago, state officials in Flint, Michigan, finally ran out of places to hide and the people throughout America learned the painful truth. Although it was more than obvious that changing Flint's water supply had been an absurd and utterly irresponsible decision, the residents were forced...
 | 2/9/2016 - You may have heard it put something along these lines: GMOs have been around for years and nobody's gotten sick from them, so stop worrying about their safety. This convenient industry cop-out runs counter to the findings of a new study published in the Journal of Organic Systems, which links massive...
 | 2/7/2016 - Billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump tapped into a vein of seething anger when, as he announced his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, he addressed the issue of illegal immigration.
Trump's plan, in a nutshell, was radical but just what a vast swath of Americans wanted to hear...
 | 1/28/2016 - Things are better today in America than they were during the first few years of the Obama presidency, when the Great Recession was in full swing, and unemployment was high.
Or so we're told.
While the employment rate is certainly lower today than at its peak of 10 percent, what is also true is...
 | 1/14/2016 - Addiction to mobile devices is a growing problem in America. It's gotten to the point where people are so distracted that they will walk right into traffic, fall off train platforms, or even fall right off a cliff.
As Americans plug their entire existence into their mobile devices, they give away...
 | 12/31/2015 - In addition to posting all my new podcasts on and iTunes, I've just opened up a new SoundCloud account to carry all my new audio commentary.
Now you can get my informed, intelligent and totally uncensored commentary almost any way you wish! I also post these on my YouTube channel,...
 | 12/31/2015 - It is hard to remember a presidential administration that is as anti-Second Amendment as the Obama White House, to the point that it would prefer that ordinary Americans (to include schoolchildren), should literally be put at risk and killed.
But that's what the Obama administration would prefer,...
 | 12/28/2015 - The gap between upper-income and middle-class Americans is greater than ever, according to a recent study published by the Pew Research Institute.
The report, based on data from the Federal Reserve, indicates that the median wealth for high-income families is now nearly seven times that of middle-class...
 | 12/25/2015 - Most Americans don't want to believe they could elect a president who would actively seek to undermine the country and destroy many of our fundamental institutions, but after nearly seven years of onetime community organizer Barack Hussein Obama as president, millions of voters are convinced that he...
 | 12/24/2015 - Just days ago, radio hosts Kurt Haskell and Dean Ryan filed a bombshell report regarding the ongoing U.S. immigration and border crisis, namely that scores of refugees from Cuba are streaming into Central America in an attempt to make it to the States.
Reporting from the Panama-Costa...
 | 12/23/2015 - Are you an American who observes, enjoys and takes full advantage of your right to "keep and bear arms," as enumerated under the Second Amendment to the Constitution?
If so, you're little more than a degenerate Islamic terrorist, like those who just killed 14 citizens in San Bernardino, Calif., this...
 | 12/18/2015 - The GOP just committed financial suicide for America, approving a 2,000 page, $1.1 trillion spending bill that gives away everything and adds hundreds of billions of dollars to the national debt.
With the debt already approaching $20 trillion, America is rapidly accelerating toward its own inevitable...
 | 12/18/2015 - Around 46 million Americans now regularly depend on food banks and soup kitchens to keep themselves and their families from going hungry.
That figure accounts for one-out-of-seven people in the United States, and the need for these facilities is growing – despite the alleged current 'economic...
 | 12/15/2015 - Here's the good news: The chaos and upheaval we see all around us have historical precedents and yet America survived. The bad news: Everything likely will get worse before it gets better again. (Story by Michael Goodwin, republished from
That's my chief takeaway from "Shattered Consensus,"[1]...
 | 12/11/2015 - From small towns to big cities, Americans are being conditioned to live in a nanny-state culture, where neighbors live in fear of one another, and people are encouraged to report "suspicious" behavior to authorities. Government agencies of all shapes and sizes – the FBI, the NSA, Homeland Security,...
 | 12/10/2015 - No matter how desperately the leftist media tries to destroy Donald Trump, all they do is make him more famous and more popular. Every time Trump says something the left deems to be politically incorrect -- illegal aliens are rapists, radical Muslims celebrated the 9/11 Twin Tower attacks, the UK has...
 | 12/10/2015 - "As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air -- however slight -- lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness." --...
 | 12/10/2015 - Once again GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump has offered a policy proposal that has the purveyors of politically correct foreign policy up in arms and calling for his ousting from the race.
In a statement meant to garner support following the Obama administration's abject failure to detect...
 | 12/9/2015 - According to the latest poll from the Pew Research Center – which was based on 6,000 interviews – close to 80 percent of Americans severely distrust the U.S. government.(1)
The poll, conducted between August and October 2015, demonstrates that most people are frustrated with...
 | 12/7/2015 - Americans were told after the election of Barack Obama that our nation had turned a corner on a great many issues – racism, equal opportunity and political cooperation. But now, with just a year left in Obama's second and final term, more and more Americans are convinced that things are worse...
 | 12/6/2015 - It is now obvious to nearly everyone that the leftist mainstream media is actively working on the same team as ISIS. Not only has this media -- the NYT, CNN, WashPost, etc. -- deliberately covered up the real threat of ISIS and radical Islam in America; it is now demanding that all Americans be disarmed...
 | 12/6/2015 - Here's a shocking statistic that helps explain why America is doomed: Only 3% of the country's educational institutions require students to take even a single class in economics before they're allowed to graduate. SOURCE.
In fact, only 2% of the country's colleges and universities require a solid...
 | 12/4/2015 - CEOs of private health insurance companies didn't know what to expect after the Affordable Care Act became law in 2010. Some insurance CEOs feared the new government rules would restrict their ability to stay in business, ultimately bankrupting the private health insurance sector, to usher in an all-out...
 | 12/3/2015 - Mainstream media clamor for mandatory vaccines, ignoring official statistics that show the drug is more dangerous than the disease. Should government force parents to vaccinate their children?
The deaths of more than 100 children have been officially linked to receiving a measles vaccine during the...
 | 11/26/2015 - "Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world."—Daniel...
 | 11/25/2015 - Why would a news reporter advocate that terrorists target "ignorant, flag-waving" Americans? Why would he make such a divisive, threatening statement to his fellow countrymen and women?
Bill Grimes, a news reporter for the Effingham Daily News (EDN), did just that, writing out a hard-to-swallow line...
 | 11/25/2015 - If the Obama administration is adept at one thing, it's trivializing some of the most complex problems and issues.
The White House has once again turned to social media to push a favored issue, despite the fact that most of the American public and at least half the members of Congress are opposed...
 | 11/21/2015 - Wait! What? If you make an entire country practically a "gun-free" zone, then naturally gun violence and crime will disappear, right?
That's what liberals believe, because everywhere they are in charge, one of the first things they like to do is to make everyone dependent on them – for their...
 | 11/20/2015 - After writing one of my most recent articles with regard to what typically happens when a currency collapse occurs, due to a currency devaluation, takes down a country's economy as the Chinese are gobbling up all of our important economic assets, many people wrote to me asking me when is the total collapse...
 | 11/15/2015 - While the mainstream media and President Obama pretended radicalized Muslims were warm, fuzzy refugees that we should welcome with open arms, the alternative media has been steadily warning about the precise scenario we just saw unfold in Paris.
Across the independent media -- on sites like The Commonsense...
 | 11/8/2015 - To the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a bastion of kooky, left-wing ideology, the entire country is a conservative conspiracy wrapped in an enigma and bathed in dogma.
"Quick, do something!" begins a piece at The New American (TNA). "There are John Birch Society types ready to spread 'conspiracy...
 | 11/8/2015 - "A mysterious bright light in the sky has sent Californians into panic," reports the BBC. "Videos posted online show a bright flare rising high, before a wide, bright blue flash emerges in a cone shape. Many videos continue to track the light for several minutes."
Last night, Californians immediately...
 | 11/5/2015 - Over the past six years, the race relations in America have not improved much. In fact, most people will probably say they believe race relations have even gotten worse since the nation elected its first president of some African-American descent (President Barack Obama's mother was white, as you know).
 | 11/1/2015 - Many people do not care for the loose association of the term "Nazi" with certain political groups, primarily because of the horrific acts the Nazi party and its founder, Adolf Hitler, committed. Nevertheless, there are certainly some modern-day comparisons we can make between National Socialism –...
 | 10/30/2015 - Once upon a time, Walt Disney Co. was run by Americans who revered and portrayed traditional American family values. But today, the company is run by America-loathing left-wing haters who are joining the rest of Hollywood's bigwigs to rewrite U.S. history, mock Christians and target conservatives whose...
 | 10/21/2015 - It's now abundantly obvious that another massive false flag attack is being planned for America, to be followed by a government ban on the First Amendment and the censorship of websites that disagree with the official government narrative of what really happened.
Tune in to the Health Ranger Report...
 | 10/19/2015 - For years, a number of concerned Americans -- some longtime observers of American government, some former government officials, journalists, attorneys and others -- have been sounding the alarm that the United States is devolving into a post-Constitution state where basic civil rights and freedoms are...
 | 10/18/2015 - Hi. I'm Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Barack Obama is going rogue. By every metric,[1] the Obama economy is melting down. We are seeing the beginning stages of another recession, at best, or a total economic meltdown, at worst. (Story by Wayne Allyn Root, republished from
 | 10/17/2015 - Are we in love with how smart we are? In America today, there are technology companies that have a much larger "cult following" than any religious organization. And there are millions upon millions of Americans that freely confess that they "believe in science". So what does this say about us? Does...
 | 10/8/2015 - In collaboration with Big Business and special interests, the Obama administration's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is plotting a new program to track Americans' vaccination records, wage a massive propaganda campaign to "encourage" more inoculations, and foist more controversial vaccines...
 | 9/24/2015 1:31:03 PM - Without question, Pope Francis' much-anticipated and historic visit to the United States recently did not live up to everyone's expectations – for those who are and are not Catholic [full disclosure: I am Catholic].
Count me as one who was disappointed.
There were so many issues that the...
 | 9/20/2015 - The Left's feminization of male culture in America is continuing unabated on campus after campus around the United States, with the most recent effort emanating from Vanderbilt University in Nashville.
The Media Research Center reports that the university's Women's Center is set to host a week-long...
 | 9/20/2015 - Many of us in America shake our heads in shame when we hear or watch news in which buildings are blown up or people are beheaded. We collectively feel disgust at these acts, wondering how humans can be so cold and calculating. We think about how sad it is that they are compelled to inflict physical...
 | 9/16/2015 - A recent race-related mass shooting in Charleston, S.C., by a deranged, drug-addled young white man who was subsequently discovered on a racist website posing alternately with a Confederate army battle flag and a U.S. flag led to the popular denunciation of just one of those symbols, the former.
 | 9/14/2015 - To the delight of low-wage workers, Bernie Sanders has come out in favor of a mandatory $15 minimum wage. He's surging in the polls against Hillary Clinton, so he must be doing something right... right?
But I think he's under-cutting America with a paltry $15 an hour minimum wage. If America is supposed...
 | 9/11/2015 - The word "terrorist" is a strong adjective used to describe someone or some group that uses violence and fear to pursue a political goal. It is not, however, normally used to describe someone who merely disagrees with a political position.
Nevertheless, Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton...
 | 8/30/2015 - Founded as a representative republican democracy, America became the first country in the modern world to be ruled by the principle of the consent of the governed. Today, some 240 years after the beginning of our War of Independence, that notion seems like little more than a quaint anachronism.
 | 8/22/2015 - Face it, besides small farmers with integrity, there is no "gray area" anymore between organic and GMO. The corporate powers "that be" have run the conventional market of food and beverages straight into the ground, depleting all nutrients, one way or another, and then adding in toxins. From pasteurizing...
 | 8/20/2015 - As a follow-up to our exclusive Natural News story on the Tianjin explosion in China -- which also covered military helicopters in Beijing and "kinetic retaliation" by the Pentagon using exotic space weapons -- I'm offering additional analysis of the global war that's already under way (and where it's...
 | 8/15/2015 - I'm always skeptical when I read stories of other people's dreams being interpreted as prophecy. Sometimes dreams are just dreams and don't mean anything. And they're so full of symbolism, they're difficult to decode even if they are prophetic.
So I'm asking for your help in understanding an extremely...
 | 8/13/2015 - Yesterday I posted an article asking for American citizens to send me water samples from the Animas River that the EPA has now heavily contaminated with toxic heavy metals. I want to test the water in my elemental analysis laboratory to expose the EPA's pollution.
The EPA used to prevent corporations...
 | 8/8/2015 - A new report says that the number of illegal aliens currently residing in the United States has surpassed the number of unemployed Americans looking for work, a statistic that is bound to become a factor in the 2016 presidential race.
As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, new data from the Pew...
 | 8/6/2015 - After the mainstream media desperately tried to destroy Donald Trump by defaming him with a barrage of made-up lies -- that's what the media does best -- suddenly all the journalists who tried to destroy Trump are befuddled by his inexplicable rise in the polls.
But it isn't inexplicable at all,...
 | 8/5/2015 - The police and surveillance state predicted in the forward-looking 1940s classic "1984" by George Orwell, has slowly, but steadily, come to fruition. However, like a frog sitting idly in a pan of steadily-warming water, too many Americans still seem unaware that the slow boil of big government is killing...
 | 8/4/2015 - Almost everyone believes in some form of spiritual cause and effect. In the realm of New Age belief, it's called "karma," and your actions are believed to be recorded in the "Akashic records" for which you are one day held to account.
In traditional religious belief, it's called "judgment from God,"...
 | 8/2/2015 - Yesterday we learned that the CDC deliberately destroyed evidence linking vaccines to autism in black children. This outrageous example of scientific fraud also has the curious effect of disproportionately harming black babies more than white babies. To the CDC, it seems that #BlackLivesDontMatter...
 | 7/29/2015 - Lafayette theater-shooter John Russel Houser's atrocious crime against the innocent movie-goers of a popular rom-com film is a shocking act of violence that has shaken the American public to its core. Public shootings immediately raise awareness of not just our vulnerability but also the issues that...
 | 7/29/2015 - Stewart Parnell, the former owner of the Peanut Corporation of America, and two co-defendants, his brother, food broker Michael Parnell, and the plant quality control manager, Mary Wilkerson were convicted of charges in Federal court related to knowingly shipping contaminated peanut butter to food processors...
 | 7/25/2015 - When I first read the news about Planned Parenthood harvesting organs from babies during abortions, I wasn't surprised. As the editor of Natural News, I've spent years documenting horrific crimes against children and humanity carried out by various industries (vaccines, pharmaceuticals, factory foods,...
 | 7/15/2015 - Generally speaking there are no bigger champions of free speech than journalists and academicians; after all, members of both groups earn their livings publishing news and information.
But a disturbing new trend is taking root in America that promises to chill freedom of speech and, indeed, is already...
 | 7/14/2015 4:05:52 PM - In the wake of recent revelations that Planned Parenthood was allegedly engaged in the ghoulish practice of selling the body parts of aborted babies, millions of Americans are asking what happened to the soul of their country, and whether it is possible to ever get it back.
If you've been following...
 | 7/12/2015 - A Christian-themed movement that seeks to reaffirm traditional marriage – that between a man and a woman only – recently took off with a campaign ahead of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that recognized a right of gays and lesbians to form a legally protected marriage.
According to an ad...
 | 7/10/2015 - I don't usually cover pure politics here on Natural News, but watching the surge of Bernie Sanders (on the left) and Donald Trump (on the right) is so refreshing that I had to share it with you. It turns out these two have a lot more in common than you might expect.
They're both independent-minded...
 | 6/30/2015 - Governor Jerry Brown now goes down in history as the first person to legalize a state-wide medical vaccine experiment on blacks. He signed SB 277 into law today, reawakening the era of Tuskegee's medical experiments against blacks while invoking the same twisted justifications as Tuskegee: It's for...
 | 6/29/2015 - As we enter the final chapter of America -- characterized by obscene delusions and widespread insanity at every level -- sometimes you have to laugh at the absurdity of it all.
That's what I do with Counterthink cartoons, which have traditionally poked fun at Big Pharma, mercury-based dentistry,...
 | 6/27/2015 - In just the last week alone, America's politicians forfeited the nation's economic future by secretly passing fast track trade authority, California lawmakers accepted bribes from Big Pharma to legalize mass medical genocide against blacks by passing the mandatory vaccination law SB 277, online retailers...
 | 6/25/2015 - America's descent into a totalitarian regime of hysterical thought police is nearly complete. In just the last 72 hours, total P.C. insanity has swept the nation and all its big retailers as howling leftist maniacs have used the label "tolerance" to initiate what can only be called a modern-day book...
 | 6/25/2015 - While America was distracted by a contrived, pre-planned Confederate flag distraction, the U.S. Congress forfeited the entire economic future of the country by quietly passing so-called "fast-track authority" which will allow President Obama to approve the TPP "free trade" agreement.
The TPP, as...
 | 6/22/2015 5:42:33 PM - [Editor's note: The U.S. Senate voted Wednesday to pass the TPA, giving Obama fast-track authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Now it is more urgent than ever to contact your representatives and tell them to vote against the Trans-Pacific Partnership and related trade deals when they reach the...
 | 6/18/2015 - In a recent piece at The Atlantic, writer Joe Pinsker wrote a short piece that summed up the fears, frustrations and attitudes of many of America's teenagers who opined in a recent survey that, frankly, they don't see much of a future in the land of their birth.
According to the piece:
In 1996,...
 | 6/14/2015 - It's becoming more obvious than ever before that corporations are the ones writing the laws and pulling the strings of elected officials. The average American has grown apathetic toward the government because they feel they no longer have a voice. The Americans' voices are drowned out by the will of...
 | 6/11/2015 - The sleeping giant of the African-American community has awakened against the crimes of the vaccine profiteers and their relentless destruction of young black lives.
It's happening right now, and it touches my heart to see this community rising up and waking up to the life-destroying deceptions of...
 | 6/10/2015 - Thanks to a treasonous President and a cabal of backstabbing, spineless Republican leaders, America stands tonight on the verge of plunging into outright "trade totalitarianism."
The Drudge Report (see below) is headlining the news today, announcing "Republicans rush vote on Obamatrade before anyone...
 | 6/2/2015 - There are days I just shake my head in bewilderment at the astonishing, almost incomprehensible gullibility of mainstream Americans and the media that claims to be practicing intelligent journalism. When I see the Associated Press report things like, "The NSA had stopped gathering the records from phone...
 | 5/23/2015 - Critics of modern medicine have been particularly cynical when it comes to how serious the industry and medical science are in finding cures for some diseases, especially those which generate billions of dollars in profits annually for drug makers.
In 2012 alone, for instance, Americans spent $325.8...
 | 5/20/2015 - In a recent appearance on The Dr. Oz Show, Dr. Sue Varma discussed overuse of antidepressants, also referred to as the "new drug moms are hooked on," and "mommy's little helper" because of their growing prevalence for use by mothers and women in general. During the show, one mother stated that taking...
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