Millions of people worldwide suffer horrific injuries from vaccines and either never report it or are never compensated for it. Even if they do report it and can prove it, they can’t take the vaccine manufacturers to court to sue them, in a traditional court with lawyers, a judge and a jury. Oh no. That’s not how it works in America, where the Vaccine Industrial Complex creates fake immunity with their products and enjoys 100 percent immunity to lawsuits for dirty jabs that maim and kill adults, teens, children, babies, pregnant women and their fetuses, especially when we’re talking about the Covid-19 mRNA self-assembling nanoparticle clot shots.
Soon, if corporate America and Big Ag (the Agricultural Industrial Complex) gets their way, the chemical pesticide manufacturers (think Bayer/Monsanto) will have complete immunity to lawsuits from injured and killed victims, just like the insidious vaccine industry. That’s right, pesticide companies, notably Bayer/Monsanto, are lobbying for legislation across several U.S. states that would shield them from lawsuits related to health risks caused by their products. This effort, referred to as the "Cancer Gag Act," is particularly contentious in Iowa, which has one of the highest cancer rates in the country.
Critics argue that such laws would deny individuals the right to hold corporations accountable for potential health hazards. Proponents, however, contend that the legal immunity would prevent frivolous lawsuits based on weak scientific evidence. This debate reflects a larger industry push for vaccine-like legal immunity, which critics say would establish a scientific dictatorship that dismisses any evidence of harm as baseless claims.
That brings us to the supplements industry in general, that has been unfairly persecuted, prosecuted, sued, censored and nearly shut down by the AMA (American Medical Association), FDA, CDC and Big Pharma consistently over the past century.
If the makers of deadly vaccines and the manufacturers of cancer-and-dementia-inducing chemical pesticides can enjoy complete protection from lawsuits, then so should the natural supplements industry. After all, hardly a soul gets seriously injured or dies from taking supplements, as long as they’re not contaminated or adulterated by Big Pharma.
Natural supplements should receive funding from the U.S. government to advertise on television and the internet, since this is the path to making America healthy again, as the new saying goes. Hello Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Head of Health and Human Services for America, are you reading this now?
Possibly the quickest way to transform America into a healthy nation would be to promote natural medicine and make it very affordable. Unlike prescription medications, there isn’t a long list of side effects, and most people wouldn’t even need a doctor’s “permission” to jump right in.
Plus, should Big Pharma try to pull out their tricks and wreck the industry with fraudulent and adulterated products, the ethical natural supplement suppliers couldn’t get sued for it. Tune your internet dial to for more tips on how to use natural remedies for preventative medicine and for healing, instead of succumbing to Big Pharma products that cause, spread, and exacerbate disease and disorder. #SubsidizeNaturalRemedies
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