RFK, Jr. has been very vocal about the dangers of toxic vaccine ingredients, toxic food ingredients, toxic heavy metals in pollutants and the possible criminality of Dr. Fauci during the COVID scamdemic.
At Natural News, we believe the following objectives are critical for RFK Jr. to consider as head of HHS (see list below).
Here's my recent broadcast covering the critical importance of RFK Jr's nomination to HHS:
The vaccine industry produces products that injure and kill people, yet they enjoy total immunity from legal liability as long as their vaccines are listed on the childhood immunization schedule. This has incentivized Big Pharma to push compromised FDA bureaucrats and CDC co-conspirators to add dozens of vaccines to that schedule, primarily as a legal cover for Big Pharma's faulty products.
RFK, Jr. must end legal immunity for Big Pharma's faulty products and restore the rule of law when it comes to injured customers being able to sue for compensation when they are injured by faulty products.
In 1997, by executive decision, the FDA declared that drug companies could advertise their products directly to consumers via television ads and similar media outlets. This resulted in Big Pharma controlling a significant portion of the media by controlling its ad revenues. This, in turn, resulted in the corporate media doing the bidding of Pfizer during the COVID plandemic rollout, pushing false narratives and deliberate disinformation that falsely claimed COVID vaccines were safe and effective.
RFK, Jr. can reverse DTC advertising via executive decision at HHS. It does not require approval from Congress. By doing so, he would instantly slash at least one-third of corporate media revenues while putting in place a financial firewall between Big Pharma and Big Media. This must be done, as it would end the decades of media-pharma collusion that has harmed or killed many millions of Americans.
The FDA is an anti-health, pro-pharma agency that answers to Big Pharma while attacking healing foods, supplements and herbal remedies in order to eliminate Big Pharma's competition. The FDA must be split up, broken into at least two agencies in order to separate drugs from foods and supplements. Furthermore, the FDA's war against nutrition, herbs, remedies, supplements and homeopathy must be ended. The FDA's bans on Traditional Chinese Medicine ingredients such as ma huang (which contains natural ephedra) must be reversed, as ma huang is very, very effective at combating pandemics when used in TCM formulas.
For decades, the FDA has functioned as the enemy of nutrition in America, pimping for the processed food and drug industries, while attacking and suppressing the small businesses that can actually contribute to America's improved health.
It is currently illegal in America to tell the truth about the health benefits of nutritional products that you market or sell. Even though everyone knows that vitamin C is a treatment and cure for scurvy -- a disease entirely caused by vitamin C deficiency -- any manufacturer or retailer of vitamin C is instantly accused by the FDA of selling an "unapproved drug" if they claim vitamin C treats scurvy.
This is how the FDA conducts terror campaigns against nutritional supplement companies offering all sorts of natural products that quite literally treat, prevent and cure various diseases. For example, tart cherry extract cures gout. Vitamin D supplements cure rickets. Certain B vitamins cure beriberi. The list goes on. Many mineral and vitamin deficiencies are labeled "diseases," and the FDA declares that only drug companies can "treat" those diseases with patented, expensive pharmaceuticals. This is a protection racket between the FDA and Big Pharma -- a true racketeering criminal cabal -- designed to keep people sick and ignorant while profiting from chronic degenerative disease.
This racket must be ended, and truthful, evidence-backed free speech must be restored to companies offering nutritional supplements, herbs, natural remedies, homeopathy and similar solutions for public health. By restoring free speech, RFK Jr. can help save many billions of dollars in annual health care costs across America as the American people have greater access to the nutrients and supplements that help prevent chronic degenerative disease.
Currently, about 90% of those who head up HHS or FDA end up working for Big Pharma, the very industry they claim to be regulating. This "revolving door" racket results in so-called "regulatory capture" of HHS, FDA and CDC by the very industry these agencies are supposed to be holding in check. What leaders of the agencies quickly learn is that if they issue decisions that financially favor Big Pharma, they will be offered lucrative positions in the pharmaceutical or biotech industries after they leave government.
In essence, these people are "bribed" with huge payoffs from Big Pharma, and they greedily cash in while sacrificing integrity and the health of the American people.
This revolving door must end. Anyone who works in any regulatory agency, including EPA and USDA, must face a lifetime ban from working within the industries they regulate. This will end a large part of the corruption.
There are a thousand other things that RFK, Jr. can do as head of HHS that would also be truly revolutionary. The list shown above just scratches the surface. Some additional things he could consider include:
Before all this can happen, of course, RFK Jr. must be confirmed as head of HHS. Here at Natural News, although we don't agree with RFK Jr. on every single thing he espouses, we strongly approve of his nomination for HHS, and we encourage our readers to call your U.S. Senators and urge RFK's confirmation as head of HHS. Call the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask for your senators, one at a time, and register your support with RFK Jr. with each of your senators.
RFK Jr's confirmation as head of HHS would be, in essence, a coup against Big Pharma. That's why they are panicked. That's why CNN is declaring war against RFK and trying to stop him at all costs. This is also exactly why we should support him. I once called RFK Jr. an "American hero" for his courage and determination in exposing Dr. Fauci's criminal fraud. And I still consider RFK Jr. to be an American hero. He has earned our support.
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Mike Adams (aka the "Health Ranger") is the founding editor of NaturalNews.com, a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on Amazon.com called "Food Forensics"), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics.
Mike Adams also serves as the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation.
In his laboratory research, Adams has made numerous food safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten. Adams was the first food science researcher to document high levels of tungsten in superfoods. He also discovered over 11 ppm lead in imported mangosteen powder, and led an industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit heavy metals in rice protein products.
Adams has also helped defend the rights of home gardeners and protect the medical freedom rights of parents. Adams is widely recognized to have made a remarkable global impact on issues like GMOs, vaccines, nutrition therapies, human consciousness.
4 months ago
There MUST be ARRESTS of Faustian Fauci, Creepy Collins, Wacky Wallensky, FDA officials, and all the rest involved in the BIOATTACK on us from Wuhan, China, including Hussein (insane) Obama, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill researchers, DOD, Big Techc heads, and all the rest of these TREASONOUS nazi commie fascist demonic NWO Globalist dumpster full of trash. Then move on to Comey, Brennan, Hillary, and all the rest- including the RINO's involved such as the Bush family, Cheney's, Karl Rove and the rest of the pack of jackals. ARREST, CONVICT, HANG.
4 months ago
My gut tells me this - there won't be a mad backlash now against Kennedy because they know that Kennedy will not be in charge of the health services. All of these stated goals regarding health, personal freedom, removal of censorship, stopping illegal immigration, etc etc will all come to nothing because Trump will bring in the digital ID and the CBCD. After that, nothing else matters.
4 months ago
Not so long ago, Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. already exhibited a glimpse of Kerry Syndrome (aka flip-flopping), was in line with Big Pharma. Notoriously, "it is better for you that one man dies for the people than that the whole (Big Pharma) nation perish. (John 11:50, NIV).
4 months ago
A bright start of two optimists (Don & Bob) into uncertainty. Busting daily nasty in-your-face DTC (aka call your doctor after you die) sounds great, but sorry to say, possibly "too big to fail."
4 months ago
This list is a great start. Another thing that must be dealt with is the corruption with insurance companies and how they profit. It’s a big reason why our population is sick, obese, addicted, heavily medicated, and in medical debt. They also deny preventative care that would save lives. If doctors try to say no they warn them and if they continue they’ll just remove them from their network… then the doctor’s practice is destroyed. This is how they keep doctors compliant, by threatening their livelihood. The current system is not broken… it’s working exactly as designed, to drive profits and keep people sick and dependent on the system.
4 months ago
VitC was an unfortunate example to use. Most "C" on the market isn't C at all. It's just ascorbic acid or its buffers. Szent-Gyorgyi himself found that AA does not cure scurvy.