In the event of a "catastrophe," as defined by the government of the Empire State, Erie County will have the ability to force all residents into lockdown mode, the only exception being "essential workers" who can apply for a special "movement pass" that allows them to travel without interference from the state.
Officials in Erie County set up a website that employers can use during winter storms or other "emergencies" that they deem serious enough to declare a driving ban.
"The travel exemption portal will define specific categories of workers using a tiered concept to identify who would be exempt from a travel ban in order to commute to and from their place of employment," reads a news release about the scheme and how it will work.
"The list of essential employees will be reviewed annually and employers will be asked to provide updates when an essential employee's work status changes for any reason that warrants removal from the exemption list."
The county said the essential employee exemption portal is to be used by employers during winter storm events and other emergencies when a driving ban has been declared.
— 7 News WKBW (@WKBW) December 15, 2023
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Like with COVID, "essential workers," in the context of Erie County's use of the term, includes law enforcement, first responders, healthcare workers, civil servants (politicians), farmers and construction workers.
Not that all of the aforementioned essential workers are essential except for politicians, who merely included themselves among the exempt so they will not have to abide by the same restrictions as the paupers they supposedly "represent."
In other words, while their constituents are stuck at home until the "emergency" ends, politicians in Erie County will be free to travel as they please because they have deemed themselves as "essential" and thus exempt from the new rule.
Erie County imposed its first travel ban back in 2022 when a winter storm, a common occurrence in New York, hit the area. Numerous motorists became stranded in the snow and some died, which the government of Erie County has determined warrants the removal of the right to travel during similar future snow storms.
"Under the New York Public Officers Law, no one may travel except personnel deemed essential during the emergency," declared Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz on X (formerly Twitter).
Poloncarz is threatening to punish any citizen who defies his county's impending travel bans, which he clarified will be imposed not just for a "major weather event," but also for "some other type of catastrophe."
Important thread: During a snow emergency, a driving/travel ban emergency order may be instituted to protect lives and get our community open as soon as possible. Under the New York Public Officers Law, no one may travel except personnel deemed essential during the emergency. 1/7
— Mark Poloncarz (@markpoloncarz) December 15, 2023
An outspoken anti-Trumper, Poloncarz mocked critics of the scheme who are rightfully calling it a major government overreach.
"I’m enjoying the replies from out-of-state trolls to my posts about who are essential personnel authorized to drive during a snowstorm travel ban," Poloncarz immaturely wrote on X. "Here's the deal, since you hate government so much, don't call 911 after getting stuck and demand we save your sorry patriot butts."
Will the rest of America follow suit by imposing travel bans that trigger in the event of a "catastrophe?" Find out more at
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1 year ago
Soon it will be lockdowns when a public official says "we feel like imposing a lockdown."
1 year ago
Protests is a good American tradition (shaky George W. Bush, before Iraq's invasion, after expensive satellite was sprayed all over Texas).
1 year ago
Sweet incentives too.
1 year ago
I guess they won't be needing emergency crews then as they won't be saving motorists, nice, cut the budget again!
1 year ago • edited
The Government doesn't have that power but sadly many Normies believe they do so like the jab for a job mandates, they'll dutifully line up for their travel passes when the time comes rather than take a stand and tell the brown shirts to kick rocks. I'm quite certain Kathy will follow suit and try to pull this on the rest of the state. She wanted to do this during lockdowns but failed yet the law is still on the table just as the one that will see you held against your will in a State Quarantine Center if you are determined to be a public health risk. Dear residents of Erie County - RESIST! Or enjoy that boot pressing on your face.
1 year ago
The lockdown could ALSO include a Klaus Swab cyber attack.
1 year ago • edited
Sieg Heil Erie County! The Fuhrer would be proud!
You have made your county another one of Satan's playgrounds. God has made a place for you to live throughout eternity and may your stay be exceptionally grievous.
1 year ago
Look at Erie county as a preview of coming attractions. It's always positioned as 'protecting the public', and is temporary. First it is only a 'weather emergency', then it moves to a 'pandemic' emergency (which they presently call 'disease x', which is coming soon). That one lasts a lot longer.. Then finally, it becomes a 'climate' emergency. That one is forever, and kiss your freedom goodbye.
1 year ago
Punchline (aka name of the plague) is yet to be finalized. Mycoplasma/White Lung Pneumonia sounds just way too faggoty and unconvincing. Plus, anybody with half a brain knows that myco means dormant fungus/mushroom spores (mycotoxins in organic whole wheat, unhealthiest food causing overgrowth of candida, anybody?), easily killed on contact with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Gardners spray mushroom colonies with baking soda solution, other colonies die off as well due to being interconnected. Killing 8 billions with helpless mushrooms? OK, doofuses, good luck, watch baking soda disappear.
1 year ago
My back is hurting so bad. Here? Thats your kidneys. Are you a doctor? No, police officer.