As a prepper, when SHTF it's essential to know how to barter and where to secure cash so you have access to the supplies you need for when your stockpile eventually runs out. (h/t to
In the event of an economic collapse, your plans may need adjusting since no one can accurately predict if this kind of event will only last for a week, several months, or stretch out into a whole year. While prepping for a collapse is reactionary, compared to natural events, you at least have a little say in how the scenario can turn out.
Must-have items for bartering when SHTF
Purchase and stockpile common items that are considered low-value while things are normal.
When SHTF, these everyday items will be more valuable and you can use them for bartering or selling. Below are common items that you can use for bartering in a post-collapse world:
Ammo – Ammo is a must-have item in a post-collapse world. Stock up on common calibers like the .22, .22lr, .223, .308, 9mm and 12 gauge shells. Hunters and shooters will need more ammo when disaster strikes.
Batteries and lighters – When SHTF, people will need batteries for their gadgets and lighters for firestarting.
Books – You can either stockpile fiction books for entertainment or how-to books on essential survival skills like first aid, food preservation, foraging, self-defense and various crafts.
Clothes and shoes – If you have extra storage space, stockpile old clothes and shoes.
Comfort foods – A survival scenario is a stressful time for people of all ages. Before SHTF, stock up on comfort foods like candies, chocolates or snacks.
First aid and hygiene items – These common items may be in high demand during an economic collapse, especially among those who don't have the necessary survival skills to gather medicinal herbs or make soap and other cleaning supplies at home.
Fresh produce– If you have a home garden and excess crops, fresh produce will be sought after after an economic collapse.
Sewing supplies – During a long-term survival scenario, people will need sewing supplies to repair clothing or their prepping gear.
Water – Make the most of a water well by bartering water when SHTF. Just make sure you set up shop on a location that's far enough from your homestead. This will help prevent desperate people from following you and trying to steal from your stockpile.
Keep your post-collapse bartering plans to yourself and secure your supplies before SHTF.
Tips for securing money around your homestead
To prepare for a short-term economic collapse, you'll also need to secure emergency funds at home.
Hidden caches – If you're handy with tools, try some DIY projects and learn how to make a hidden cache.
Safes – Hide your safe somewhere out of sight. If someone breaks into your house, they might leave sooner if they can't see anything worth taking.
Walls – Hide your stash in the walls of your home or a fake wall outlet. You could lose paper money in a fire, so it's a good idea to secure your cache in a sturdy, fireproof safe.
Monitor the news and once you see the signs of an impending collapse, set up the necessary preps. When SHTF, you'll be ready with your survival stockpile and emergency funds while the rest of the world is panicking.