Desperate White House claims all videos of Biden acting clueless are DEEP FAKES
06/25/2024 // Ethan Huff // Views

At no point in time has President Biden, 81, ever slurred his words, suffered a tumble or in any way embarrassed himself and / or the nation on the public stage, according to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

If you think you have seen video evidence of Biden making a fool of himself, rest assured that all such proof is just "deep fakes," Jean-Pierre told the nation – watch below:

(Related: Did you know that Microsoft just released a new deep fake technology that could render many of the worst newscasters and podcasters obsolete?)

White House wants you to believe that Biden is healthy as a horse

The press pool was really pressing Jean-Pierre about the many, many viral videos currently in circulation that depict Biden seemingly unaware of his surroundings and meandering about as if he has dementia. All of these "confused" presentations are fake, she insists.

Biden's most recent episodes occurred during his trips to Normandy, France and Apulia, Italy. The elder made headlines for numerous gaffes, including a struggle he seemed to have trying to take a seat at a D-Day event. In another instance, Biden appeared to wander off during a skydiving demonstration.

Video evidence of these gaffes can be sourced to the highly reputable nonprofit cable news network C-SPAN, but Jean-Pierre says that Americans should ignore their own eyes and ears and just believe that the real non-deep fake Biden is as fit as a fiddle.

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"They are done in bad faith," Jean-Pierre claimed about the "edited" videos appearing to show Biden as being "especially frail" and "confused."

"It tells you everything that we need to know about how desperate Republicans are here."

"Instead of talking about the president's performance in office – and what I mean by that is his legislative wins, what he's been able to do for people across this country – we're seeing these deep fakes, these manipulated videos."

Biden's wife Jill commented on the matter as well by stating that in her opinion, the November election "isn't about age," especially since Biden and "that other guy are basically the same age."

In other words, because both Biden and Trump are geriatrics, there is no controversy here.

"This election is not about age because Donald Trump is going to be 78 and Joe's 81," Jill blabbed. "You have two choices: my husband Joe, who you all know, who has integrity, he's strong, he's steady, he's a leader, he's smart, he's energetic, or you have chaos."

On X, many people wondered concerning Jean-Pierre's deep fake claims where the evidence is to prove them.

"Every time her lips fly, she is telling a lie!" one of them wrote.

"She had a golden opportunity to garner some laughs by referring to the clips as 'soiled content,'" joked another about the president's alleged incontinence issues.

"1984 isn't just some made-up story," wrote another. "It's legitimately the steps used during Marxist takeovers. That's why there are so many similarities between what's happening here and a 'fiction' novel."

Another wrote that what Jean-Pierre is basically saying is that people should not believe their own eyes and to instead "believe the DEI Cabbage Patch doll," this referring to the cartoonish appearance of big-haired Jean-Pierre.

"All that lesbian does is lie!" wrote another.

The latest news about the clown show known as American politics can be found at

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