All posts tagged with nutrition

  • beet-juice-5-1-of-1
    (Natural News) If you’re looking for a healthy food trend to follow, look no further than the delectable beet. This multi-faceted nutrition powerhouse can be the perfect addition to any meal, and both the root and the greens of this little root vegetable are edible, making it an environmentally conscious choice as well. Beet greens […]
  • soda
    (Natural News) It is undoubtedly not healthy to drink sugar and fructose corn syrup-laden soft drinks. Instead of allowing people to make their own health decisions, however, increasingly government is stepping in to make those decisions for them, usually through taxation. In California last November, 75% of the votes cast on Measure D in Berkeley were […]
  • beets-944596_960_720
    (Natural News) Beets are extremely distinctive vegetables. Their bright, red color, slight sweetness and soft, buttery texture either makes people fall in love with them, or turn the other way. Of course, if people knew how incredibly nutrient-rich beets were, perhaps more people would diligently try to include these precious root vegetables in their diet […]