In a recent episode of "The Alex Jones Show," Mike Adams and Alex Jones delved into a deeply disturbing narrative that suggests global elites are actively plotting the extermination of a vast majority of the human population.
According to them, these plans were initially executed covertly through vaccine mandates and pandemic scares and are set to transition into an overt phase in 2025.
Their discussion highlighted the potential for a dystopian future where globalists leverage various tactics – false flags, bioweapons and environmental crises – to justify mass depopulation efforts. (Related: Health Ranger Report: Globalists roll out pandemic, war and famine with DEPOPULATION as the ultimate goal)
The conversation revealed a grim vision of humanity being reduced to a mere 10-20 percent of its current population, with the survivors living in a new robotic and autonomous society.
Adams and Jones argued that this plan has been unfolding gradually over the past few years. Adams cited the covert phase as the period when globalists used seemingly benevolent measures like vaccine mandates and pandemic fears to thin the population.
They believe that the overt phase, set to begin in 2025, will see a complete abandonment of these pretenses, as the globalists drop the facade of helping humanity and move directly toward extermination.
"The veil will be dropped. The matrix shell will collapse for many people and the globalists will overtly begin talking about and acting on a desire to thin the human population by whatever means necessary. And they'll probably declare a climate emergency to justify it. So that's coming," Adams said.
The discussion also touched on the role of emerging technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) in this future scenario.
Adams explained how companies like Nvidia are developing advanced AI infrastructure that could be used to train autonomous systems and robots.
These systems could potentially be used to simulate and predict complex situations, enabling robots to master complex tasks in minutes that would otherwise take decades or centuries for humans.
They suggested that after proving these systems on the battlefield, globalists will turn their attention to civilians, using technological advancements to their advantage.
Adams warned that the transition to a robotic society, where robots perform daily tasks and even replace humans in critical roles, is imminent and poses a significant threat.
"They are going to be able to produce behavior models now with these physical robots that can manipulate things in the physical world. And then after they prove these robots on the battlefield, they are coming for us. We're next and that could be a just few years now," Adams said.
Jones emphasized the importance of decentralization in countering these globalist plans.
He argued that by supporting human-controlled technology and small, innovative shops, individuals can stay ahead of the technological curve and protect themselves from potential AI threats.
Both Adams and Jones stressed the urgency of global awareness and resistance to prevent this dystopian outcome.
They believe that the current trend of decentralization and the increasing resistance against globalist plans could potentially halt or slow this trajectory.
The discussion concluded with a call to action for individuals to stay informed, support human infrastructure and advocate for decentralization as a means to combat the globalist agenda.
Jones and Adams believe that making this a global movement is critical for humanity's survival.
They also paint a future shaped by systemic manipulation and technological domination, raising serious questions about the future of humanity and the urgent need for preparedness.
Follow for more news about the depopulation agenda of the globalists.
Mike Adams and Alex Jones discuss the globalists' mass depopulation efforts. Watch this video.
This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on
Mike Adams: Globalists want NUCLEAR WAR to achieve DEPOPULATION and cover up their crimes.
DEPOPULATION being accelerated to ‘catch up’ with rapid AI advancements that will replace humans.
Globalists aiming to “peacefully” depopulate six billion people with mass euthanasia.
Sources include:
2 months ago
The Anti-Christs Church of Zionism
2 months ago
I agree that your prognosis for an independent society sounds great. But it is diametrically opposed to the Re 5 schedule of first the seals and then the 7 trumpeted wraths. They are the schedule for the end times. 1st seal Covid, Satan crowned 4th king of the world, 2nd seal Ukraine war, 3rd seal famine are now opened. The Re 6:8 war is imminent. Luke 21:36 "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man."
2 months ago
12/2/24 a radioactive waste container was stolen in transit & emptied of its nuclear waste material, the container was found damaged, opened, emptied.
Preceding the 12/02/24 radioactive material theft in NJ is another event 57440 in which on 11/14/24 a Utah "package" with radiation 744 - 765 mR/hr contact exposure was lost "in transit", with 200 mR/hr being the allowed limit for transit.
Where's that?
Possible uses:
Drones false flagging as UFOs radiation attacking NYC or New Jersey?
Dirty Bomb at Trump's Inaugural?
If it is called a UFO Invasion, will Continuity of Government be installed to remove POTUS from all chain of Command and put NORAD in charge? Just asking.
2 months ago
There is a movie called LEVELS that was released in 11/2023. The movie is about the creation of a Digital Universe, a world with a fully realized population. It could be used for high-risk surgical implants, advanced weaponry, and mass testing of cutting-edge pharmaceuticals. The film focused on the moral issue of using/killing these digital people that have "lives" as lab rats.
It's not a bad movie. It's sort of a different spin on living in a matrix.
2 months ago • edited
With Capt. (transhumanist) Depop. Trump taking the helm in 2025 the agenda will ramped up and pushed forward with Hyperdrive acceleration!!!
2 months ago
As the very Last Card the 1% will demand all countries to go into war against each other. Supposedly people will give a crap about illusions being drawn into the sky resembling shapeshifting flying craft. It's the 1% who started the "reptiles" bs and are further pushing it. It helps their alien invasion agenda. They are not aliens. Just subhumans, devolved from human into nastiest parasites in the whole universe. Selective (in)breeding of severe mental illness. Real aliens would avoid Earth as to protect their species from getting infected by parasites too. Once humanity exterminates this ancient threat from whole Earth, we won't have to look for alien life as they'll come to us in full confidence.