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Top 6 “other ingredients” found in common groceries that will ALARM you when you find out about their toxicity
08/02/2018 // S.D. Wells // 19.8K Views

You've seen it before, that little section of non-food elements listed under the part of the food label that lists the ingredients. Ever think that "other ingredients" are NOT food at all, and that's why they must have their own section? You're right. So why then are they allowed in food products if they're not even food? Is that because they're "less than 2%" of the total ingredients, or because the FDA couldn't care less about the health of Americans? The latter would be true.

You may think that products we use on our hair, skin and nails don't need to be as "organic" as what we eat and drink, but think again. You're probably already familiar with many of the "other ingredients" listed on food products because you've seen them listed on plenty of personal care products, from baby powder to deodorant, from cosmetics to medications, and from supplements to conditioners, but any way you slice it, the following "other ingredients" take a toll on your body, as the cumulative effect of continued use and consumption sets in.

Watch out for these toxic "other ingredients" and "inactive ingredients" in your food, drinks, supplements, vaccines and personal care products

#1. Talc (talcum powder)

#2. Gelatin

#3. Food Coloring (industrial-based)

#4. Sucralose (and Aspartame)

#5. Polyethylene Glycol

#6. Maltodextrin (from GMO Corn)

Talc consumption linked to ovarian cancer and severe inflammation

Regular use and consumption of talc increases your chances of developing ovarian cancer by one third. Why? Talc deposits usually occur close to asbestos, so contamination is nearly unavoidable, and even when talc is refined, some asbestos, a known human carcinogen, remains. Currently, talc is considered to be a possible human carcinogen, yet still we find it in rice, chewing gum, baby powders, supplements, and cosmetics. And yes, your skin does "consume" toxins when it absorbs them into the bloodstream.


Gelatin is made by boiling infected animal feet and hooves

Gelatin is made from reduced, boiled down body parts of infected and drugged animals that are used for the fast food industry. Whatever isn't used for burgers and chicken sandwiches is used for gelatin, including muscles, hooves, feet, hides and connective tissues.

You'll often find gelatin in gel capsule vitamins, fruit snacks, gummy worms and bears, sour cream, cake frosting, and marshmallows. Even some vaccines contain gelatin, including the shingles vaccine. Watch out, because injecting gelatin poses the risk of infection from synthetic growth hormones and mad cow disease (BSE).

People eat gelatin likes it's just another snack made from sugar and food coloring, yet very few people who care at all about their health would ever eat it, if they only knew where it comes from.

Artificial food coloring can cause cancer and hyperactivity/inattention in children (including ADD and ADHD)

Artificial food dyes flood the American food supply to the tune of 15 million pounds per year. These petroleum-based industrial food dyes contain benzidine and cause cancer in both lab animals and humans. Start double-checking the labels on your mac-n-cheese, cheap fruit juices, red-tinted salmon, icing on cakes and cupcakes, rainbow-colored candies, and of course, children's liquid medicines. Ever wonder why children become so hyper after consuming "colorful" foods, beverages and candy?

When you eat aluminum lake food coloring, you're consuming dangerous amounts of aluminum and harmful synthetic petrochemicals. Aluminum poisoning can lead to short term and long term central nervous system damage, including memory impairments, autism, epilepsy, mental retardation and dementia. Research shows that just 4 ppm of aluminum can cause the blood to coagulate, enough to cause Alzheimer's disease. Here are some key artificial food colorings to filter from your family's intake:

  • Blue #1: Research shows it causes kidney tumors in mice.
  • Blue #2: Research shows even higher incidence of tumors, specifically gliomas in male rates (a type of tumor that starts in the brain or spine).
  • Red #2: Toxic to rodents, even at modest levels, and causes tumors of the bladder.
  • Red #3: FDA recognized it in 1990 as a cause of thyroid cancer in animals. It was banned in cosmetics, but still allowed in food and medicine.
  • Red #40: Most popular dye of all. Debilitates the immune system in mice. Allergic reactions are common.
  • Green #3: Causes bladder and testes tumors.
  • Yellow #5: Affects behavior and induces severe hypersensitivity reactions.
  • Yellow #6: Causes adrenal tumors in animals.

Sucralose exacerbates digestive issues like IBS, Crohn's

You might go on a diet that helps your digestive system, like cutting out gluten and sugar. The biggest mistake you would make though would be switching to artificial sweeteners, like aspartame and sucralose. Once your body ingests these "fake" sugars and you return to normal sugar, the irritable bowel symptoms kick in worse, and like never before. Why? Just like humans, lab rats have similar digestive tracts containing good and bad bacteria in a delicate balance. Once animals eat aspartame, sucralose or saccharin, their gut bacteria is negatively affected.

Sucralose is found in Splenda and is 600 times as sweet as sucrose (sugar). The FDA says don't eat more than 5 milligrams a day, but one can of Coke Zero contains over ten times that amount. Oops. Can you say instant diarrhea?

Polyethylene Glycol decomposes into embalming agent formaldehyde in the body

You may think the only way you would be consuming propylene glycol and polyethylene glycol is if you vape, but you would be mistaken. Another petroleum derivative lacing foods and supplements, "PG" is the main ingredient in antifreeze, but may also be found in skin creams, personal lubricants, medications for constipation, and as a food additive serving as an anti-foaming agent.

When vegetable glycerin PG is heated in vape pens (electronic vaporizers), it decomposes into formaldehyde, a known potent carcinogen. The amount of formaldehyde produced when PG is heated rivals that much found in a commercial cigarette.

Maltodextrin from genetically modified corn taxes the human liver, kidneys, bladder, and lymphatic system

This cheap thickener and filler often contains toxic chemicals, genetically modified organisms, and pesticides that disrupt normal digestion. Nearly all maltodextrin used in vitamins, supplements and health foods comes from GM corn, unless the label denotes "USDA certified organic." Got gastrointestinal issues? How much maltodextrin are you consuming daily? GM "malto" contains foreign proteins that cause digestive disruption.


You can find safer maltodextrin that's derived from yucca and other non-GMO sources. Check out SixWise.com for some important insights into toxic foods that slip under the radar of many health-conscious consumers. Also consult NaturalPedia.com for more info on clean foods and healthy supplements that don't contain toxic "other ingredients."

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