Texas Ready’s Lucinda Bailey and the Health Ranger discuss how to MAXIMIZE food garden production when it matters most
06/01/2023 // Kevin Hughes // Views

Lucinda Bailey, co-founder of Texas Ready, joined the Health Ranger Mike Adams on his "Health Ranger Report" podcast to discuss how Americans can maximize the use of their food gardens.

Bailey is an expert in food production yields, who wants to teach people how to get the most out of their gardens. Adams said gardening isn't just about seeds. but also about knowing how to turn those seeds into edible food in the most efficient way possible. Bailey's company, which is based in the Lone Star State, provides not only seed collections but also training.

According to the Natural News and Brighteon.com founder, growing vegetables as a hobby will become a key survival skill during a depression, collapse or food hyperinflation. People must get optimal yields from the vegetables they plant, or else they starve. The training provided by Texas Ready becomes necessary, he added, as people cannot simply get by on 50 percent yields.

Bailey, a master gardener and certified crop advisor, told the Health Ranger that it has been her life passion to help people learn about gardening and food self-sufficiency. She added that Texas Ready also has heirloom seeds and her company provides the necessary training to make good use of them.

Texas Ready provides workshop on Mittleider gardening system

According to Bailey, Texas Ready is doing a five-hour workshop that centers on the Mittleider gardening system. She lauded this system as superior to all the different methodologies due to its ability to give people 4,400 pounds of food for a family of four. (Related: Mittleider gardening method boosts yield in a cost-efficient way.)

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"That's what would be useful on a quarter-acre subdivision lot. And in a one-year period, you can certainly grow those 4,400 pounds of food here in Texas," she told Adams. "Three cycles of gardens and we tell you exactly how many bean plants you're going to need to get what your family is going to require."

According to Bailey, Dr. Jacob Mittleider – a baker who shifted to agronomy – pioneered the technique. He took failing orphanages under his wing, got them into food production and helped them sell their produce. This helped the orphanages financially.

She remarked that the Mittleider gardening system can be done in raised beds and on the dirt. Texas Ready can help people do gardening this way. The Mittleider system, she added, is also efficient as it uses at least 40 percent less water.

"It's that efficient of a water system. So, it's an integrated approach. We feed the plant what it needs, when it wants it, in the quantities that it wants it, in the format that those roots can uptake the nutrition," Bailey told Adams.

"Once we provide the plant what it wants, guess what? We're rewarded with a fabulous harvest. Most people are gardening at below 50 percent of the capacity of what those seeds can deliver."

The Texas Ready co-founder said a healthy plant exudes pheromones that repel insects naturally. Any bug problems could only mean that the plant has an issue with the soil and the amount of nutrients it gets.

Follow HomeGardeningNews.com for more news about home gardening.

Watch the full interview between Lucinda Bailey and the Health Ranger Mike Adams below.

This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com.

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Gardening 101: Save money on food with hydroponics.

Your path towards Food Freedom: Simple and cheap home gardening innovations.

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