The 18-year-old Bronny, a collegiate basketball player for the University of Southern California Trojans, was immediately rushed to a hospital. His condition later stabilized after spending some time at an intensive care unit. (Related: Young people everywhere, athletes included, are dropping dead from cardiac arrest; media silent.)
Sources described Bronny's initial condition as a "Code 3," meaning the ambulance that brought him to the hospital had its lights and sirens on, signifying the seriousness of the emergency.
"He is now in stable condition and no longer in ICU," said the family in a statement. "We ask for respect and privacy for the James family and we will update (the) media when there is more information."
Buffalo Bills football star Damar Hamlin, whose on-field cardiac arrest during a game was also widely speculated to be due to the COVID-19 vaccine, issued his message of sympathy to the James family.
"Prayers to Bronny and the James family as well," he wrote on Twitter. "Here for you guys just like you have been for me my entire process."
Lebron is notable for an incident in mid-2021 when he talked about how he researched the COVID-19 vaccine after initially being skeptical and then decided to get his entire family vaccinated.
"After doing my research and things of that nature, I felt like it was best suited for not only me, but for my family and my friends," he said during a press conference.
The general consensus to come out of Bronny's cardiac arrest is that the COVID-19 vaccine is likely the cause of the incident.
"We're talking about a young man who was playing basketball … he's alive, but he's recovering in the hospital and this could do long-term damage," noted Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media. "Regarding the James family's decision to get the COVID shot, was it worth it?"
"We cannot ascribe everything to the vaccine, but, by the same token, we cannot ascribe nothing," noted Elon Musk. "Myocarditis is a known side effect. The only question is whether it is rare or common."
"How many more will it take before athletes and public figures come out and talk about COVID vaccines and cardiac arrest?" noted Dr. Peter A. McCullough, a cardiologist and an expert on COVID-19 vaccines.
"I've seen more young athletes with heart problems since the vaccine than I ever saw in my 30-plus years before that combined," said filmmaker Robby Starbuck. "I can't say the [vaccine] caused this specific case, but I can say that this trend is not normal. Prayers up for Bronny James and his family."
"The thing is, is your career more important than your child?" asked Ernest Ramirez, who lost his son due to complications caused by the COVID-19 vaccine. "That's the way I look at it. There was nothing more important than my own son, so why would I care what people think or what people are gonna tell me?"
"You're someone out there in the public eye, so the right thing [to do is] stand up and be a man," he continued. "Say, 'This is what happened to my son' and try to help spread the word, spread awareness."
Learn more about the people suffering catastrophic medical incidents due to the COVID-19 vaccines at
Watch World Alternative Media's Josh Sigurdson speculating whether Bronny James' cardiac arrest was caused by the COVID-19 vaccine.
This video is from the World Alternative Media channel on
Peer-reviewed studies suggest that cardiovascular deaths from mRNA jabs are largely underreported.
Damar Hamlin contagion? Old Dominion basketball player Imo Essien clutches chest, collapses mid-game.
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over 1 year ago
Who cares. LeBron is a china commie that hates America and white people. I'm glad he gets some pushback. F him.
over 1 year ago
I saw a video by a woman who said the Lord told her that if the Mark of the Beast were a car, the vaccine push is the engine: There are still more parts to add to make the complete car, but when it is finally here, according to Revelation 13:16 the Mark will be stamped to peoples' literal right hand or forehead. In fact, there is already a technology of invisible RFID tattoos. People will have to willingly take the last component of the Mark as an act of conscious and deliberate defiance against God to worship Satan, and they will become hardened in their opposition to Jesus Christ.
Lots of people today who have received the injections are those who were deceived by propaganda into taking them, including many Christians. The injections are injuring their bodies, even making them inhuman, but the body will go to the grave and/or be transformed in the Rapture. If they have relied on Jesus, their spirits and souls are eternally saved.
Read the Bible by beginning with the Gospel, according to John. The verbatim quote of Jesus in John 6:47 is "Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me hath everlasting life." In the Bible, to believe in means to rely on. From its context I paraphrase the meaning of the promise of Jesus: "Very truly! I say to you, the person who relies on Me alone, putting himself or herself into My hands (apart from also relying on their good deeds) HAS (right now) nonforfeitable, EVER-lasting, unending life."
Once you have begun to follow Jesus by relying on Him alone for His free gift of everlasting life which cannot be lost, THEN do good deeds of obedience to the teachings of Lord Jesus, but only out of gratitude, to glorify Him.