Taser news, articles and information:
 | 5/20/2015 - The Police State of America grew in size again recently after a New York woman was essentially assaulted by Border Patrol agents.
Ogdensburg native and student of criminal justice at SUNY Canton, Jess Cooke, has distributed a video of herself being tackled and then stunned with a TASER for more than...
 | 11/23/2012 - Daniel Jensen of Pinellas Park, Florida, was simply trying to protect his house from burning down when he instinctively grabbed the garden hose and began dousing the corner of his roof and backyard fence with water to prevent nearby flames from catching hold. But this was apparently unacceptable behavior...
 | 11/7/2012 - A recent career day at Tularosa Intermediate School in Tularosa, New Mexico, turned into chaotic day for a 10-year-old boy who says a local police officer shot him with a high-voltage taser gun after he refused to wash the officer's patrol car. According to a lawsuit filed by the boy's court-appointed...
 | 11/1/2012 - When they were first being introduced for public acceptance, as many readers will recall, tasers were billed as a law enforcement alternative to actually having to shoot threatening individuals with real firearms. Today; however, tasers are being abusively used by cops in all sorts of non-threatening...
 | 10/26/2012 - When 61-year-old Colin Farmer, a blind, retired architect and stroke victim from the British town of Lancashire, was forced to the ground recently while walking to meet his friends for dinner, he thought he was being murdered. But in reality, Farmer was actually suffering reckless abuse at the hands...
 | 6/30/2012 - When they were first implemented by police, the goal of using tasers was to help subdue potentially rowdy or dangerous suspects without having to use deadly force. But increasingly, the taser has become a "weapon" of sorts in and of itself, and while not deadly in nature, its increasing popularity -...
 | 6/9/2012 - The Chicago Police Department (CPD) is currently investigating a complaint filed against several of its officers who allegedly tasered an eight-months pregnant woman in Chicago's Roseland neighborhood over a parking dispute. Thirty-year-old Tiffany Rent says she endured much pain as a result of the...
 | 5/17/2012 - Alzheimer's sufferer, Peter Russel From Epworth , Lincoln-shire UK, was shot with a Taser weapon several times because he refused to go into care. As reported in The Telegraph and on the local Calendar News TV, the 58 year old man had refused to go into care after being sectioned under the mental health...
 | 5/29/2008 - Police in Ozark, Alabama, Tasered and arrested an unconscious, sober man who was having a diabetic seizure on November 6, then charged him with drunk driving and resisting arrest.
James Bludsworth, 54, was pulling a trailer in his black Nissan truck when he began to have a diabetic seizure. Bludsworth...
 | 1/10/2008 - Drones are now on the rise in the US for local, federal and private use. Taser International, the company that supplies American police and military forces nationwide and is being funded by our taxes, has announced development of a flying drone version of their hand-held electric shock Taser gun which...
 | 12/24/2007 - "It is light, it's small, it comes in colors…" beams Lynne Rigberg, the host of a Taser party in Scottsdale, Arizona. Show your loved one's how much you care this holiday season with this 50,000-volt gift of false safety. Taser International is marketing these weapons for everyone after only a brief...
 | 11/21/2006 - University of California, Los Angeles campus police have become the subjects of both an internal and an independent investigation after students marched on the police station to protest treatment of Mostafa Tabatbainejad, a 23-year-old senior of Iranian decent whose physical detainment and multiple...
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