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Fauci says if you are concerned about Covid vaccine blood clots, heart attacks and deaths, you’re most likely an insurrectionist who hates authority

September 19, 2021 -

Can't walk right anymore since that second Covid shot? You've got Spike Protein Syndrome. Got horrible shooting pains up your spine or down your legs all of a sudden, just days after getting the China Flu jab? You've got Spike Protein Syndrome. Your entire vascular system, immune system and central nervous system are all in a state of shock, wondering what to do with those billions of toxic spike proteins. So now, Anthony "Fraudulent" Fauci has some advice for the healthy: ...

FDA authorizes yet another COVID “vaccine” – and once again WITHOUT clinical data to back it

2 days ago -

This latest jab is protein-based and targets the so-called JN.1 variant of the Chinese virus. Like the many others before it, Novavax's JN.1 injection was granted emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA.

Though there is not a single human clinical trial to back the shot, the FDA says it must be allowed to hit the market immediately based on animal testing data that supposedly supports its use.

"Today's authorization provides an additional COVID-19 vaccine option ...

Fatality rate spikes to 9.6% for individuals diagnosed with myocarditis or pericarditis after taking the COVID vaccine

2 days ago -

Nearly 10% fatality rate detected from vaccine-induced myopericarditis in 64-day window

The study analyzed 880,999 adverse event reports, of which 1,846 cases were identified as myocarditis and 761 as pericarditis. Myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, inflammation of the surrounding tissue, are collectively referred to as myopericarditis. Disturbingly, the data demonstrates that these vaccines — specifically BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) and mRNA-1273 ...

Christians who betrayed their faith and pushed abortion-tainted COVID-19 vaccines should repent for perpetuating mass murder

2 days ago -

Parents who question vaccines are often dismissed from pediatric offices and denied healthcare for their children.

Healthcare providers who question vaccines are often stripped of their license and/or fired from their position.

Moreover, the media parrot’s vaccine industry propaganda, elevating vaccine “science” to an authoritarian orthodoxy that demands obedience and forever compliance.

Many Evangelical Christians tend to fall in line with the vaccine narrative....

Gaza death toll now over 40K; 69% of casualties are women and children

2 days ago -

Specifically, 16,715 children and 11,308 women have been killed.

The media office added that since the conflict began, the Israeli army has perpetrated 3,556 attacks against Palestinians in Gaza. The total death toll has reached 40,878, with an additional 10,000 people either missing under the rubble or detained by Israeli forces.

Furthermore, nearly 1,000 medical and civil defense workers have been killed and 172 journalists have lost their lives. Seven mass graves ...

More Christians were murdered in Soviet gulags than Jews in Nazi concentration camps – why is the anti-Christian holocaust never taught in history books?

2 days ago -

Todd M. Johnson wrote a paper for a class at Notre Dame in 2012 that contains a demographic assessment of Christian martyrdom around the world. It turns out that far more Christians have died for their faith than Jews have for theirs.

One would think, based on Western history books, that Jews have endured the worst of the worst throughout time, but that title actually belongs to the tens of millions of Christian martyrs who paid for their faith in Christ with their lives.

"Throughout ...

UPenn researchers developing taxpayer-funded AI tool to target vaccine skeptics in social media

5 days ago -

This information came from grant documents obtained by Children's Health Defense (CHD) via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is funding this $4 million effort through the National Cancer Institute. (Related: HHS deploys AI robots to "inoculate" social media users against HPV vaccine "misinformation.")

Associate Professor of Nursing at UPenn Melanie L. Kornides heads the team behind the study. Kornides "specializes" ...

Top 7 COVER STORIES Big Pharma forced MSM to run to hide disastrous health consequences of mRNA clot shots

6 days ago -

Plus, it was all about co-morbidity “factors,” meaning people with cancer, dementia, diabetes, heart disease and who had heart attacks and strokes were all chalked up to have died from Fauci Flu, while millions of those same folks died from the Covid clot shots.

Though the mad vaccination rush for Covid-19 is fizzling out some, billions of vaxxed people around the globe are suffering and dying from Spike Protein Syndrome, where the billions (trillions with boosters) of spike ...

The horrifying link between abortion and vaccine development

6 days ago -

(Article republished from

After diving into Hacking’s background and how he came to the pro-life movement, Jonathon asked him about what public pro-life activism looks like in the U.K. Hacking emphasized that the country is tragically very “pro-choice,” with people in the U.K. generally supporting a woman’s “right” to kill her child if they believe the circumstances warrant it. But one sign of hope is the large number of Britons who feel ignored by globalist ...

FDA grants emergency use authorization for updated Novavax COVID-19 vaccine even without clinical trial data

5 days ago -

According to the FDA, the updated and protein-based Novavax COVID-19 vaccine is specifically designed to target the omicron variant JN.1 strain of SARS-CoV-2. The updated vaccine is produced using a similar process to earlier Novavax formulas and individuals receiving it may experience side effects similar to those reported with previous versions.

This EUA applies to individuals aged 12 and older, with the updated vaccine featuring a monovalent component that aligns with the ...

MEDICAL INSANITY: CDC adds multiple COVID-19 vaccines to the baby vaccine schedule, and they aren’t even licensed

5 days ago -

The latest Moderna vaccine is now intended for administration in six-month-old babies, with a booster given one month after the first. The Pfizer vaccine is also intended for administration at six months old, with the second dose coming three weeks later, and a third dose no later than eight weeks after the second. These vaccines will be routinely given to babies under 15 months, along with an additional thirty-seven shots, all of which have not been subject to double blind, placebo-controlled....

Dr. Daniel Nagase warns of possible GLOBAL CATASTROPHE as Japan plans to roll out world’s first self-replicating mRNA COVID-19 vaccine

5 days ago -

But according to Dr. Daniel Nagase, the issues seen so far might pale in comparison to what could happen with a new kind of vaccine known as the replicon vaccine. He warned that these vaccines could trigger a global catastrophe.

Nagase said if genes from these replicon vaccines escape into the environment – through birds, insects or other animals – they could spread uncontrollably, creating a nightmare scenario. (Related: GLOBAL EMERGENCY UNFOLDING: Japan will unleash Bill ...

LGBT RAGE: Georgia school shooter Colt Gray was “bullied for being gay,” father told detectives

3 days ago -

An unearthed FBI report from 2023 contains screenshots from Gray's banned Discord account showing that he was extremely frustrated about so-called "trans issues" before eventually deciding that the only course of action was to go on a shooting rampage at his school.

Not only that, but Gray's father told police that his son belongs to the LGBTQ+ community.

"It was very difficult for him to go to school and not get picked on," said Colin Gray, 54, about Colt's experience ...

New data from New Zealand confirms COVID-19 vaccines significantly increase all-cause mortality

6 days ago -

Data from Health New Zealand, the main public health government body in the country, indicates that 85.5 percent of New Zealanders over the age of 12 are fully vaccinated, and significant portions of New Zealand society have also received first and second rounds of booster vaccinations.

The data presented by Health New Zealand does not warn of the increased risk of all-cause mortality. Instead, the government webpage that provides data on COVID-19 vaccinations only has a one-paragraph ...

Trucking company owner claims MONKEYPOX VACCINE secretly being distributed ahead of November elections

7 days ago -

The business owner issued this warning during a recent episode of "The Alex Jones Show" on InfoWars. He reached out to Jones to spread awareness, telling the InfoWars founder that the order to distribute the monkeypox injection came from Big Pharma.

"All of a sudden, [my company] was blowing up with [inquiries] about 'Can you help us?' 'Can you send more trucks and drivers?' It is for the next three to four days and into next week," he disclosed. "They must be pumping out ...

Rogan rips mainstream media for failure to cover ‘real numbers’ of people injured, killed by COVID shots

5 days ago -

(Article by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. republished from

Rogan didn’t hold back from using strong language to make his point to viewers of Wednesday’s episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience.” He said:

“We don’t even know what the real numbers are because it’s not something the mainstream media covers — probably because they’ve all been vaccinated and they’re probably freaking the f*%# out.”

Rogan’s guest, Bret Weinstein, Ph.D., also called ...

Anti-inflammatory diet helps with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, cuts dementia risk by 31%

5 days ago -

Anti-inflammatory foods help with cardiovascular and metabolic conditions, reducing dementia risk

The current study examined over 80,000 adults aged 60 and older, utilizing data from the UK Biobank. Participants were monitored for up to 15 years, with a median follow-up period of 12.4 years. The research specifically focused on individuals with cardiometabolic diseases (CMDs), such as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and stroke, which are known to increase dementia risk.

Individuals ...

Dr. Sabine Hazan reveals that important gut bacteria are ERASED by COVID “vaccines”

5 days ago -

Instead of boosting one's immune system like government authorities and the media are still claiming, COVID jabs destroy the probiotic bacteria that the body relies on to process nutrients, neutralize toxins and promote strong immunity.

"I started noticing a month later, the bifidobacteria, this important microbe, is dropping in patients pre- and post-vaccinations," Dr. Hazan commented. "Only a certain group of microbes are getting killed ... Bifidobacteria is a huge part ...

3 Effective ways to maintain optimal brain performance for people over 60

5 days ago -

However, many older adults don’t participate in physical activities that are tailored to their needs. Low motivation and limited access to suitable exercises are common barriers. Often, caregivers resort to repetitive, low-impact activities, like gentle stretching, walking or yoga, due to seniors’ declining cognitive and physical abilities. While these activities are helpful, there's a growing understanding that combining various types of exercises offers greater benefits. (Related: ...

Blueberries: Nature’s MIRACLE MEDICINE for optimal heart health and brain function

6 days ago -

These tiny blue superfruits are more than just a sweet snack. Adding a handful of these berries to your diet could be one of the simplest, most delicious ways to enhance your health and prolong your lifespan.

Blueberries are packed with important vitamins and minerals that your body needs to stay healthy. They are a good source of vitamins like vitamins A, B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folate), C, E and K1 (phylloquinone). They are also loaded with essential minerals, such as calcium, ...

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