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FOOD FREEDOM AT LAST: Trump, RFK Jr. to end war on America’s small farms and save nation’s food supply

2 months ago -

Fulfilling his longtime passion to clean up the world from environmental pollution, RFK Jr. is taking aim at not just the pharmaceutical industry but also the food industry, which has poisoned the nation's food supply with genetically modified (GMO) "Frankenfoods" and toxic seed oils that go rancid quickly while triggering inflammation.

In many ways, RFK Jr. wants to make America healthy again by getting ultra-processed garbage out of the food supply and supporting small ...

Living near pesticide-spraying farms is equally carcinogenic as SMOKING

August 06, 2024 -

Smoking is a habit that is chosen later in life. Children may be subjected to a similar level of carcinogens much earlier in life, and it’s not their choice to be subjected to these toxins. These agricultural chemicals are one of the driving forces behind the chronic disease epidemic plaguing U.S. children.Increasing pesticide exposure correlated with increases in various cancer types, including leukemia

The study, conducted by a team of researchers from Rocky Vista University, ...

Avian bird flu suddenly becomes COW FLU as dairy farms begin culling animals to destroy the domestic food supply

June 18, 2024 - farms.Here's the latest news on cow populations being attacked over a virus that has suddenly crossed over from birds:

According to USDA rules, when a cow tests positive for avian flu, the entire herd is not allowed to be transported between interstate lines. This is a problem because these dairy farms are designed to constantly move animals. If the movement is halted, the dairy farms run out of space, pushing farmers ...

EPA finds 726 chemicals in biosolids years after claiming “biosludge” is safe to use on farms

June 07, 2024 -

Section 405(d) of the Clean Water Act stipulates that the EPA has to conduct a biennial analysis of the regulations to determine if there is sufficient scientific evidence to continue backing the use of biosludge. So far, there does not seem to be any amount of chemicals that is too much for safe use on United States farms.

You can learn more about the EPA's biennial reviews of sewage sludge standards at this link.

"To date, EPA has conducted eight biennial ...

CIA allegedly operating online Ukrainian anti-Trump “troll farms” to influence 2024 election

May 01, 2024 -

So-called "NAFO" accounts on X, which feature animated imagery of animals in profile photos, might not be real people, but rather accounts made by Ukrainian anti-Trump "troll farms" to try to deter voters from voting for the New York businessman in November.

NAFO accounts regularly post things like "Who thinks it's time for Donald Trump to go to prison?" along with images showing his many felonies and the number of years he would have to serve in prison if prosecuted ...

Just in: Explosive allegations that the CIA is operating Ukrainian online anti-Trump ‘troll farms’ to influence American voters and the 2024 election

May 01, 2024 -

(Article republished from

As a matter of fact, disgraced former Congressman Adam “Cry Baby” Kinzinger is a proud “fella” of this NAFO online movement. Mr. NAFO! Adam Kinzinger has quite the reputation for spreading loads of fake news and pro-Ukraine propaganda. Remember when he got totally punked and fell for that hilariously phony “Ghost of Kiev” meme?

The memes that followed and mocked Kinzinger were pure gold.

Well, all laughs ...

USDA using unreliable PCR testing to “depopulate” poultry farms, crippling the U.S. food supply

April 07, 2024 - farms are notorious for raising chickens in unhealthy, crowded environments that do not consider the holistic health of the animals. This often causes the chickens to become more susceptible to sickness and more likely to spread infections. The animals are not allowed to roam freely and develop proper immunity to the pathogens in their environment. These animals are often subject to conditions, drugs and vaccines that further weaken their ability to adapt to disease. Instead ...

After shutting down thousands of farms, European governments are warning about a future food crisis as food insecurity worsens

March 22, 2024 -

The possibility that Europe might experience a major food crisis has become so likely that 60 EU and government officials gathered to carry out a simulation of what could occur and work on policies that can help respond to such a crisis. With videos depicting floods, droughts and civil unrest to drive home what is at stake, experts were warned to “expect a level of chaos.”

We are seeing signs of an impending food crisis around the world, with a series of geopolitical and ...

ENGINEERED FAMINE: Oregon starts SHUTTING DOWN small farms “to protect the people”

March 20, 2024 -

Yanasa TV, a project of Yanasa Ama Ranch shared a roughly 20-minute video – you can watch it below – explaining what is going on in the Beaver State as bureaucrats erroneously dub small family farms as concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs, in order to shut them down "for the environment."

"The state of Oregon has effectively shut down small farms and market gardens on a large scale, and they're actually sending out cease-and-desist letters ...

The globalist plan to eliminate all farms: No more food, no more humans

March 13, 2024 -

As explained by author Dr. Vernon Coleman, nothing about the climate change and global warming agenda is accidental or random. It was thoroughly planed for such a time as this, the end game being the destruction of farming and the implementation of synthetic "food."

The greenies, as many often call them, are no longer beating around the bush when it comes to their true agenda. Many of them state flat-out and in public that if the world's farms cannot be "sustainable," ...

Polish farmer protests turn violent as terroristic European governments wage war against farms

March 10, 2024 -

The farmers are upset about two main issues that are compromising their livelihoods: European Union climate policies and Ukrainian food imports. First, they have been calling for the restrictions that were imposed on them through the EU’s Green Deal plan for addressing climate change to be amended. In addition, they want to see customs duties on agricultural imports from Ukraine that have been waived since the Russian invasion to be reimposed.

Wednesday’s protests, which ...

Lawsuit accuses Synagro of poisoning farms with PFAS-contaminated BIOSOLIDS “fertilizer”

March 01, 2024 -

In what PEER says is the first "in what may be a tidal wave of product liability lawsuits," the claim against Synagro, which produces crop fertilizers from sewage sludge contaminated with all sorts of deadly toxins, alleges the company is responsible for unleashing "a major threat to American agriculture and public health."

Five farmers from Johnson County, Tex., filed the suit against Synagro Technologies, Inc. and its Texas affiliate for poisoning their farms ...

Lawmakers demand explanation from Biden’s DOJ regarding the proliferation of ILLEGAL CCP-linked marijuana farms

February 07, 2024 -

Headed by Reps. Pete Sessions (R-TX), Jared Golden (D-ME), David Valadao (R-CA) and Sens. Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Angus King (I-ME), the lawmakers have written a letter to Garland voicing their concerns.

"Chinese nationals – including those with potential ties to the Chinese Communist Party –are reportedly operating thousands of illicit marijuana farms across the country. The thousands of illicit Chinese marijuana-growing operations pose a direct threat to public ...

Twelve states sound the alarm: Globalist banks are conspiring with the UN to WIPE OUT U.S. farms and food production

January 31, 2024 -

CIA Chief Says US No Longer Dominant Power

In a surprising turn of events, the CIA chief William Burns published an op ed in Foreign Affairs magazine that aligns with Mike Adams' statements made yesterday about the world no longer being afraid of the US Empire. Burns states that the United States no longer enjoys "uncontested primacy," making it clear that the country is no longer the dominant power in the world, not just militarily and economically, but also as a naval power....

French farmers join German farmers in blocking highways with tractors, throwing manure to stop globalist agenda that targets farms for destruction

January 26, 2024 -

Similar to what their German and Dutch counterparts did in recent months, French farmers are doing everything they can to make their voices heard in support of agricultural freedom, i.e., tractor demonstrations, road blockades and other public spectacles. They are sick and tired of being told that carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen and other natural elements involved with farming are "pollutants" that must be eradicated in order to stop "global warming."

According to reports, ...

German truckers, factory workers join farmers’ protest against incumbent left-cult government that’s trying to DESTROY FARMS and the food supply

January 21, 2024 -

Truck drivers, factory workers and even firefighters cheered the rallyists, who objected to diesel prices and road toll increases. "In addition, we are fighting to maintain our existing subsidies," said one farmer, Hubertus Krupp, when asked why he attended the said gathering.

The dissent has been ongoing for a few days across the country because farm workers were also complaining about the proposed revocation of tax relief for agricultural workers. They are also protesting ...

Arctic blast was engineered to cause maximum damage to farms, roads and infrastructure, and interruptions to society

January 15, 2024 -

For geoengineering expert Dane Wigington and Brighteon founder Mike Adams, the cold weather is already known to the public to be manipulated. The technology exists and it is already in the U.S. Patent Office. "They put labels on these engineered storms like calling it an 'Arctic blast', straight out of the record-warm Gulf of Mexico," Wigington said in the recent "Health Ranger Report" episode, explaining how the weather terrorism is being committed. "They pushed this moisture, ...

Peaches, plums from HMC Farms recalled from grocery shelves due to listeria outbreak

November 26, 2023 -

In a statement, a spokesperson for HMC Farms announced that the company issued a voluntary recall of the fruits on November 17, citing the potential for them to be contaminated with listeria.

More than 10 batches of the farm's fruit were collected from states like Colorado, California, and Florida in recent days. Other states where people have been sickened or killed by the tainted fruits include Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, and Kansas.

The affected fruit ...

BLINDED by MONEY: Wind farms are KILLING eagles and whales, but the green cult ignores reality as it pockets millions in donations

October 05, 2023 -

In Australia, devastating evidence has been found that onshore wind turbines take on local eagle populations. The local Wedge-tailed eagle is thought to be down to just 1,000 individuals, but over the last 12 years, at least 270 birds have been killed or injured in the vicinity of wind farms. According to a recent paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Australian Field Ornithology, a further 49 vulnerable white-bellied sea eagles have also been killed in this ...

Government PERSECUTION of Golden Valley Farms food co-op proves once again that FDA, USDA should both be ABOLISHED

September 08, 2023 - farms all across the country as a means to avoid using meat processors and big business just to get clean, properly raised, healthy food, without all the extra fees and government b******t attached."

"The FDA and USDA both need to be completely dissolved. They don't protect public health. They destroy it."

When the government gets too big, it expects everyone to just obey – no questions asked. Learn more at

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