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Preparing for WWIII? Thousands of French soldiers to join military exercise in Romania next year for simulated war with Russia

14 days ago -

According to a report in Politico, the purpose of the exercise is to evaluate how fast they can reach NATO's eastern flank if required, which is essential if Russian President Vladimir Putin launches an attack on an allied NATO country.

"Paris is preparing for a world war. The pro-war French president has already come up with alarming plans in recent months, which could clearly lead to a war between NATO and Russia. As reported earlier, Emmanuel Macron did not rule ...

Exercise 13 minutes every day to increase your life expectancy by 3 years, advise experts

July 27, 2020 -

On top of these benefits, researchers from a health insurance firm in the UK found that regular exercise can also lead to a longer life. The team found that exercising for just 13 minutes, or less than a quarter of an hour, every day for 12 months can increase an inactive person’s life expectancy by three years.Regular exercise can lead to a significant increase in life expectancy

Researchers from Vitality, a UK-based medical insurance firm, examined the ...

Exercise is a good thing, but don’t go overboard

October 17, 2019 - exercise-related fatigue and burnout?

Symptoms like fatigue, low energy, and weight gain can significantly affect your daily life. Making some changes to your exercise routine can help address them.

Do you have the same workout day in and day out? If you're always doing a high-intensity workout every day, take a break. Changing up your routine will do wonders for your physical and mental health. It will also help prevent burnout.

If you prefer high-intensity ...

Exercise puts your fat to work for your metabolism, according to research

September 23, 2019 -

TGF-beta 2 is an adipokine, a large group of signaling proteins that originate in fat cells. Adipokines play a role in regulating metabolic processes in fat tissue, as well as in the brain, liver, and other organs. They also play a role in immune system function.

For the study, the researchers examined adipokines in humans and mice before and after exercise. They observed that TGF-beta 2 levels increased after exercise and that they increased not ...

Exercise improves arthritis symptoms, down to the cellular level

September 12, 2019 -

Published in the journal Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, the study suggested that exercise can help prevent the degradation of cartilage caused by osteoarthritis. To be more specific, the study showed for the first time how mechanical forces experienced by cells in joints during exercise protect cartilage against degradation by suppressing the action of inflammatory molecules that cause osteoarthritis. The findings of the study demonstrated the benefits of ...

Exercise linked to a decreased likelihood of age-related dementia and memory loss

June 17, 2019 - exercise reduces severity of Alzheimer’s symptoms.)Physical exercise improves the brain environment for the growth of new neurons

Other studies show that physical activity improved the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Working out triggered biochemical alterations that improved the environment of the brain, which made it easier to grow and repair nerve cells.

Furthermore, physical exercise activated adult hippocampal neurogenesis. During this ...

Exercise can improve heart function in women with breast cancer

May 07, 2019 -

According to C. Kent Osborne – co-director of the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium and director of Dan L. Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston – it is the first study to measure maximum oxygen uptake, which is the maximal rate at which oxygen can be used by the body during maximal work.

Maximum oxygen uptake is directly related to the maximal capacity of the heart to deliver blood to the muscles.

Other studies have also examined ...

Exercise is still the best way to lower blood pressure, study shows

April 19, 2019 -

In a recent study, researchers from the U.K. and the U.S. pooled data from existing studies to compare the effectiveness of exercise in lowering systolic blood pressure (SBP) with that of commonly prescribed antihypertensive medications. These medications included angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-I), angiotensin-2 receptor blockers (ARBs), beta-blockers, calcium blockers, and diuretics. They targeted SBP because people with high SBP are at great risk of ...

Exercise and heat therapy can reduce symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea

April 04, 2019 -

In conclusion, these findings suggest that both exercise and heat therapy can be used as alternative treatments to analgesics for treating symptoms of dysmenorrhea.

Read the full text of the study at this link.

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Journal Reference:


Exercise is just as, and sometimes even more, effective than drugs for treating high blood pressure

April 04, 2019 -

In this paper, which was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, the researchers sought to determine how exercise compares with blood pressure-lowering drugs. Therefore, they gathered the data from 194 clinical trials that examined the effect of drugs on lowering systolic blood pressure and 197 trials that looked at the effect of structured exercise. Overall, these trials involved 39,742 people.

Structured exercise was categorized into ...

Exercise found to reduce the severity of Alzheimer’s symptoms

April 01, 2019 -

For the study, the research team looked at the effects of physical activity in people with early-onset autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease as there is not much research done on this particular illness. In conducting the study, the team investigated 372 individuals enrolled at the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network study.

They divided the participants into two groups -- high exercisers and low exercisers -- according to their level of physical activity....

Exercise doesn’t need a prescription: It can reduce Parkinson’s disease, even delay its progression

April 01, 2019 -

In addition to fighting off Parkinson's, exercise brings the usual physical benefits of reduced stiffness, improved posture, increased mobility, easier walking, and better balance. It also helps your mental state by reducing the effects of anxiety, depression, and stress.

And those are just the perks you receive almost immediately when you start exercising. The long-term health enhancements include greatly decreased chances of hard falls – which in turn reduces ...

Exercise helps improve gut diversity, according to a new study

March 18, 2019 -

In a recently concluded study, researchers at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign reported that physical exercise could affect the diversity of the gut microbiota. However, the effectiveness of the workout depends on the weight of the person.

The researchers found that the fecal matter of lean participants contained larger amounts of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) after they worked out. SCFAs like butyrate are produced by good bacteria in your colon; the ...

Exercise and weight loss efforts significantly reduce risk of tumors

March 05, 2019 -

Obesity and lack of physical physical activity are risk factors for colorectal cancer. Earlier studies have shown that hematopoietic cells, which are cells in the bone marrow that produce blood cells, play a role in the development of cancerous tumors in the colon. In the current study, a team of researchers from the University of Ottawa in Canada and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign aimed to determine how losing weight through diet and exercise affects ...

Exercise has a lot of health benefits, but losing weight isn’t one of them, researchers conclude

February 27, 2019 -

It’s a debate that has been raging for a long time. Weight is often boiled down to calories in versus calories out, and indeed you’re going to put on pounds if you regularly consume more than you expend. However, for many people, it’s easier to curb calorie consumption than it is to expend more calories, and that’s because vigorous exercise often makes people quite hungry, causing them to eat the calories they’ve just burned – and then some.

In the review article ...

Exercise outperforms antidepressants for reducing depression

February 13, 2019 - exercise – with all its myriad health benefits and total lack of negative side effects when done correctly – is at least as effective as SSRI drugs at combating depression. And, even more importantly, it is considerably more effective at preventing the return of depression than chemical mood enhancing drugs.Why SSRIs are not the best solution

Even though a prescription for an SSRI might seem like a quick solution to a devastating illness, it is important for people ...

Exercise is the best natural remedy for back pain

January 05, 2019 -

Regardless if you have recently been injured or if your back pain is due to old age, you can naturally stimulate the healing process through active exercise. You just need to make sure that your exercise routine is done "in a controlled, careful, and prescribed manner."How can exercise help relieve back pain?

It might seem contradictory to exercise if you're already in pain, but you must keep in mind that movement can help nourish ...

Exercise found to help protect smokers from the inflammation and muscle damage caused by their habit

December 17, 2018 -

A team of researchers from Germany wanted to find out the effects of therapeutic exercise on inflammation and muscle loss due to cigarette smoking, so they carried out an experiment on three groups of mice. Two groups of mice were exposed to cigarette smoke for eight months, with one group receiving exercise training for the last two months, while the other did not. The remaining group was the control group that did not receive any treatment at all. With this, ...

Exercise is the universal medicine for almost anything that ails us

December 15, 2018 -

Regular exercise is good for your brain and body

Dr. Tarrel, a neurologist specializing in stroke and neurocritical care at the Noran Neurological Clinic, shared that he often prescribes exercise to patients since it is "the most universal medicine" for any health problem. Exercise can help your body move better physically by strengthening your bones, joints, and muscles. Additionally, exercise can help regulate body functions such as blood ...

Exercise can delay the development of Type 1 diabetes

December 08, 2018 -

If left untreated, Type 1 diabetes can make your blood glucose levels skyrocket. The condition can also increase the risk of severe complications, like blindness and kidney disease. In the U.K., at least 4.6 million people have diabetes, and about 10 percent of them have Type 1 diabetes.

Exercise and the "honeymoon" period of diabetes

Findings from the study, which was published in the journal Diabetic Medicine, revealed that volunteers who followed ...

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