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USA Today fires Hemal Jhaveri, the paper’s former “Race and Inclusion” editor, for falsely blaming Boulder shooting on an “angry white man”
04/01/2021 // Ethan Huff // Views

In a rare display of moral fortitude, USA TODAY has fired its "Race and Inclusion" editor for falsely tweeting that an "angry white man" was responsible for the Boulder false flag shooting.

Hemal Jhaveri, an Indian woman, angrily tweeted immediately following the incident that "It's always an angry white man. Always," the implication being that white men are always responsible for the gun violence that the media chooses to cover.

In reality, the shooter was Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, an Arab migrant from Syria. While Alissa's skin tone is lighter than black, he does not qualify as white, which makes Jhaveri a liar.

While publishing lies is nothing new for the USA TODAY crew, Jhaveri's anti-white racism apparently crossed the line, resulting in her termination. She later "apologized" in an attempt to salvage her failed career.

"It was a careless error of judgment, sent at a heated time, that doesn't represent my commitment to racial equality," Jhaveri wrote, adding that her remarks were a "dashed off over-generalization."

"I regret sending it," she added about the racist tweet. "I apologized and deleted the tweet."

In true leftist form, Jhaveri is now blaming the consequences of her own racism on "whiteness"

It was too little, too late, though. Jhaveri is long gone from both USA TODAY and For the Win (FTW), another paper for which she wrote, and will now have to learn to code or perhaps work for Amazon where she can pee in a bottle to avoid getting fired from that company as well.

It did not take Jhaveri long to reverse her fake apology and start once again blaming white men for all of her problems. Her firing from USA TODAY, Jhaveri now claims, was not a result of her own racist behavior, but rather because of the "white privilege" that exists at the news outlet.


Jhaveri is once again pretending to be a victim by claiming that she was terminated for "publicly naming whiteness as a defining problem," even though it was actually Arabness that perpetrated the Boulder shooting.

"My previous tweets were flagged not for inaccuracy or for political bias, but for publicly naming whiteness as a defining problem," Jhaveri now insists. "That is something USA TODAY, and many other newsrooms across the country, can not [sic] tolerate."

Poor Jhaveri. She appears to be the type of liberal that is unable to take responsibility for her own racist actions. She apparently thought she could get away with tweeting libel against all white men, and when USA Today held her accountable she lashed out by accusing them of victimizing her.

Jhaveri says she constantly endured "microaggressions" while working at USA TODAY, which she claims has a "majority white" staff. She also does not approve of the fact that she was allegedly told that "it was OK to deadname transgender people."

"I could go on," Jhaveri wrote in a blog post to Medium. "Over almost 8 years, plenty of incidents have piled up."

Sure they have, sweetie. You keep telling yourself that. In the meantime, this writer will give credit where credit is due by thanking USA TODAY for finally doing the right thing when it comes to punishing anti-white racism.

"The victims were all white, you dumbass," wrote one Summit commenter as if speaking directly to Jhaveri. "The perp was an Arab migrant."

"In order to complete the circle of forgiveness, her Twitter and Facebook accounts need to be wiped out and she banned from those platforms for spreading misinformation," wrote another. "It's only fair."

All this writer has to say to Jhaveri is this: Call a whambulance.

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