Oxford’s new COVID jab aimed to sterilize 60% – 70% of recipients, developer admits
09/11/2024 // Ethan Huff // Views

Prof. Sir John Bell, a key figure in the development of the University of Oxford's Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccine," let slip the other day the fact that the school's latest COVID injection is capable of sterilizing between 60 and 70 percent of those who take it.

In a recent interview about the new shot, Sir John, who teaches medicine at Oxford, seemed to suggest that one of the goals behind these injections is to mass sterilize the planet under the guise of protecting public health against the "COVID virus."

"These vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize a population," Sir John said with seeming disappointment during the interview.

"They're very likely to have an effect which works in a percentage, say 60 or 70 percent. We'll have to look quite carefully, and the regulators will have to look quite carefully to make sure that it's done what we need it to do before it gets approved."

A clinical trial for the shot is still ongoing and Sir John says there will be a "delay" between when the results are in and when regulators give the shot the green light for public release.

Sir John was barely able to complete his sentence before the interviewer cut him off, apparently to keep him quiet from revealing any further incriminating information about the new Oxford shot.

(Related: Just a few short months ago, Donald Trump was bragging to TIME about how "phenomenal" his Operation Warp Speed jabs are.)

COVID shots did nothing to stop pandemic – and EVERYTHING to make it worse

X users had a heyday with this interview and the implications made in it. One wrote that while the word "sterilizing" as Sir John used it could simply be referring to the shot sterilizing the "virus," it is still untrue that any COVID shot prevents any disease.

"A 'sterilizing' vaccine is a vaccine that prevents the recipient from catching and transmitting the virus," one wrote. "The Covid vaccines do not do that."

Another linked to the following definition from the medical literature as to what sterilizing immunity means:

"Sterilizing immunity describes the elimination of a pathogen before it can replicate in the host."

Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, also commented that Operation Warp Speed, meaning the worldwide vaccine program unveiled by Donald Trump, did nothing to influence the "pandemic" for the better.

"Three developments have made the illness far less severe and essentially eliminated the risk of COVID-19 hospitalization and death in this historical order:" Dr. McCullough wrote, emphasizing that the jabs are not one of those developments.

"1) Early multidrug treatment protocols

2) Natural immunity from prior strains

3) Mutation to less pathogenic Omicron variants"

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, MD, agrees. She wrote in response to Dr. McCullough's post that the shots are "all risk" and "no benefit."

"Profits over safety," she added. "The shots should have been pulled off the market a long time ago."

"Ironically, the graph would probably show more of an effect if they were actually measuring 'real' COVID deaths and not just anyone-who-died-of-anything-and-tested-positive (irrespective of how 'effective' the vaccine wasn't)," wrote another about Dr. Bowden's graph, which you can view below:

Getting COVID-jabbed is a recipe for health disaster. Find out more at BadMedicine.news.

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