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Flu shots are ineffective for seniors; may increase miscarriage risk in younger women

February 08, 2021 - flu shots at some point during their pregnancy.

The push coincides with an amendment to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that was passed by Congress near the end of 2016. This amendment provides drug companies who produce CDC-recommended vaccines for pregnant women with a liability shield so they cannot be sued if a pregnant woman or her unborn baby is injured by maternal vaccinations.

This push is particularly baffling considering the fact that ...

Flu shots just killed nine people in South Korea – and the season is only getting started

October 24, 2020 -

According to reports, five people in South Korea died on Oct. 21 alone after getting jabbed, raising concerns about the safety of these shots that many health experts insist are crucial during this so-called "pandemic."

While investigations are ongoing, the Korean government has made it clear that it has no plans to suspend its flu shot program unless post mortems reveal a strong link between the jabs and these reported deaths.

"We have reviewed whether ...

Flu shot lands man in hospital, unable to speak, walk, see or even BREATHE

December 06, 2018 -

A Las Vegas man lost his vision, became partially paralyzed and has been unable to breathe without assistance since getting a flu shot last month.

Shane Morgan and his wife Monique decided to get flu shots on November 2, believing it would help protect them and young family members ahead of the busy holiday season.

But what they thought was a pro-active measure turned to horror when Shane began losing feeling in his arms and legs.

“About ...

FLU SHOT WARNING: Despite official recommendations, this vaccine endangers pregnant women and babies because it STILL contains MERCURY

October 04, 2018 - flu shot.

Autopsy findings point to the half-life of inorganic mercury (yes, the kind in multi-dose flu shots) inside human brains lasting more than 27 years. Prolonged and heavy exposure to mercury often does irreversible damage to fetuses and infants, yet the CDC highly recommends flu shots that contain mercury as thimerosal for children in the womb and for infants as young as six months. Anybody spot a blaring contradiction here? Maybe you ...

Pandemic 2.0 ready to go: FDA to grant emergency use authorization (EUA) to mRNA bird flu shots, just like what happened with COVID

July 26, 2024 - flu shot but also "each additional vaccine," this referring to so-called boosters.

"Mandates will come," OAMF warned.

Ohio could become the first state in America to pass protective legislation for conscientious and religious objections to adult vaccination, the group further revealed, which is good news for everyone who lives there – but what about the rest of the country?

"This is just further confirmation that the next control pandemic is in route," ...

COVID jabs induce 723x more brain clots than flu shots, shocking study finds

July 10, 2024 - flu shot jabbing, which led them to the discovery that COVID jabs are far riskier than flu shots.

In the three years after COVID jabs were unleashed through Operation Warp Speed, there have been 5,137 reported cases of CTE. Comparatively, flu shots over the past 34 years have only caused 52 cases of CTE.

Note that over the past 34 years, all vaccines combined have only caused 282 CTEs compared to 5,137 CTE cases caused by COVID injections over ...

Flu shots, Fosamax and pharmaceutical fakery: The common use of misleading and deceptive statistics

November 30, 2017 - flu shots did indeed report a “60% efficacy rate”, and that phrase was prominently reported in the media, which pointed out the commonly-accepted past estimates of 90% efficacy. The problem was that both the 60% and the 90% figures were intentionally misleading RRR stats. But what wasn’t reported in the media coverage was the fact that the actual risk reduction (ARR) for the flu shots was a miniscule 1.5%. If that figure had been used, people would have balked ...

Big Pharma trying to transition seasonal flu shots to mRNA vaccines as COVID-19 jab revenues slide

March 13, 2024 - flu shots

There are numerous roadblocks for these mRNA vaccines that need to be overcome. Stat News notes that many people continue to be reluctant to receive mRNA jabs given their untested nature.

Moreover, many of those who did receive mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and experienced side effects will also likely be unwilling to roll up their sleeves. Although many people were fortunate enough not to experience serious adverse effects at the time of injection, some individuals ...

Flu shots found to be totally USELESS for overweight people, yet immunization propaganda claims they work for everyone

June 08, 2017 -

While we have all been conditioned to believe that vaccines are the best protection against contracting the flu virus, natural health activists like Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and founder/editor of Natural News, have long warned that the flu shot is not only useless but dangerous. While the mainstream medical community has steadfastly refused to admit this fact, a new study has confirmed that when it comes to obese people, the flu shot is a waste of time and ...

New JAMA study shows that neither COVID jabs nor flu shots reduce risk of hospitalization

October 22, 2023 -

Instead of helping to reduce one's risk of hospitalization, flu shots and COVID jabs have no positive effect at all, the paper, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found.

Clocking in with more than 100,000 views, as of this writing, the study looked at the risk of death in VA patients hospitalized for COVID versus the flu between Oct. 1, 2022, and March 2, 2023. The average age of those looked at in the two groups were 71 and ...

CLOWN SHOW: CDC unveils new cringe “Wild to Mild” ad campaign pushing flu shots on children and pregnant women

September 12, 2023 -

Even though influenza vaccines are unsafe and ineffective, the CDC plans to manipulate as many people as it can via radio and social media platforms to roll up their sleeves this fall and winter and take a flu shot.

According to CNN, vaccination rates "are down in both of those high-risk groups," referring to pregnant women and children. Thus, the CDC on behalf of Big Pharma will aggressively push Americans to get shot.

For the children, the CDC included ...

Vaxicarditis, Vaccidents, and Vaccimentia all to INCREASE thanks to Wuhan spike protein “boosters” and toxic seasonal flu shots

December 24, 2022 - flu shots?Vaxicarditis, Vaccidents and Vaccimentia

Problems with the heart that are related to the spike protein injections are now being referred to as vaxicarditis. When people have a sudden 'episode' and faint or pass out while driving a vehicle because the spike proteins clot their blood and oxygen flow to the brain, those incidents are being named vaccidents. People who were perfectly healthy before they got any Covid gene therapy stabs, and now are experiencing ...

Todd Callender warns: Experimental mRNA may now be in flu shots

December 22, 2022 -

He issued this warning during a recent appearance on "The Dr. Jane Ruby Show," telling program host Dr. Jane Ruby that the military is at risk. While the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandates in the military were already scrapped, the seasonal flu shot remains compulsory for military members.

"We got contacted by a service member on a ship in the middle of the ocean who's being forced to take the flu shot," Callender shared. "And we found out ...

STILL DUMBED DOWN: Even after millions of global covid vaccine deaths, 49% of Americans still plan to get a flu shot this winter

October 10, 2022 - flu shot while 24 percent are fearful of developing flu symptoms because of the shot, this being a common occurrence.

One in five Americans who does not want a flu shot says influenza is not a serious enough illness to warrant getting injected.

Another reason speculated by CNBC is that people who opted for the so-called "omicron-specific" version of the covid booster do not want to also get a flu shot because getting both injections at one ...

Biden COVID Czar: “I really believe this is why god gave us two arms – One for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot!”

September 08, 2022 -

Joe Biden’s Covid Czar Dr. Ashish Jha pushed for two annual shots during a briefing on Tuesday – one for Covid and one for the flu.

(Article by Cristina Laila republished from

The Covid cultists are trying to “normalize” the idea of yearly Covid shots.

Soon Americans will be forced and coerced into taking a yearly Covid jab and yearly flu shot.

In fact, Dr. Jha said this is why God gave us two arms.

“I really ...

Biden’s coronavirus adviser says the reason why God created humans with two arms is to receive a flu shot in one and a covid jab in the other

September 08, 2022 -

At a recent press briefing, Jha spoke on behalf of God and His alleged reasoning for building the human body the way He did – watch the video below:

"I really believe this is why God gave us two arms: one for the flu shot and the other one for the covid shot," Jha stated with a straight face. (Related: Jha is the same guy who pushed for Fauci Flu shot "vaccine passports" to be forced on all Americans.)

NOW - Biden COVID advisor Ashish Jha believes ...

Clinical trials for mRNA FLU SHOTS already underway

August 16, 2022 - flu shots will change human DNA forever, just like the mRNA jabs do. They will instruct human cells to produce toxic prions that resemble influenza strains, and flood the vascular system forever with these sticky proteins that clog the blood, causing blood clots, myocarditis and neurological issues, just like the Fauci Flu shots do now.Quacks, hacks, charlatans and shills push everything "vaccine" as "safe and effective" when it's all really unsafe and ineffective

The ...

IT NEVER ENDS: FDA wants to make COVID vaccination an annual ritual like flu shots

May 06, 2022 -

The FDA's vision for "a new normal" involves adding covid injections to the yearly jab ritual alongside flu shots, urging the public to take both once a year in order to stay "safe" (Related: Remember when the FDA was caught lying about safety and efficacy data concerning the use of covid injections in young children?).

"Widespread vaccine- and infection-induced immunity, combined with the availability of effective therapeutics, could blunt the effects of future ...

Ever since flu shots were introduced, nothing has changed: Death rates are the same as they were in 1960

April 04, 2022 -

The following image shows flu shot uptake between 1980 and today, as provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

The next image shows monthly influenza mortality counts between 1959 and 2016:

Notice anything wrong with what you see? Despite a massive rise in flu shot uptake over the past 40 years, the same number of people are dying every month from the flu, almost as if the shots are doing absolutely ...

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