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Glyphosate herbicide may be altering children’s genetics and causing BIRTH DEFECTS

July 13, 2023 -

The dangers of Monsanto-produced chemicals were highlighted by a 2016 film titled "Genetically Modified Children." According to the movie, the issues began when the government of Argentina approved in 1996 the use of genetically modified (GM) crops to withstand the herbicide glyphosate sold under the name Roundup. Since then, an increasing number of Argentinian children are being born with severe birth defects and deformities.

A report by the Daily Expose elaborated ...

Glyphosate is spreading further into the ecosystem, now detected in surviving wildflowers and bee pollen

January 26, 2023 -

Glyphosate and its main metabolite, aminomethylphosphonic acid, (AMPA) have previously been detected in the pollen of plants that were sprayed directly by the herbicide. Glyphosate has even been detected in the nectar that bees collect from targeted plants. Now, a group of Irish scientists have found glyphosate residue in the nectar of wildflowers that have NOT been sprayed directly with the weedkiller.Surviving wildflowers now contain toxic ...

Glyphosate linked to lower birth weight and more intensive care cases in study on US mothers

October 20, 2022 -

(Article republished from

This is the second small-scale study the researchers have conducted with significant findings. The team’s previous study, published in 2018, was the first study to confirm glyphosate in 93 percent of pregnancies which found associations with shortened pregnancies. Other recent studies have also confirmed their findings.

“Pesticide exposure in pregnancy, especially in early pregnancy, can imprint DNA and ...

Glyphosate exposure increases risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection – study

September 02, 2021 -

According to senior research scientist Stephanie Seneff, one of the key aspects of glyphosate toxicity is the destruction of immunity. It weakens the immune system's ability to ward off viruses, including SARS-CoV-2 -- the one that causes COVID-19.

She explained that glyphosate toxicity needs the adaptive immune system to kick in a big way, leading to cytokine storms, where the body produces cytokines at a rate much higher than normal, and subsequent ...

Glyphosate exposure during pregnancy causes hormonal changes in baby girls

April 12, 2021 -

(Article republished from

The Study, which was published on Monday, in the well-respected Elsevier peer-reviewed Journal ‘Environmental Pollution’, is a major breakthrough in our understanding of glyphosate as a hormone hacker (endocrine disruptor).

Prof. Shanna Swan and Prof. Jia Chen, who are two of the Study authors and are both Professors at Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount ...

Glyphosate disrupts gut microbiome – even at “safe” doses

February 25, 2021 -

But that may soon change, thanks to a recent study by a team of European researchers. Published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, it showed that exposure to "safe" levels of glyphosate and Roundup could alter the composition of the gut microbiome in ways that may be linked to adverse health outcomes.

In particular, the study showed that glyphosate and Roundup interfere with the shikimate pathway, the central metabolic route in plants, ...

Glyphosate endangers wildlife, too. Tell the EPA to ban it

February 08, 2021 - glyphosate.

Glyphosate has been found on thousands of samples of human food such as cereal, orange juice, eggs, and in pet food, tap water, breastmilk, children's urine, streams, ocean water, and even in vaccines and rain.

A study by Paul J. Mills Ph.D., and his clinical research team at the University of California, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed a greater-than-1000% increase in the level of glyphosate ...

Glyphosate and GMOs: Toxic weed killer linked to a HIGHER risk of kidney disease

September 01, 2020 -

Several hypotheses cropped up since it first came to light. One of them is linked to a toxic weed killer, glyphosate, which is produced and patented by Monstanto -- the agrochemical company that introduced various genetically modified organism or GMO seeds that spurred global controversy.

Glyphosate was first developed as a cleaning agent for clearing out pipes and boilers until it was discovered by Monsanto, who acquired its patent rights in 1970....

Glyphosate byproduct AMPA found to interfere with photosynthesis, the basis of nearly all life on planet Earth

July 08, 2019 -

As bad as the direct effects of glyphosate are, however, they are not the only dangers associated with this toxic chemical. Studies have confirmed that a glyphosate byproduct known as aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) interferes with multiple plant processes, including photosynthesis, without which most life on Earth could not exist. (Related: Plant cells that enable photosynthesis found to also play a role in plant self defense.)What is AMPA?

The website Everything ...

Glyphosate breakdown molecule “AMPA” found to harm earthworms and degrade the life of soils

June 26, 2019 -

According to a study published in Environmental Sciences Europe, farmers sprayed enough of this toxic chemical throughout 2014 to cover every single acre of the world’s cropland with half a pound of it. One of the main molecules that glyphosate breaks down into, AMPA, has been found to be persistent in soils, where it’s harming earthworms and ruining soil quality.

Researchers studying the effects of AMPA on the earthworm species known as Eisenia Andrei discovered ...

Glyphosate and its byproduct AMPA found to heavily contaminate farms, rivers, cities and rural areas across America

June 25, 2019 -

Back in 2014, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) funded a study to assess just how widespread glyphosate and its by-product aminomethylphosphonic (AMPA) were in the environment.

Even though the study’s authors went to great lengths to insist that “glyphosate is no more than slightly toxic to birds, fish, and aquatic invertebrates; and exhibits relatively low oral and dermal acute toxicity to humans,” it nonetheless admitted that both glyphosate ...

Glyphosate worse than we could imagine. “It’s everywhere”

April 30, 2019 -

(Article by F. William Engdahl republished from

In a trial in San Francisco the jury was unanimous in their verdict that Monsanto Roundup weed-killer, based on glyphosate, had been responsible for Hardeman’s cancer. His attorneys stated,It is the second defeat for the lawyers of Monsanto after another jury ruled in 2018 that Glyphosate-based Roundup was responsible for the cancer illness of a California school grounds-keeper who ...

Glyphosate’s undeniable connection to autism

March 22, 2019 -

A great deal has been said about the impact glyphosate has on our health and the environment. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently deemed glyphosate as a probable carcinogen and researchers around the world are increasingly coming to the conclusion that glyphosate and glyphosate-based products have no safe place or use in this world.

Not so long ago, Dr. Stephanie Senneff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ...

Glyphosate is the next Big Tobacco … Thousands of lawsuits could bankrupt Monsanto / Bayer

March 19, 2019 -

That is exactly what happened when a California jury found that exposure to Monsanto’s glyphosate-based Roundup weed killer product had caused groundskeeper Dewayne Johnson to develop an aggressive form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The jury also found that Monsanto was fully aware of the product’s dangers but did all it could to hide the risks from the public. The judgement demanded that punitive damages in the amount of $289.2 million be paid to Mr. Johnson as compensation....

Glyphosate found to attack our immunity: Here’s how to reverse its effects

February 24, 2019 -

Glyphosate’s link to cancer rightfully gets the most attention, but it’s also important to keep in mind that it can threaten your body’s defenses by lowering your levels of glutathione. This is your body’s top antioxidant, and one study even suggests that it’s so important that the amount of it in your cells can predict your life expectancy.

Unfortunately, glyphosate has been found to cause “significant changes” in your cells by depleting the body ...

Glyphosate exposure found to hike non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk by 41% … and this deadly weed killer chemical inundates our food supply

February 20, 2019 -

Slowly but surely, however, the tide has been turning. The first blow fell when the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) announced its findings that glyphosate is "probably carcinogenic" (cancer-causing) in humans, particularly with regard to a type of cancer known as non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Though Monsanto’s friends in the mainstream media immediately tried to attack these findings, the scientists involved are simply too respected ...

Glyphosate warnings go mainstream as the dangerous truth about this toxic herbicide can no longer be denied

January 07, 2019 -

Now, the science is irrefutable: Glyphosate causes cancer. The toxic chemical is also a chelator of trace minerals, causing depletion of crucial minerals like zinc and magnesium.

Evil YouTube has permanently banned all Health Ranger videos in order to protect Monsanto / Bayer as this toxic corporation poisons humanity for profit. Because of the ban, you can only see Health Ranger Report videos at, the new free speech alternative to YouTube.


Glyphosate use SUSPENDED in Brazil as cancer concerns take center stage

August 07, 2018 -

A federal judge in Brasilia has ruled that any new products that use the chemical in its formulation cannot be registered there, and existing registrations will be suspended in the next 30 days while the government takes a closer look at the toxicology. The fungicide thiram and the insecticide abamectin will also be subject to this decision.

It won’t be surprising to see a slew of appeals to the decision, which could hit Monsanto very hard. The company markets a genetically ...

Glyphosate linked to autism; how to detox this “sleeper toxin” from your body

March 30, 2018 -

The primary active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, glyphosate was originally developed as an industrial cleansing agent to chelate heavy metals and other substances out of clogged pipes. When it was discovered that glyphosate can also kill microbes, it was eventually transformed into what would eventually become one of the most widely used weed killers in conventional agriculture.

But research compiled by Dr. Seneff in conjunction with data ...

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