(Natural News) British researchers claim they have confirmed that aluminum plays a strong role in the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are now the leading causes of death around the world, superseding heart disease. More than 5 million persons in the U.S., where it is the sixth leading cause of death, have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, according to the Alzheimer’s Association; in the U.K., 850,000 people are living with the brain disorder.
By mid century, the number of Alzheimer’s suffers could range from 14 to 16 million.
Aluminum is said to be the most widely used metal on the planet and is found in cookware, aspirin, antacids, baking soda, and flour, as well as vaccines. And let’s not forget the old reliable aluminum foil.
Natural News previously reported that in a 15-year study of French elderly men and women, regular consumption of tap water was associated with aluminum toxicity and increased prevalence of dementia.
Many childhood vaccines also contain aluminum, as Natural News has separately detailed. Aluminum is included in vaccines as an “adjuvant,” a component that boosts the body’s short-term immune response in order to produce antibodies to the vaccine agent faster. This very function may be part of what makes aluminum in vaccines risky. Aluminum also is a neurotoxin that has reportedly been linked to various types of brain damage in both kids and adults.
A 2013 study in the journal Immunologic Research apparently confirmed that aluminum toxicity has a negative impact on the body’s nervous system “across the age span.” In adults, over-exposure to aluminum in the system can lead to age-related neurological conditions that resemble Alzheimer’s disease. Similar outcomes were observed in laboratory animals, the researchers noted.
In the new study, Professor Christopher Exley of Keele University, one of the authors, explains that a study published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology makes the link between human exposure to aluminum (or aluminium as the metal is known in Britain) and Alzheimer’s disease “ever more compelling” and overwhelming than originally thought.
While aluminum is not the only factor in dementia, he noted, it is an important one, and he called upon those who reject the aluminum-Alzheimer’s link to reevaluate their position based on the new evidence.
Writing in The Hippocratic Post blog, Exley outlined what he and his colleagues discovered when they examined brain matter from 12 deceased Alzheimer’s sufferers.
“In my view, the findings are unequivocal in their confirmation of a role for aluminium in some if not all Alzheimer’s disease…We now show that some of the highest levels of aluminium ever measured in human brain tissue are found in individuals who have died with a diagnosis of familial Alzheimer’s disease…This new research may suggest that these genetic predispositions to early onset Alzheimer’s disease are linked in some way to the accumulation of aluminum (through ‘normal’ everyday human exposure) in brain tissue.”
Summing up what Exley and his co-authors determined, the study explains that “Aluminium is neurotoxic and and the concentrations of aluminium found in these familial [Alzheimer’s disease] brains are unlikely to be benign and indeed are highly likely to have contributed to both the onset and the aggressive nature of any ongoing AD in these individuals. These data lend support to the recent conclusion that brain aluminium will contribute towards all forms of [Alzheimer’s disease] under certain conditions.”
As far as preventive measures are concerned, Prof. Exley’s blog concludes with a call to action that “We should take all possible precautions to reduce the accumulation of aluminium in our brain tissue through our everyday activities and we should start to do this as early in our lives as possible.”