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Sermon 56: Mike Adams discusses the biblical COSMIC IMPACTS prophesied to reset Earth

14 days ago - earthquake in human history. The shaking and ground movement from the earthquake would be so great that cities will fall, and the islands and mountains of the world will disappear.

The seventh trumpet and seventh vial both call for many of the same events to happen – such as lightning, thundering, great earthquakes and hailstorms. This is all part of God's judgment, Adams said, but a significant portion of survivors still won't turn to Him as mentioned ...

Manufacturers of vaccines, the most dangerous “medicine” on earth, may finally lose their “immunity” to lawsuits thanks to HR 9828

24 days ago -

Vaccine manufacturers have had a liability shield since 1986, when the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was put in place, so nobody could sue these bioweapon-making scientists for injuries and deaths caused by their medical WMDs.

Then, that vaccine injury non-liability luxury was even more solidified in 2005 with the PREP Act, that granted Big Pharma absolute immunity from lawsuits for products that were declared for use for “public health emergencies,” which could be ...

Earth just dodged a potentially apocalyptic-level solar storm – are we safe?

March 29, 2023 - earth-facing CME event of great enough size would take down all electronics and communications like an EMP

The March 12 CME event was actually much larger than the 1859 Carrington burst. Early estimates point to the explosion being 10 to 100 times more powerful than the Carrington event, though, again, it occurred facing away from earth rather than towards it.

Had it occurred towards the earth, millions, if not billions, of people would have died....

Earth to have “close encounter” with asteroid this week; event no cause for concern, says NASA

July 20, 2021 -

2008 GO20 measures between 302 and 688 feet wide. It travels through space at a speed of 8.18 kilometers per second or 18,299 miles per hour and is classified under the "Apollo" group of bodies. Apollo asteroids are described as near-Earth objects that cross the Earth's orbit, such as that of 1862's Apollo, the first discovered from the group. However, despite its proximity, there is little chance that it will make contact with the planet.

The agency said that ...

Earth may have been a “water world” three billion years ago, new research suggests

April 22, 2021 -

Published in the journal AGU Advances, it suggested that back when the planet was a molten ball of magma, its mantle held far less water than it does today. The mantle is the thick, semi-solid layer that sits between the planet's dense, super-heated inner layer called the core and its thin outer one called the crust.

Lead researcher Junjie Dong, a graduate student of mineral physics at Harvard University in Massachusetts, explained that over billions of years, the mantle's ...

Earthquakes, volcanoes and “mega droughts” are plaguing Earth in 2021

March 25, 2021 -

Right now in Australia, a plague of rats is being reported with millions upon millions of rodents infesting people's homes, businesses and neighborhood streets. From Queensland to New South Wales, mice are destroying food, farms and lives.

"Some farmers have already lost entire grain harvests to the rampaging mice," reports indicate, adding that "hotels have had to close because they can't keep the critters out of the rooms."

There are also many large earthquakes ...

Earth’s mantle houses the remains of the ancient planet Theia, researchers suggest

March 27, 2021 -

Qian Yuan, a doctoral student of geodynamics at Arizona State University and the lead researcher of the study, presented their hypothesis during the 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, which was held virtually from March 15 to 19.

Yuan explained during the presentation that portions of Earth's mantle called large low-shear-velocity provinces (LLSVP) are denser and chemically different from the surrounding rocks. He noted that Theia's mantle was denser ...

Earth faces bleak, devastating future due to environmental changes caused by humans, warn scientists

January 27, 2021 -

That, in a nutshell, is the summary of a report published on Jan. 13 in the journal Frontiers in Conservation Science. With over 150 studies to work with, 17 scientists from Australia, Mexico and the U.S., including Paul Ehrlich from Stanford University in California, warned that the planet is in a far worse state than experts understood.

The report underscored three major issues that have put the planet in such a state: the destruction and loss of the world's plants ...

Earth’s magnetic field over the South Atlantic is WEAKENING and scientists aren’t entirely certain why

May 22, 2020 - earth sciences.

“We are very lucky to have the Swarm satellites in orbit to investigate the development of the South Atlantic Anomaly. The challenge now is to understand the processes [in the Earth's core] driving these changes,” he added.

Furthermore, while the weakening inside the South Atlantic Anomaly is still within what scientists consider “normal levels of fluctuations,” it still does not explain precisely why the magnetic field in that area is ...

Earth-like planets not as rare as once thought: Astronomers estimate there are 2,000 nearby stars that house them

August 04, 2019 -

NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has targeted the stellar candidates. The successor to the retired Kepler space observatory, it's looking for the signs of a transiting exoplanet in 400,000 stars.

Researchers from Cornell University, Vanderbilt University, and Lehigh University have supported an effort to identify the most viable targets in TESS's catalog of stars with exoplanets in the habitable zone. Cornell researcher Lisa Kaltenegger served as the ...

Earth Day, 2019: Fifty years of apocalyptic global warming predictions and why people believe them, part 1

April 29, 2019 -

(Article by Peter Baggins, Ph.D. republished from

His entire administration including Vice President Joe Biden, and Secretary of State John Kerry, frequently repeated the claim that climate change was the greatest threat facing the world. It was a sentiment Obama stressed again during an Earth Day trip to the Florida Everglades where he said, “This is not a problem for another generation. It has serious implications for the way we live ...

Elon Musk claims Kamala Harris is an “extinctionist” who wants everyone on Earth DEAD

July 31, 2024 -

The 2021 Fox News interview with Tucker Carlson featuring Vance, which recently resurfaced and went viral after Hillary Clinton shared the clip on X, has faced backlash due to his controversial comment regarding the leadership in America. In the interview, Vance criticized several prominent Democrats, including Harris, whom he called "childless cat ladies."

"We are effectively run in this country via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ...

Guess what happened after earth’s “1.5C temperature limit” was “breached” for an entire year? NOTHING…

July 22, 2024 - earth compared to pre-industrial levels will be catastrophic for the environment and human health."

"But despite 12 months of the globe being above the so-called temperature limit, nothing bad happened on a global scale. Predications of climate catastrophe once we passed the so-called 1.5C temperature limit, never happened. The limit was nothing more than a political talking point from the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, as described in this Associated Press article: ...

Green terrorists are stealing property in America’s heartland to build massive CO2 pipeline terraforming machines for destruction of photosynthesis on Earth

July 09, 2024 -

The Iowa Utility Board (IUB) reportedly approved a proposal by Summit to build a carbon dioxide (CO2) pipeline that stretches across five Midwestern states: Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. The pipeline is slated to cover 2,500 miles – the portion in Iowa is supposed to be 680 miles long – and connect with 57 ethanol plants, a spokeswoman from the company revealed.

The IUB decision will allow Summit to use eminent domain to steal 859 land parcels ...

Elon Musk decries “Extinctionist Movement” that deems humans as a PLAGUE on Earth

June 25, 2024 -

He issued this denouncement in an interview with the Washington, D.C.-based libertarian think tank Cato Institute. According to Musk, those who wish to see humanity thrive are in a fight against these environmental extremists. The owner of the X platform had been talking about the "implosion of the birth rate," a cause of concern for him as it is "accelerating in most countries."

"If there are no humans, there's no humanity. We need to make them somehow," he said.

"In ...

Republicans vow to scorch the Earth after Trump conviction

June 05, 2024 -

(Article by Philip Wegman republished from

No one knows exactly how far they will go in their response.

What is clear is that conservatives have no patience for President Biden’s argument Friday morning that justice was served in Manhattan, that “the American principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed.” They see the conviction instead as unprecedented “lawfare” meant to interfere with the coming election and, some say, an unprecedented ...

WATCH: Mike Adams and Alex Jones discuss climate change “terraforming” of Earth and the possibility of an “Alien AI” threat against humanity

June 05, 2024 - earth, and that is the goal of the climate cultists," Adams warns.

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This site is part of the Natural News Network © 2022 All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing International, LTD. is not responsible for content ...

FrankenSkies documentary exposes the chemtrail agenda and its effects on life on Earth

May 14, 2024 -

Despite being a concept for nearly a century, far too few people are aware of geoengineering and its ramifications. Geoengineering may sound futuristic, but it actually dates back to the 1930s, and its origins and ramifications are explored in depth in an eye-opening documentary known as FrankenSkies.

The documentary seeks to raise awareness about this practice, exposing how those with a vested interest in it sought to normalize the idea of chemical cloud formations via ...

China constructing massive satellite network that can target anything anywhere on Earth

April 30, 2024 -

With the capability to blow up targets from thousands of miles away, these satellites could recognize targets for Chinese land, sea and air assets to then strike with missiles and other armaments. (Related: U.S. Space Force: China and Russia are CONCEALING THREATS posed by their satellites)

China currently has approximately 350 satellites concentrated around the Indo-Pacific region. Not only do these satellites continuously supply information back to Chinese military chiefs ...

Europe’s largest gas field in Groningen, The Netherlands, SHUTS DOWN due to earthquake fears (or so they say)

April 26, 2024 -

The Groningen gas field is officially closed, this after changes were made last October to reduce its drilling capacity. No longer will the Groningen gas field produce any gas because authorities say doing so could cause earthquakes.

Over the years, thousands of structures close to Groningen have become damaged due to seismic tremors, much like the ones that now routinely occur in Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle due to hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking....

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