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Quinnipiac University to PUNISH unvaccinated students by cutting off their internet access and fining them $200 per week
08/20/2021 // Lance D Johnson // 6.4K Views

Quinnipiac University in New Haven County, Connecticut is taking desperate, illegal measures to coerce young people to vaccinate. This private liberal arts college is not only violating the medical privacy of individuals -- forcing each student to provide private medical information -- but they are also EXTORTING students who do not take covid-19 vaccines. Quinnipiac University warned unvaccinated students that their internet access will be cutoff and they will be fined up to $200 per week. This extortion racket is a criminal act. The outlandish extortion threats are coming from maniacal forces within the federal government. The Biden regime is currently threatening to withhold federal funds from universities, nursing homes and other institutions if they do make vaccines and masks mandatory.

Quinnipiac threatens students with weekly fines, as discrimination against the unvaccinated morphs into criminal extortion

These threats of extortion and discrimination were sent out via email to some six hundred students who have not provided a certificate of covid-19 vaccination. The letter threatens these students with $100 weekly fines, that will increase by $25 every two weeks, before maxing out at $200 per week or $2,275 for the fall semester. These students will be profiled and socially ostracized for their private medical decisions every day, as they are cut off from the school’s Wi-Fi network. The university is also punishing people with medical exemptions and threatening $100 fines every time a student misses a weekly DNA swab. The students are being treated like prisoners, with no body autonomy rights, their consent threatened by coercion and extortion. Connecticut is also one of the states that recently stripped students of their conscientious, religious rights to exempt themselves from vaccines they don't want in their body.


Moreover, students who suffered heart inflammation and other side effects from the first dose will still be punished and forced to get a second dose, against their will and against sound medical advice. The university says students who only received one dose of the vaccine by September 14 will still be subject to the same fines and will be cut off from the school’s internet connection.

The Chief Experience Officer, a coward by the name of Tom Ellett, said: “We wish we did not have to take these measures, but protecting the health of our QU community by ensuring compliance with our vaccination requirement is the only way we can ease most of our COVID-related restrictions and safely return to our in-person learning and living activities. In this statement of coercion, Ellett just admitted that the past year’s “COVID related restrictions” were put in place to manipulate people to vaccinate this year, against their own conscience and consent. It’s becoming clearer by the day that last year’s “COVID restrictions” were just torture techniques to force people to comply with false authorities and their mental illness control tactics to ultimately create an abusive "new normal," where people’s basic rights are stripped, and the molestation of their bodies through vaccine mandates occurs routinely.

Criminal extortion of students is spreading across the academic landscape

This criminal extortion racket is gaining steam across the academic landscape. Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee recently threatened all unvaccinated students with $3,000 fees and announced a new policy of segregation targeting them for not lining up to be a compliant lab rat. West Virginia Wesleyan College announced $750 fines to discriminate against unvaccinated students who haven’t given their body over to false, abusive authorities. The students are profiled and abused every day, with strict oxygen restriction requirements, weekly DNA swabs, and torturous social distancing requirements that have no basis in health or well being. None of these restrictions are about public health or student safety -- terms that these school administrators hide behind to make themselves look like great, compassionate, protective leaders. These authorities who claim ownership over people are a threat to liberty, health and dignity and should be charged criminally for participating in a discrimination and extortion racket.

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