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WikiHow now “weaponizing” children against their own parents to obey the very same vaccine industry that’s killing children
02/13/2020 // Ethan Huff // 5.9K Views

More than $4 billion has been paid out from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to families of injured or dead children who were poisoned by vaccines. But according to WikiHow, this is all just a wild "conspiracy theory" because vaccines have apparently never harmed anyone, according to the site.

As we recently reported, WikiHow published a new entry to its "how-to" platform that actually encourages underage children to usurp the authority of their parents in making the decision to get vaccinated without their permission.

In a blatant affront to parental authority, this WikiHow entry, dubbed "How to Get Vaccinated Without Parental Consent," explains to children that they might need to get "vaccinated in secret" if their parents object to the government-sanctioned vaccine schedule. It further offers tips and suggestions about how kids can go about doing this, including by seeking emancipation if their "parents are really bad."

What's worse, the entry goes on to suggest that parental concerns about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines is a form of child abuse, which aims to scare innocent children into fearing their parents rather than trusting that their parents have their best interests at heart.

In a worst-case scenario, according to WikiHow, the children of parents who object to vaccination may just have to wait until they turn 18, especially if they fear that their parents would "severely punish or abuse" them "if they learned that you disobeyed them."

It's safe to say that there probably aren't parents anywhere in the world that would abuse their own children for getting vaccinated behind their backs. After all, parents who object to their children getting vaccinated are the ones who've actually done their homework and are trying to protect their children from sustaining potentially life-threatening vaccine injuries.


But WikiHow is trying to plant in young children's minds the gross notion that opposing vaccination for any reason at all means that their parents are meanies who need to be disobeyed. It's about the worst and most egregious form of vaccine industry propaganda we've seen yet: turning innocent kids against their own parents while the grinning state waits with open arms to jab them with dozens upon dozens of chemical-laden syringes.

WikiHow makes light of vaccine injuries, tells children to lie to their parents about concerns over vaccine safety in order to find out which vaccines they've already had

In the "Making Plans" section of this WikiHow entry, WikiHow does make mention of vaccine injuries – but not in a serious sense. In fact, the only reason it's mentioned at all is to teach children one way they can lie to their parents in order to extract information from them.

"Ask your parents for information on what vaccines you have and haven't received," it explains. "This lets you know what you're already vaccinated against."

"If your parents really hate vaccines," it goes on to state, "you could pretend that you want to know if you're at risk for 'vaccine injury,' or that you think a health problem you have might be caused by vaccines."

The fact that WikiHow put the words "vaccine injury" in quotes implies that WikiHow doesn't believe that vaccine injuries are even real. And this is the message it's sending to unsuspecting children who happen to stumble upon this entry and believe everything it says.

"The blatant propaganda article by WikiHow blatantly seeks to turn children against their own parents while surrendering to the 'vaccine state' which systematically lies to the public about the safety or efficacy of vaccines," warns Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.

"After being vaccinated, readers are advised to continue lying to their parents, even though many vaccines cause 'viral shedding' that can expose family members to the same live viruses used in the vaccine themselves."

For more related news about vaccines, check out Vaccines.news.

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