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Princeton says SCIENCE is racist and “gendered” because so many men pursue it… is anything safe from the libtards?
12/13/2018 // Ethan Huff // 6.8K Views

In the eyes of Catherine Clune-Taylor, a postdoctoral researcher of color within the department of Gender and Sexuality Studies at Princeton University, science as we currently know it may be invalid. The reason, she says, is that too many men are involved with its pursuit – the implication being that  science is automatically racist, sexist, and homophobic because more males than females tend to gravitate towards this particular line of study.

As an add-on to the so-called "Science After Feminism" class that she already teaches, Clune-Taylor is planning to unveil new course material this spring that calls into question everything that people think they know about science. Clune-Taylor's stated goal with the novel curriculum is to identify all the ways in which science is unacceptable because there aren't enough women of color like herself involved in the field.

"Is science gendered, racialized, ableist or classist?" a description of Clune-Taylor's course bluntly asks. "Does the presence or absence of women (and another [sic] marginalized individuals) lead to the production of different kinds of scientific knowledge?" it adds, botching English grammar in the process (so much for that Ivy League education, Ms. Clune-Taylor...).

Even other far-left professors are condemning Clune-Taylor for teaching social justice warrior (SJW) propaganda to students

While it would seem (or at least we would hope) that the idea of an apparently illiterate, uber-feminist hack like Clune-Taylor teaching a course at a prestigious school like Princeton on the totality of science being bunk simply because male-equals-bad in her mind is just more satirical fake news, but it's sadly not.


Clune-Taylor has convinced herself that all science is basically fake because not enough women and people with darker skin have made as many significant contributions to it as men have. And this, it would appear, is now perfectly normal thinking at one of the world's most prestigious institutions of higher learning.

Such a proposal is so ridiculous that even other far-left professors are now chastising Clune-Taylor for making a mockery of real education.

"The course above is an embarrassment for a school of Princeton's reputation," wrote Jerry Coyne, a professor of ecology and evolution at The University of Chicago, on his personal blog.

"It is simply social-justice propaganda that will distort science for ideological ends. It's dubious scholarship, a waste of the students' tuition money, and unlikely itself to produce new knowledge. It will produce clones that parrot Clune-Taylor's ideology," Coyne added.

Keep in mind that Coyne is hardly a conservative. He thinks proponents of intelligent design and creationism are stupid, for instance, and has even advocated for legalizing the murder of newborn babies through euthanasia.

"[Clune-Taylor's] thesis at the University of Alberta was 'From Intersex to DSD: A Foucauldian Analysis of the Science, Ethics and Politics of the Medical Production of Cisgendered Lives.' Enough said," Coyne further mocked in his critique of Clune-Taylor.

It would appear to be a growing trend within higher education to question the merits of science based on things like skin color and genitalia.

In the Netherlands, a rabid feminist academic by the name of Whitney Stark actually got an article published that attempts to meld the world of quantum physics with a made-up social justice warrior (SJW) concept known as "intersectionality."

And in South Africa, a contingent of racist students at the University of Cape Town, where white farmers are now being kicked off their land because of their skin color, is attempting to "decolonize" science – meaning get rid of any and all references to white people, and especially white men.

For more news about anti-white racism and anti-male sexism on leftist college campuses, be sure to check out CampusInsanity.com.

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