A renowned expert on technology and "misinformation" at Stanford University who played a pivotal role in advising governments to implement mandatory...
A coalition of Canada's major news organizations, including the Toronto Star, Metroland Media, Postmedia, The Globe and Mail, Canadian Press and CBC,...
A new book from Trilateral Commission members Eric Schmidt, Google's CEO, and the late Henry Kissinger warns that in the not-too-distant future, the...
A new California law allowing any person to sue for damages over election deepfakes has been put on pause after a federal judge granted a preliminary...
Bill Gates wants to exert greater control over the narrative surrounding vaccines, and he thinks AI could provide the perfect opportunity, according...
Former President Donald Trump has announced his plan to achieve a massive increase in the domestic energy supply if elected for a second term in the...
Microsoft co-founder, eugenics proponent, and decaying wrinkle-face Bill Gates wants to merge his vaccine obsession with artificial intelligence (AI)...