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Massive $1.9T covid “relief” bill is nothing more than a massive money laundering operation to pay back Democrat donors and supporters
03/15/2021 // JD Heyes // Views

If you’re an American who was hard hit economically by lockdowns, stay-and-home orders and mandatory business closures and restrictions and you believe that the COVID-19 ‘relief’ bill currently winding its way through the Democrat-controlled Congress will finally bring some respite, you’re going to be very disappointed.

Because in reality, while spending that kind of money solely on businesses and Americans who need the help would be more than enough to make up for what many have lost, the bulk of those funds aren’t going to hard-working Americans.

No, the vast majority of that money has already been earmarked — for Democrat-controlled cities, states and special interests.

Again, the bulk of nearly $2 trillion in 100 percent deficit spending isn’t going to help you, Mr. and Mrs. Ordinary American.

But of the money going to Americans, federal workers (already a huge Democrat constituency, by the way) are being rewarded with more than Americans who aren’t federal workers and instead are busy toiling away in the private sector.

In an interview with “Fox & Friends” Monday morning, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) dissected the bill in a way that few others have, revealing things that were previously hidden inside the hundreds of pages of legislation that, frankly, should infuriate the vast majority of Americans. 

For one, the bill calls for a one-time $1,400 payment to most Americans, but gives $1,400 per week to federal workers whose kids are still being kept out of in-person classes.


There are also hundreds of billions in payouts to deep blue cities and states that were in debt long before COVID-19 came over from China because they have long been run by Democrats who couldn’t manage a lemonade stand without driving it into bankruptcy.

Also, Cotton said, most of the money isn’t even spent right away (we thought it was for pandemic relief!?). And, he said, there there’s a major reason why Joe Biden and Democrats are engaged in a full-court press to get this trillion-dollar boondoggle passed: The pandemic is waning as is the urgency for new ‘relief.’

“One reason I think Joe Biden thinks there’s no time to waste is that Democrats can see cases have plummeted since early January,” Cotton said. 

“They can see that we now have three effective vaccines, and vaccination rates are surging, so I think they’re worried they won’t have the coronavirus as an excuse to pay off all their clients and patrons in a $1.9 trillion blowout bill,” he noted further. (Related: Some Democrats are beginning to admit that lockdowns have turned the US into a totalitarian police state.)

“As you said, less than a dime of every dollar goes to coronavirus,” the Harvard-educated lawyer and multi-combat tour former Army infantry officer added.

“Just take a look at the payoff to some of their constituencies: $350 billion for states that are poorly run and that have longstanding problems but didn’t even lose money because of the coronavirus, places like California and New York,” Cotton said, noting that the bill also contains “$130 billion for schools but only a nickel of each dollar of that money is going to be spent this year.”

“Most of it is for future years. Again, paying off teachers’ unions. And then maybe the worst of all, the worst of all, they’re going to give a lot of Americans a $1,400 check,” he said. “Federal employers are going to get that same check. They are also going to get $1,400 a week, every single week if their kids aren’t in school.

“So if you’re working in the middle of the country, hard to make a living, you get one $1,400 payment once. If you’re a federal bureaucrat in Washington where your schools are still closed, you get it every single week. Talk about the swamp looking out after itself,” Cotton said.

Got that? A massive spending bill that isn’t really needed (because the government still hasn’t spent hundreds of billions approved in the last COVID relief bill passed under Trump) and takes care of Democrat constituents and the Swamp in DC — par for the course, huh?

See more reporting like this at Corruption.news.

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