Turkey, a strategic NATO ally, applies to join BRICS
09/04/2024 // Ethan Huff // Views

In a major show of the shifting global power structure, Turkey reportedly wants in on the BRICS economic bloc.

Bloomberg dropped the news that, according to people familiar with the matter, Turkey wants to expand beyond its traditional Western allies. A geopolitically important NATO member, Turkey's embrace of Russia and its allies as opposed to the United States and its allies is a sign of the times and an indicator of much more to come.

Ankara is said to have submitted its BRICS application "some months ago." Certain "rifts" formed between NATO and Turkey after Russia invaded Ukraine and Turkey took Russia's side rather than NATO's.

Ever since Moscow took aim at Kiev, Ankara has reiterated its position that a diplomatic solution is needed rather than indefinite war. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not approve of the West's continued funneling of cash and weapons to the Zelensky regime.

Erdogan has said unequivocally that Turkey "will not be a party to this war," period. This stance has put the Mediterranean nation at odds with the U.S. and NATO, especially as Turkey draws increasingly closer to forging new economic ties with Russia and its allies, abandoning the West it once supported.

(Related: Turkey is just one of dozens of countries that are applying to join BRICS in 2024.)

Turkey tired of waiting to join EU

Another reason why Turkey is shifting gears has to do with the unbelievably long amount of time the country has waited to join the European Union (EU). For decades, Turkey has been pushing to join the EU, but to no avail.

In 1999, Turkey was declared a candidate for EU admission, but this was called off by the European Parliament a full 20 years later in 2019 due to allegations of human rights violations.

Thus far, Turkish leadership remains coy about the new effort to join BRICS. The last time we heard anything definitive about this was back in June when top Turkish diplomat Hakan Fidan revealed that Ankara is interested in joining the economic bloc.

Founded in 2006 by Brazil, Russia, India, and China – South Africa joined in 2011 – BRICS is a Russia-chaired economic power bloc that is showing signs of eventually overtaking the NATO-led Western power structure that currently dominates most world affairs.

The reason why your television set and news feed has shown so much aggression against Russia in recent years is because the Western power structure is scared to death of Russia expanding and gaining any further power.

The biggest threat to NATO by far is Russia and its allies, which are growing increasingly disillusioned with the way the West is running things. Plainly and simply, Russia wants its territory back from Ukraine and the West does not want to give it back, in large part because Ukraine is ground-zero for Western money laundering, human trafficking and biological weapons development.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov did confirm that Turkey is definitely interested in joining Team BRICS, as are the nations of Egypt, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Iran.

"Okay, then strip Turkey of all its NATO weapons," wrote one commenter about this latest development. "You can't have it both sides."

"BRICS is the current moving salvation train," suggested another. "It makes all the sense for Turkey to apply to join."

Others expressed concerns about Turkey possibly being the "Trojan horse" to enter BRICS while secretly continuing its allyship with NATO and the West.

"Wake up, Turkey – the West has just been using you because you have a large army," one of them said. "You are only good enough to fight for them; nothing else. Dump NATO and you will be even more welcome into BRICS+."

More and more countries are setting their sights on joining BRICS as Western hegemony fades. Learn more at Collapse.news.

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