Trump warns: U.S. will turn into a far worse UNLIVABLE version of San Francisco if Kamala wins
08/29/2024 // Ava Grace // Views

Former President Donald Trump has warned that the U.S. will turn into a bigger and unlivable version of San Francisco if Vice President Kamala Harris wins in the November presidential election.

"Everything she touched turned bad. California turned bad," Trump told Fox News. "You can't walk in San Francisco, you barely can go to California anymore. People say in the state that it is in terrible, terrible crime trouble … and drugs all over the place. You cannot walk down the streets."

"San Francisco is unlivable now, unlivable. Fifteen years ago it was the most beautiful city, one of the greatest cities in the world. Today, it's unlivable."

Trump pledged that "hopefully, [the city is] able to be brought back if possible" to its formerly livable state. He followed up with a warning that if his Democratic rival wins, "this country would turn into a big version of San Francisco, a big version of California itself."

This echoed sentiments Trump made during a North Carolina rally, where he addressed supporters behind bulletproof glass: "She'll destroy our country just like she destroyed San Francisco, just like she destroyed California."

While Trump blamed California Gov. Gavin Newsom for the Golden State's predicament, a bigger part of the blame lies more on Harris – who served as San Francisco district attorney (DA), California attorney general (AG) and U.S. senator for the state before becoming vice president.

Proposition 47 backed by Harris responsible for California crime wave

According to a July 24 piece from the Reform California grassroots political movement, Harris' controversial record in the state is one of the biggest reasons why the Golden State is experiencing a dangerous crime wave. During her time as California AG in 2014, Harris was one of the leading champions of Proposition 47 – which eliminated the ability of police and prosecutors to arrest and punish criminals in California for countless crimes.

Reform California Chairman Carl DeMaio disclosed that Harris even lied to voters by giving Proposition 47 a false and misleading title, suggesting that it was "tough-on-crime" initiative when it really wasn't. According to him, this began the practice of California AGs approving misleading ballot titles. (Related: Kamala Harris remains SOFT ON CRIME despite her tough-on-crime ads.)

"Because of Kamala Harris and Proposition 47, a crime wave has hit California – with our communities across the state experiencing an unprecedented spike in both retail/property crimes as well as violent crimes ranging from assault, rape, and murder," DeMaio remarked. The Reform California chair said Californians have a chance to fix up the mess by voting in favor of Proposition 36.

The measure repeals and reforms Proposition 47 to restore the power of law enforcement to arrest and punish criminals. It also permits felony charges for thefts under $950 and possession of certain drugs like fentanyl. Proposition 36 also increases sentences for various drug and theft crimes, stopping "gateway" crimes that have led to more violent crimes.

But DeMaio noted that "California Democrats have doubled-down on their 'coddle-the-criminal' policies and are trying to defeat Proposition 36. Even without their games, the Democrats have a massive funding advantage for their campaign to defeat us."

Nevertheless, he encouraged people to vote for Proposition 36 to make California safe and livable again. Californians ought to vote for Trump as well to make this dream a reality.

Watch Steve Price explaining that Vice President Kamala Harris has done "nothing" throughout her term.

This video is from the TrendingNews channel on

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