“Two Nice Jewish Boys” podcast hosts caught FANTASIZING about killing every person in Gaza
09/08/2024 // Ethan Huff // Views

A disturbing discussion between the two hosts of the "Two Nice Jewish Boys" podcast has surfaced that unveils the guttural hatred that some Jewish people harbor towards the people of Gaza.

As the hosts were discussing the ongoing war, one of them started babbling about how he would annihilate the entirety of the Gaza Strip in an instant if given the chance.

"If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow – I would press it in a second," the one says to the other before continuing, "I think most Israelis ..."

"If that's the choice, yeah," the other interjected before the first could finish speaking his thought.

"Yeah. No, even if it's not, like, right now, I would press it right now," the first continued.

"Yeah, same with the territories [West Bank]," the second then responded.

The conversation then continued as follows:

"Give me that button. I'd press it right now."

"There you go."

"And I think most Israelis would."

"Yeah, most Jewish Israelis."

"They wouldn't post ... they wouldn't talk about it like I am. They wouldn't post ... they wouldn't say, 'I pressed it,' but they would press it, right? Like, if they were in a closet alone, they wouldn't even hesitate. If someone came to them and said, 'no one will know. You press this, all the Palestinians are gone,' you'd be, like, '******* a, is there another one?'"

(Related: Did you know that prophecy teacher Amir Tsarfati believes that Israel has a God-given mandate to murder the people of Gaza so it can take the land as its own?)

Open support for genocide

Those trying to defend Israel's behavior often claim that not everyone in Israel thinks this way. There is some truth in that as demonstrated by the hundreds of thousands of Israelis who are protesting this week against the actions of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The other side of the coin is that ordinary Israelis such as these two seen above have no qualms about talking and laughing about mass genocide as the solution to their country's problems.

Right now, their sights are set on Gaza and the West Bank. Eventually, those who think like this will expand their military aggression to other countries if they have not already done so.

"It's not just Palestine," someone wrote on X to illustrate this point. "They would love to do this to every White nation on Earth, too."

"They're doing it to Gaza because they can do it, but if they ever became capable of doing it to America and Europe, they absolutely would. They hate everyone who is not them."

In many ways, America and Europe are already under attack, just in a different way. Look around you and compare life today to life back when it was the best you can remember it and ask yourself: is our society moving in the right direction or the wrong one? And more importantly, who is behind this engineered takedown and why?

"Gotta be the most racist thing I've ever heard someone say in my life," wrote another on X about the above discourse.

"At least he is honest," said another. "I can respect that position more than liberal Zionists who fake empathy for Palestinians yet deep down want exactly the same."

None of this is a surprise to God, who warned us in His Word about this ongoing conflict and its culmination at the end of days. Learn more at Prophecy.news.

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