Tax news, articles and information:
 | 12/1/2016 - The threat of being subjected to a government sugar tax is prompting British beverage manufacturers to reduce sugar content by more than 50 percent in their products.
British supermarket chain Tesco recently announced it will cut sugar levels in all 251 of its soft drink products to less than 5 grams...
 | 11/17/2016 - Towns and cities across California are launching new measures to help curb soda consumption – with the goal of stopping the growing obesity and diabetes epidemics in their tracks.
Following election day, it was revealed that voters in San Francisco, California, voted to pass a new tax on soda...
 | 10/25/2016 - A treasure trove of emails released by hactivist site DC Leaks reveals that corporate giant Coca-Cola has launched a worldwide campaign to stop the imposition of soda taxes that many believe could help curb consumption of sugary drinks that contribution to obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure...
 | 10/22/2016 - Donald J. Trump just delivered an historic speech that lays out his plan for the first 100 days in office.
Highlights are listed here. Actual quotes from Donald Trump shown in italics.
The system is totally rigged and broken.
The dishonest mainstream media is a major part of this corruption....
 | 10/20/2016 - It's bad enough that the Leftist-driven "gender equality" issue is a political agenda based on an phony premise - that in American today, women are still being systematically discriminated against in the workplace and elsewhere. Now, it's being taken to an expensive extreme that smacks of legitimate...
 | 10/11/2016 - When you hear the term "nonprofit hospital" what comes to mind? Are there really hospitals out there operating as charities, putting patients before profit? If these charitable hospitals are receiving tax exempt status from the IRS, why would they be paying their CEOs millions of dollars each year?
 | 10/2/2016 - The New York Times just destroyed any last vestige of credibility it might have had by violating the law to publish a 20-year-old Trump tax return showing a $915 million loss back in the 1990s. According to the NYT, the fact that Donald Trump correctly listed a business loss on his tax returns means,...
 | 8/25/2016 - In the midst of California's ongoing drought, why do a pair of billionaires have access to more water than all of Los Angeles's households combined?
That's what many Californians are wondering, and the answer lies in the shrewd business practices and paid-for political influence wielded by Stewart...
 | 8/25/2016 - The longer the Affordable Care Act remains the law of the land, the more damage it does to the U.S. economy, and the more negative impact it has on the lives of Americans. That is especially true when it comes to Obamacare's impact on employment.
In fact, entire industries are being hampered by the...
 | 8/25/2016 - Critics of globalism and the climate change narrative have been warning us for some time that things are not what they seem, and that the true globalist agenda involves a plan which includes depopulation as one of its central goals.
Now, the global elitists are beginning to publicly play their hand...
 | 8/18/2016 - As absurd as it may sound, Wyoming's state legislature is levying a tax on wind in an apparent effort to protect the fossil fuel industry by putting wind farms out of business.
In fact, for the past three years Wyoming has already been taxing the energy generated by wind turbines at a rate of $1...
 | 8/11/2016 - In a speech this week, Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump made a compelling economic case for the nation moving forward, pledging among other things to slash corporate taxes, end the so-called "death tax," and cut burdensome and expensive regulations.
Trump, speaking in Detroit –...
 | 6/24/2016 - In Philadelphia, the price of most beverages is about to go up. Cashing in on the city's sugar addiction, the Philadelphia city council just passed a new law taxing all sugary drinks 1.5 cents per ounce. This new levy will affect all canned, bottled and fountain sugary drinks. According to the city...
 | 5/29/2016 - Apologists for open borders regularly refute the fact that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers far more than they contribute to society, but a new study not only proves that but notes that such costs are only going to skyrocket if new "reform" legislation under consideration in the Senate becomes law.
 | 5/6/2016 - It's official: The global warming-climate change loonies have officially taken over the asylum, at least in Denmark, where a 'respected' panel just made one of the most incredibly short-sighted and dumb recommendations to the national government.
As reported by the UK's Independent, the government...
 | 1/30/2016 - Major soft drink and cereal manufacturers in Britain have pledged to reduce sugar content in their products, but only to avoid a new 'sugar tax' being considered by Prime Minister David Cameron.
Cereal giant Kellogg's has promised to use 723 tons less sugar in all its cereals starting in 2016, including...
 | 1/23/2016 - The man behind the byzantine and oppressive healthcare reform law known as Obamacare is currently being investigated for alleged phony billing and possible tax violations.
As reported by Breitbart News, Jonathan Gruber's billing practices are being examined by Vermont State Auditor Doug Hoffer. Also,...
 | 1/15/2016 - The Argentine government is accusing household products manufacturing giant Procter & Gamble (P&G) of defrauding it out of taxes, and as such the mega-corporation's operations in the South American nation have been suspended
A recent statement issued by Argentina's taxing authority, the Federal Administration...
 | 12/5/2015 - Strapped for cash and eager to expand social entitlement programs and government dependency, President Obama is proposing to generate hundreds of billions of dollars in new revenues for the government by taxing, of all things, your retirement.
For the past couple of years, some analysts and administration...
 | 12/1/2015 4:33:44 PM - Partaking in a little post-work happy hour just became a lot safer with the creation of a little known molecule that reduces alcohol's harmful effects on the body, particularly the liver (which is affected the most adversely), without comprising the enjoyable buzz many of us love, and deserve, to indulge...
 | 11/7/2015 - Sometimes one can't help but wonder if this whole Obamacare fiasco is ever going to end. It's like a recurring bad infinite nightmare that keeps returning, with new plot twists and horrible surprises every evening. (Story by Lily Dane, republished from The Daily Sheeple)
The latest blunder...
 | 10/10/2015 - GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump has just released his tax plan and it is sure to please a great many Americans — millions, in fact.
As reported by The Wall Street Journal, Trump's plan to tax U.S. corporations that relocated offshore is being hailed by many as a step in the right...
 | 10/6/2015 - Recently, Coca-Cola made a disclosure that most Americans heard nothing about, even though it affects nearly everyone.
Tucked into a corporate filing, the company announced that it would be paying $3.3 billion in back taxes to the U.S. government – money the government uses to fund everything...
 | 9/23/2015 1:11:03 PM - Is Democrat presidential contender Hillary Clinton the one White House hopeful who can put a stop to Big Pharma's fleecing of the American taxpayer? She says she is and, as far as that goes, she's the only one so far to address it, but more on that in a moment.
As noted by Zero Hedge, in recent days...
 | 9/11/2015 4:34:56 PM - Conservatives in Congress have been working to kill off the Ex-Im (Export-Import) Bank because they say it is little more than an entity that doles out corporate welfare. In fact, it does more than that; it also allows multi-billion dollar corporations to dodge taxes.
The Washington Times reports...
 | 8/14/2015 - A Washington, D.C.-based legal watchdog organization has obtained official documents from the Internal Revenue Service it says provides confirmation that the federal tax agency utilized donor lists to tax-exempt groups so it could target them for audits.
Officials at Judicial Watch said the documents...
 | 7/20/2015 - A recent congressional report demonstrates anew just how dismissive, spiteful and rogue the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has become when dealing with the very people who pay for its existence: The American taxpayer.
According to a report by majority Republicans on the tax-writing House Ways and...
 | 7/7/2015 - As I write this, the European Union is on the brink, financially, with Greece. The ruling Syriza party, socialists all, are preparing to default on what the country legitimately owes creditors at the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank. I say "legitimately," because the country's...
 | 7/3/2015 - Just because Walmart figured out a way to sell consumer products for cheaper than your local mom and pop shop, effectively putting it out of business, doesn't mean that this multinational corporation is evil -- or so goes the claim by many a radical capitalist in defense of one of the world's most hated...
 | 6/18/2015 - Officials in the state of Oregon are considering making it the first in the nation to charge automobile owners for the miles they drive rather than collecting taxes at the fuel pump, a concept that ought to be dismissed out of hand as unconstitutionally restrictive of Americans' right to travel freely.
 | 6/12/2015 - The world's most evil corporation is trying to buy out another of the world's most evil corporations to become one giant, monopolistic force of unstoppable abomination throughout the globe. Monsanto, a household name in toxic chemicals and untested GMOs (genetically modified organisms), has asked Syngenta,...
 | 5/29/2015 - As the drought in California -- home to much of the nation's food production -- worsens, desperation is rampant as politicians, policymakers and others scramble for ways to mitigate the worsening crisis.
One of the most recent ideas is also one of the most foolish because it is based on a series...
 | 5/14/2015 - The globalists' war on cash is continuing as Australia is set to actually begin taxing physical monetary holdings - in other words, savings.
According to Martin Armstrong of financial advisory firm Armstrong Economics, the compulsory savings tax to be implemented by the continent Down Under is part...
 | 5/12/2015 - Business entrepreneur, author, media personality and former Libertarian vice presidential candidate Wayne Allyn Root says he now has undeniable proof that the Obama Administration used the Internal Revenue Service as a hit squad targeting conservative groups leading up to the 2012 presidential election.
 | 5/10/2015 - The Greek financial crisis continues to escalate, as the government recently put in place a controversial revenue-generating policy aimed at improving its economic position at the expense of its citizens.
The government will introduce a "surcharge" -- really, just a tax on cash -- for all cash point...
 | 5/7/2015 - The only proof you need that many Californians are still living in a water fairy tale is the fact that California real estate prices haven't yet collapsed. Even as the California Governor has declared a state of emergency -- and emergency water rationing is under way -- there are still people purchasing...
 | 4/24/2015 - The massive Affordable Care Act continues to shock consumers with the costs it has forced upon the health insurance industry. In addition, the law will cost U.S. taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars more per new Medicaid enrollee by doing less to expand coverage than previously stated.
But now,...
 | 4/2/2015 5:05:00 PM - Should taxpayers who subsidize the existence of other Americans, through the forced confiscation by government of their wealth, have no say whatsoever in how their money is spent?
Not a peep, according to a recent opinion piece in the Washington Post by Kentucky-based writer Janine Grant Lister....
 | 3/31/2015 1:29:09 PM - In December, Berkeley, California, became the first city in the U.S. to pass a soda tax. Navajo Nation, however, is taking this one step further. After almost four years of legislative battle and several attempts, Navajo Nation will become the first place to implement a 2 percent tax on junk food or...
 | 3/19/2015 - Government in California continues to devolve into a nightmarish abyss of bureaucracy, as evidenced by a recent incident that serves to highlight the growing impotency of top-heavy administrative states.
As reported by CBS affiliate KPIX in Danville, tens of thousands of residents who bought insurance...
 | 3/13/2015 - The unconstitutional tax penalty known as "Obamacare" is hitting many compliant American taxpayers hard as they file their 2014 tax returns. Steep fines for not carrying private health insurance, and proving it on IRS tax forms, are coming as a surprise to many taxpayers who were unaware of just how...
 | 3/12/2015 - It's not a huge number, but it is growing nonetheless -- the number of Americans renouncing their citizenship, many because of byzantine, outmoded laws and increasingly oppressive government.
As reported by CNBC, "While politicians are focused on all the foreigners who want to become Americans, perhaps...
 | 3/8/2015 - "This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private." That's what it says on all U.S. paper currency, but the principle applies as well to coined money. But in recent days, a Texas man was arrested for "criminal trespass" after attempting to pay his tax debt with folded $1 bills.
 | 3/2/2015 - The Colorado legislature is desperately trying to finagle its way out of having to refund an excess of tax revenues generated from legal cannabis sales in the Centennial State. So much tax money has been brought into the state's coffers since marijuana was legalized in 2014 that a portion of it will...
 | 3/1/2015 - The Obama Administration is continuing to offer taxpayer-funded goodies to men, women and children who violate U.S. law by entering the country illegally, with little worry about legislative or judicial repercussions.
As reported by The Weekly Standard, in recent weeks President Obama has framed...
 | 3/1/2015 - Rand Paul understands that, as a nation, there must be a system of revenue collection so that the federal government can fulfill its constitutional duties. It's just that he thinks the current system of revenue collection -- specifically, the nation's byzantine tax code -- is not something that can...
 | 2/25/2015 4:19:51 PM - The Obama administration's incessant pandering to illegal immigrants is continuing unabated, as many will be eligible to receive tens of thousands of your tax dollars as a reward for breaking U.S. laws and sneaking into the country.
A new Congressional Research Service (CRS) memo obtained by Breitbart...
 | 2/8/2015 - After throwing away hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars building what amounted to be a completely non-functional Obamacare website, Montreal, Canada-based CGI Federal has now been awarded a contract with the Internal Revenue Service to build a platform for processing its new Obamacare tax program,...
 | 1/25/2015 - Corporations are under assault in the court of public opinion in the United States, brought on, in large part, by politicians who seek to use class warfare as a means to maintain their own power and influence.
But that said, some of the activities undertaken by many American multinational corporations...
 | 12/17/2014 - Though it was reluctant to do so, a Pennsylvania court has issued an order that requires a Philadelphia man to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of taxes that he doesn't even owe.
As reported by, Commonwealth Court imposed the order for $280,772 in taxes on Nathan Lerner, even...
 | 12/12/2014 - On April 2, 2013, in an article entitled Economics 101: Production, coercion and theft, I wrote about the coming looting of pension plans, stating:
When societies approach collapse, coercion shifts to outright theft: Stealing money right out of your bank account, for example, like we recently witnessed...
 | 12/9/2014 - (By David Stockman, from In the great fiscal scheme of things, October 22, 1981 seems like only yesterday. That's the day the US public debt crossed the $1 trillion mark for the first time. It had taken the nation 74,984 days to get there (205 years). What prompts this...
 | 11/26/2014 - On November 4, the citizens of Alaska, Oregon and Washington, D.C., voted to legalize marijuana for recreational use. But unless Congress acts to reform or repeal War on Drugs-era federal tax laws, businesses that wish to sell marijuana may find it nearly impossible to survive.
As marijuana vendors...
 | 11/11/2014 - The freedom to choose in the market without government interference? Or the people's right to counterbalance corporate dominance and disinformation? Which will prevail?
And, would you vote on Nov. 4 differently on a proposed tax on "high-calorie, sugary drinks" compared to "sugar-sweetened beverages"?
 | 10/28/2014 - Another federal court has ruled that taxing and spending provisions at the heart of the Affordable Care Act are illegal, dealing yet another blow to President Obama's signature piece of legislation.
In a recent ruling, U.S. District Judge Ronald White determined that an Internal Revenue Service rule...
 | 8/29/2014 - Everywhere in the United States, home owners who grow vegetables or fruit for their own families are hassled by local authorities and forced to destroy their gardens. But the trend in California is toward legalizing urban homegrown food supplies, even for commerce.
The city of San Francisco is on...
 | 7/17/2014 4:32:36 PM - The misguided war on carbon, which has erroneously become the scapegoat for so-called "global warming," is showing signs of retreat in Australia, where a proposed carbon cap scheme was recently abandoned. Prime Minister Tony Abbott's government has reportedly agreed to scrap a plan that would have taxed...
 | 6/15/2014 - More and more people are wondering today why systems of American government and corporate enterprise don't seem to be working. The education system fails to educate, the health care system fails to create good health, and the border patrol isn't even allowed to protect the border. Why are these systems...
 | 6/13/2014 - As the price of medical care and health insurance skyrockets, and with mandated health insurance taxes looming, many people are looking to implement healthy lifestyles to prevent sickness and disease. Yoga is growing in popularity, providing positive health benefits that instill good breathing patterns,...
 | 4/25/2014 - In another sign that the U.S. government is desperate for money to finance its bloated operations, Uncle Sam's various federal agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service, have stepped up efforts to go after the children of parents who the government says owe debt.
As reported by the The Washington...
 | 4/10/2014 - It's tax season again, and much of the U.S. population is busy filling out tax forms to send their hard-earned money to Washington. The crazy thing about this bizarre ritual is that it's based on a myth: the U.S. government doesn't need your tax dollars to fund its operations at all!
In this latest...
 | 2/7/2014 - To say that the roll-out of Obamacare is not going well is perhaps the understatement of the year. But even more than that, those who predicted that the law would ultimately collapse on itself might have been prophetic.
In particular, the "individual mandate" - the part of the law that the U.S. Supreme...
 | 12/12/2013 - What if you're getting cancer treatments now, and they are covered by your insurance, but then Obamacare cancels your insurance, will you have massive collections that eat up any tax refund you would have received? Will there be a lien on your taxes as early as April 2014? Can the IRS collect at your...
 | 11/10/2013 - Authorities in the U.K. are considering the implementation of a new tax that they claim will help curb obesity and promote healthier living. BBC News reports that a new study recently published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) found that a 20 percent tax on sugary beverages like soda pop and processed...
 | 10/27/2013 - The federal government is working on a plan that would mandate black box tracking devices be installed in every vehicle, with real-time uploading of vehicle location, speed and mileage to government authorities. This Orwellian technology is already technically feasible and will be promoted as a way...
 | 8/22/2013 - Slowly, but very surely, the world's Great Power democracies are slipping into totalitarianism, all the while swearing that the transition away from liberty and freedom is for our own good.
The most recent example of this rising "soft tyranny" took place in "the land Down Under" - Australia - once...
 | 7/9/2013 - If you are one of the millions of Americans who does not want to be forced into purchasing "affordable" health care under Obama starting in 2014, you have the option to decline. As we reported previously, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) does not actually have the power or authority to collect so-called...
 | 7/6/2013 - The IRS has been in the news quite a bit lately, beginning with revelations earlier this spring that the agency purposely stalled approval of tax exempt status for a number of conservative, tea-party oriented organizations more than two years before the 2012 election. Most recently, however, the agency...
 | 6/28/2013 - It is the responsibility of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to collect the taxes which fund the government, but increasingly, the agency appears to be one of the worst abusers of the money it collects from hard-pressed taxpayers.
Recent reports have documented the spendthrift habits of many mid-level...
 | 6/24/2013 - The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has not been a favorite of American taxpayers for decades, and the recent revelations that the agency improperly targeted specific political groups opposed to President Obama who were seeking tax-exempt status will only further erode the public's trust.
But what...
 | 6/22/2013 - The federal leviathan has become obsessed with keeping an eye on us, as evidenced by recent revelations that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been conducting blanket warrantless surveillance on all our electronic communications for years.
Though inexplicable on its face, the NSA at least had...
 | 6/19/2013 - The recent spate of scandals involving abuse by the Internal Revenue Service of conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status has once again revived talk of repealing most of the current byzantine tax code and replacing it with a tax that is much simpler and fairer - a move that would necessarily...
 | 6/11/2013 - As angry tens of millions of us are at the Internal Revenue Service's illegal targeting of groups politically opposed to President Obama, we are about to get a whole lot angrier at the IRS as it takes a major role in enforcing privacy-stealing provisions of the Affordable Care Act, famously known as...
 | 6/5/2013 - Officials with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have admitted that the agency inappropriately targeted conservative groups seeking legal tax-exemption status in the years and months leading up to the 2012 election.
Those same officials have apologized for the targeting, which one of them - Lois...
 | 6/2/2013 - There are a number of rules and regulations in place regarding the adoption of children, and for the most part, that's understandable; state authorities need to be sure that would-be parents are capable of caring for their adoptive children. But getting hassled by the Internal Revenue Service should...
 | 5/22/2013 - Despite being one of the top electronics corporations in the world, Apple, Inc. has been paying no corporate income taxes to any country overseas in which Apple does business, even though it has earned tens of billions of dollars.
The finding, unearthed by U.S. Senate investigators, comes as the...
 | 5/18/2013 - Thank goodness for President Barack Obama, for without his wisdom and foresight none of us would know how to live our lives, and in particular, how much money we need to save for our own retirement.
Consider the president's proposal for the government to come after a portion of your retirement by...
 | 5/15/2013 - The Supreme Court's contemptible decision last year to ignore every element of constitutional intent by declaring Obamacare a legitimate "tax" on American taxpayers has created a laundry list of new responsibilities for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), according to reports. As the enforcement arm...
 | 5/10/2013 - Millions of people living in the Dallas-Forth Worth Metroplex region of North Texas have basically been getting ripped off on their electric bills since at least 2008, and very few of them are the wiser, according to new reports. A federally-mandated utility tax levied on customers by power company...
 | 5/7/2013 - The U.S. government is broke and $16 trillion-plus in the hole, spending hundreds of billions of dollars more per year than it collects in revenue, because Washington, collectively, is addicted to spending.
One thing lawmakers and President Obama love to spend money on is the cultivation of constituencies....
 | 4/30/2013 - Most Americans know that politicians use a lot of fiction when it comes to things like budget calculations. That is especially true in the nation's capital, where simply not increasing spending as much from one year to the next qualifies as a real budget cut.
So it is no surprise that President Obama,...
 | 4/23/2013 - This fall, millions of already cash-strapped Americans will apply for taxpayer-funded government subsidies to help pay for their mandatory Obamacare coverage, which is set to begin next year. But according to new reports, individuals who incorrectly predict their future income on the subsidy forms,...
 | 4/18/2013 - If it seems like you're constantly being hit in your pocketbook by taxes and tax increases, you're right. Tax revenues are at all-time highs, but it's not enough: The president, joined by an increasing number in Congress, are seeking even more taxes, this time in the form of a new Internet tax that...
 | 4/10/2013 - Sugary sodas and aspartame-laced diet sodas can all be purchased with taxpayer money via the federal food stamp program. It's called the "Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program" (SNAP), and it provides free food credits to 42 million Americans who use the credits to purchase junk food, birthday...
 | 4/6/2013 - In the mid-1960s, President Lyndon B. Johnson, that era's left-winger, was not content to merely fight a needless, pointless, misguided war in Vietnam. Ever the progressive, Johnson also wanted to fight a similar kind of aimless and unwinnable war in the United States, so he concocted a so-called "War...
 | 4/3/2013 - The idea of a national internet tax mandate has been voted on in the United States Senate. Dubbed the "Marketplace Fairness Act," this piece of legislation, if implemented, would stifle entrepreneurs from the online marketplace, enrich large companies, and bloat state governments. This law would force...
 | 3/23/2013 - Legislators in Pennsylvania are considering a new proposal that would do away with the state's property tax scheme that currently funds government-run public schools, and replace it with slight tax increases on both sales and state income. According to the bill's advocates, property owners would benefit...
 | 3/20/2013 - When he was selling the Affordable Care Act during his first term, President Obama claimed that the government's near-complete takeover of the nation's healthcare industry would be, well, affordable.
Everyone from the president on down in his administration and in the Democratic leadership insisted...
 | 3/15/2013 - "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy." As more and more Obamacare rules and regulations go into effect, former House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi's now-infamous quote comes readily to mind.
Most Americans are finally realizing that the...
 | 3/1/2013 - There is an old expression that goes something like this: Nothing is certain in life except death and taxes. If Congress and President Obama don't reach an agreement this week on the so-called pending "fiscal cliff," this expression will take on renewed meaning.
That's because, effective Jan. 1,...
 | 2/5/2013 - The infamous Obamacare excise tax on medical devices that we covered back in December has officially come into effect as of January 1, and the fleecing has already affected some customers at a popular sporting goods chain. As reported by The Blaze, the 2.3 percent tax, which was only supposed to affect...
 | 1/23/2013 - Because of the United States' complex, byzantine tax code, an entire cottage industry of tax preparers and tax preparation software has emerged as a way to help navigate the law and remain on the good side of the Internal Revenue Service.
Were lawmakers to ever adopt, and a president sign, legislation...
 | 1/16/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
 | 1/3/2013 - Many Americans have long known that accounting practices in the nation's capital are, to put it mildly, "creative." Pay increases tend to come automatically, money can be printed and valued out of thin air, and spending "cuts" generally don't mean actual cuts to budgetary line items - only reductions...
 | 12/19/2012 - Americans have been inundated with news coverage about the so-called looming "fiscal cliff," a series of automatic spending cuts and tax increases mandated by law that are about to take place on Jan. 1, if Congress and President Obama do nothing to stop them, which looks increasingly likely.
 | 12/19/2012 - Humans are not the only ones to be affected by the prolific new taxes and tax increases about to take effect in 2013 to service the massive costs associated with the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. According to a new rule recently published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), certain...
 | 12/18/2012 - For years, global warming advocates have argued that implementing some sort of carbon tax would substantially reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere by the heavily industrialized United States.
The idea, they say, is that a carbon tax would ultimately lead to fewer harmful,...
 | 12/12/2012 - It is the ultimate example of how you reap what you sow: Huge numbers of American workers who voted for Obama are now seeing their own jobs slashed below 30 hours a week as employers desperately try to avoid "Obamacare bankruptcy."
Obamacare mandates for businesses only apply to those working 30...
 | 12/8/2012 - Is California really as bankrupt as its governor claims? Not if you believe in mathematics and accounting. As this story shows, California has hidden away $577 billion in assets, all revealed in CAFR documents (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) that are becoming increasingly well-known.
 | 11/23/2012 - The U.S. federal government is over $16.2 trillion in debt. But that doesn't really matter, we're told, because the Federal Reserve -- a private banking monopoly -- can create an unlimited quantity of dollars to keep buying up the U.S. debt. This is called "QE unlimited," meaning unlimited quantitative...
 | 8/21/2012 - When the bureaucracy of the Leviathan has grown so large that it needs more people to function than there are local and state-level public servants, it's well past time to take account of how large we have allowed our government to become. And by that way, that rumbling sound you hear is our founding...
 | 8/14/2012 - American athletes could face paying taxes for the gold and silver medals they have won in the Olympic Games. This has outraged many, who feel that Olympians are ambassadors for their country and state and have undergone years of training and sacrifice to reach the level of competitiveness required to...
 | 7/17/2012 - Many Americans right now are reeling in disgust over the Supreme Court's recent decision to uphold the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. But according to a recent report by My Way News, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which will allegedly be tasked with enforcing the new health insurance...
 | 7/2/2012 - Now that Obamacare has been ruled a tax by the U.S. Supreme Court, reality is starting to sink in for all those who emotionally supported it. Promoted as a way to provide either free health care or low-cost health care to the masses, the sobering reality is that under Obamacare, health insurance prices...
 | 6/29/2012 - By now, we all know the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate portion of Obamacare by declaring it a "tax." This is, in essence, a declaration that the federal government now has unlimited power to force consumers to spend some (or even all) of their take-home pay on various products, services...
 | 6/28/2012 - Regardless of whether you agree with the fundamentals of Obamacare, the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court has now ruled the federal government has the power to tax Americans into mandatory purchases of private industry products means an end to economic freedom in America. Why? Because it hands the federal...
 | 6/22/2012 - NaturalNews has confirmed, through conversations with the IRS as well as through their database of records, that neither the "ALIVE Foundation" nor "ALIVE New York" has any legal standing with the IRS for accepting tax-deductible contributions. This is searchable at the following link, when selecting...
 | 6/13/2012 - There's a revolt of sorts brewing among citizens of a growing number of states who realize that, no matter how much they pay on their mortgage or how long ago they may have paid that mortgage off, they never truly own their homes. Rather, because of the property tax, Americans really just rent their...
| 1/23/2012 - Newt Gingrich must have been getting desperate in theRepublican primary,because he took to channeling President Obama. By making an incorrect assertion regarding Romney's federal income tax rate, ostensibly to "prove" how "out-of-touch" the multimillionaire former Massachusetts governor is with ordinary...
| 12/31/2011 - It's been a pretty typical modus operandi for President Obama: Tell any reporter or camera microphone within earshot that you are a champion of the poor, but then implement, support or adopt policies that hurt or punish them economically.
There was that time in October, when the president took that...
 | 12/3/2011 - To say fractional reserve banking is bad is like saying that fire is bad - it's kind of silly for its simplistic assumption. The relevant question is: what are you using it for? Morally, who has committed the greater offense: the farmer who uses loan money to purchase toxic pesticides to spray over...
 | 11/26/2011 - We live in interesting times. Even as our own civilization hangs on the precipice of financial solvency, the priorities of the uninformed masses as so distorted that many will actually camp out in front of a Best Buy store in order to be the first in line to save $100 on a big-screen TV. In a time when...
 | 11/23/2011 - Junk food consumption is partly responsible for the rampant disease and obesity epidemic that plagues the US. But rather than focus on ways to rid the food supply of the specific toxic additives and processes that promote disease and obesity, a Harvard Medical School (HMS) doctor is urging the federal...
 | 10/27/2011 - Recently the research, practices and spending habits of The Center for Disease Control (CDC) have been under harsh scrutiny, and with good reason. Video and story coverage on CBS proves that the CDC is utterly corrupt, spending YOUR tax dollars in ways that will blow your mind.
Watch the video here...
 | 10/13/2011 - Citizens of Denmark who don't count saturated fat grams can count on an increase in their grocery bill this fall. In early October, Denmark officials placed a tax on foods which contain saturated fat. The new tax charges the equivalent of $1.29 per pound on all foods which contain 2.3 percent or more...
| 9/19/2011 - The federal government has a little cash flow problem, which has led to somewhat of a national debt in the neighborhood of $14 trillion. A big part of that problem has to do with a government addicted to spending and a large portion of the workforce unable to find employment (and thus pay income taxes)...
 | 8/7/2011 - There's a tremendous amount of disinformation being put out on the internet about the Rawesome Foods raid, even by people who should know better. The most common complaint against Rawesome Foods is: Why don't they get licensed?
The answer is because they are not a public store. Rawesome Foods is...
 | 5/26/2011 - Thousands of companies that received funds from the federal stimulus package owed the government millions in unpaid taxes, congressional investigators have found.(
At least 3,700...
 | 4/13/2011 - Republican Sen. Michael Enzi of Wyoming first tried it and failed in 2007, and now he and Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin from Illinois are together trying it again. The bipartisan duo plans to introduce new legislation shortly after Easter that will levy a sales tax on all internet purchases, even if the...
 | 4/9/2011 - The difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the Democrats want to spend us into oblivion while the Republicans only want to spend us into purgatory. The idea of actually running a balanced budget has never seriously occurred to either party. Government, after all, increases its...
 | 12/28/2010 - The recently-passed Food Safety Modernization Act, which was passed in order to prevent food-borne illness deaths in the USA, will cost $1.4 billion over the first five years. But nobody thinks about the economics of the issue. How many people are we going to save by spending this $1.4 billion, even...
 | 9/25/2010 - The news about Obama's health care reform just keeps getting worse -- and we only find these things long after the bill has passed, of course. The newest revelation concerns a 3.8% tax on income from home sales and home rentals which will go into effect in 2013. (Note: This story has been updated to...
| 8/11/2010 - A recent study out of the University of Florida has found that taxing alcohol helps to prevent deaths related to excessive alcohol consumption. The study is part of an analysis considering whether or not to increase alcohol taxes in the State of Florida.
If alcohol taxes in Florida are adjusted to...
| 7/20/2010 - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is urging the U.S. Congress to reinstate a pollution tax on heavy polluter industries in order to fund the agency's "Superfund program". This program works to clean up the nation's worst uncontrolled and abandoned hazardous waste sites that are damaging...
 | 6/24/2010 - The United Nations' World Health Organization (WHO) is pushing hard to impose global consumer taxes to help fund its various programs, including a new proposal that would tax the internet in order to pay for vaccines and other pharmaceutical medicines for third-world countries. Yes, you read that right...
 | 5/24/2010 - According to a recent report from, the massive U.S. health care system overhaul includes more than just a transition to government-run medicine. A small section hidden away in the 2,409-page bill requires all businesses to send 1099 tax forms to every company or individual from which they...
| 5/19/2010 - At the same time that our Surgeon General has declared we have an epidemic of obesity, our government is using our tax dollars to cater to special interests and to subsidize the very foods that are making us fat. Thanks to lobbying, Congress chooses to subsidize foods that we're supposed to eat less...
 | 5/4/2010 - Just when you thought the truth couldn't get any stranger than fiction, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue decides to launch a creepy new Big Brother "Tax Amnesty" program aimed at getting delinquent taxpayers to pay up on their back taxes. But the state agency has stooped to using police state...
 | 4/15/2010 - It's tax season in the U.S. again, and when it comes to discussions about the financial burden on the economy from the complexity of the current U.S. tax code, most of the criticisms focus on the number of dollars (or hours) spent in compliance. According to a study from the Tax Foundation, U.S. taxpayers...
| 4/9/2010 - The new federal excise tax on soda and other sugary drinks is being considered by the Senate Finance Committee as they listen to proposals on how to pay for President Obama's universal health care plan, which is expected to cost more than $1 trillion. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that a...
| 3/23/2010 - A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine1 has studied food prices over 20 years' time and compared those to average caloric intake to find an association between food prices, dietary intake, and weight assessments. The study concluded that adding a tax to increase the price...
| 9/23/2009 - Much like Big Tobacco once did with nicotine, the soda industry and high-fructose corn syrup producers of America have maintained a ridiculous state of flat-out denial about the links between soda consumption and obesity. "Sodas don't make you fat," they insist. Meanwhile, as Americans guzzle down insanely...
| 8/3/2009 - Mr. Johnson weighed nearly a ton.
And drank pop 'til his health came undone.
His kidneys turned blue
But he said, "I've got two."
"So I'll drink 'til I only lose one."
The debate over health care reform has run smack into a brick wall of economic reality. There's just not enough money to pay...
| 2/13/2009 - The Economic Stimulus bill passed the U.S. House of Representatives today, even after amassing a stunning 1,100 pages that no member actually voting on the bill has had time to read (
Is this the beginning of a new era of prosperity for America? Or is it...
| 12/1/2008 - Making public predictions about the economy, terrorism, politics and health care is always risky business. There are too many variables to track with much certainty, and nobody has a crystal ball that really works. But by looking at the big picture and monitoring trends, we can make some educated guesses...
 | 11/27/2008 - Governor Schwarzenegger of California has proposed a new tax on veterinary services; specifically on veterinary services and treatments. If the California bill gets passed, or if other states plan the same taxation, will the proceeds benefit pets and/or pet owners?
A new proposal in the California...
 | 9/17/2008 - The number of investors who are hitting up their Retirement Accounts is on the rise. According to the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, the number of employees with loans outstanding in Retirement Accounts such as 401(k) and 403(b) rose to 18 percent from last year's level of 11 percent. The...
 | 3/18/2008 - There's nothing that gets me all tingly like the coming of spring. It's always been my favorite time of the year. Just one problem stands between me and total rapture – the need to complete a tax return and file it along with the money I always owe. This year the filing of the tax return feels particularly...
 | 9/7/2007 - These days it seems that everybody wants to chime in on health care reform. Presidential candidates are unveiling ideas on health care like a group of Apple executives unveiling the next iPod. Two advocacy groups from California are joining the chorus of voices that want change.
The latest proposal...
 | 12/13/2006 - An environmental tax may be coming to China since widespread pollution could hold back the country's continued economic growth, according to new reports fro China's Southern Daily newspaper.
Mao Rubai -- chairman of the Environment and Resources Committee of the National People's Congress -- said...
 | 11/15/2006 - Increasing evidence suggests soda plays a large part in the obesity epidemic and the related type 2 diabetes epidemic running rampant across the globe, but a recent proposal to tax the sugary beverages and make them less attractive has been shot down by the American Medical Association.
The American...
| 9/21/2006 - Pharmaceutical companies in the United States and abroad are finally being punished by governments for bad business practices -- including tax avoidance and accounting fraud -- according to blogger Robert Weissman, writing for The Huffington Post.
Weissman points out recent cases against Bristol...
 | 2/27/2006 - What's wrong in America? Interestingly enough, many of our nation's problems can be summed up in one unlucky number: $100 billion. Sure, sometimes the government's $100 billion expenses signify a positive, worthwhile expense, such as the $100 billion that the federal and local governments spend on elementary...
 | 10/4/2005 - There's a lot of talk today about the flat tax as a new way to raise revenue for the federal government in the United States. At the same time, in the worlds of health and nutrition, there's a lot of talk about the benefits of flax seeds and omega-3 oils. Now, I propose that we combine these two and...
 | 1/23/2005 - There's been a wave of publicity and discussion surrounding the "Fair Tax" over the last few months. Although I am personally not a supporter of the economic policies of the current administration, I am a strong supporter of the Fair Tax concept. I'd like to explain why every American (Republican, Democrat...
 | 11/11/2004 - If there's one thing to like about the Republicans, it's the fact that they support tax reform. In theory, at least. The party hasn't produced any meaningful tax reform in decades, but now there's talk of a revolutionary overhaul that could end taxes on the poor, eliminate the IRS, and greatly simplify...
| See all 291 tax feature articles.Concept-related articles:Legislation:Sales tax:States:Sales:Nixon:Federal:Technology:The IRS:Internet:IRS:Money:Regulators:Treasury:Phone service:Computers:Travel:
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