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DISGUSTING: FBI entraps a kid with AUTISM in the name of national security

January 19, 2024 -

Thailand-based independent journalist Ben Bartee expounded on this scheme by the federal law enforcement agency. He cited a Jan. 10 piece by Murtaza Hussain of the Intercept, which tackled the arrest of 18-year-old Humzah Mashkoor.

FBI agents arrested Mashkoor at the Denver International Airport on Dec. 18. At the time of his arrest, the teen had been planning to fly to Dubai and transfer to either Syria or Afghanistan to join the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)....

Disgusting. Major League Baseball and LA Dodgers honor demonic Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence on home field before game (video)

June 20, 2023 -

(Article by Jim Hoft republished from

The anti-religious demonic gay act was introduced on the field by the game announcer.

There was only a smattering of Dodger fans at the game.

The MC announced to the crowd, “The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence for their outstanding service to the LGBTQ+ community.”

Clearly the Dodgers organization believes mocking Christians is outstanding community service.

Via Tommy Robinson ...

DISGUSTING: New Jersey teachers union smears parents, calls them ‘extremists’ in new ad [VIDEO]

August 21, 2022 -

(Article republished from

Teachers’ unions, left-wing activists and politicians, and the media descended on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis after he passed the ‘Parental Rights in Education’ bill, what critics dishonestly dubbed the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill.

The FBI wrote a report claiming that concerned parents were potential domestic terror threats after pushback against Critical Race Theory being taught in schools reached a fever pitch.

Now, ...

DISGUSTING: Calvin Klein ran ad featuring female model as transgender pregnant “man”

May 14, 2022 -

The grotesque imagery, which was released specifically for Mother's Day, depicts the obese, tattooed woman in Calvin Klein underwear that looks more like a diaper. The slice marks underneath her severed breasts are also visibly apparent in the disgusting photo series.

Calvin Klein apparently thought that this vomit-inducing ad series would compel more Americans to buy its products, but instead there has been serious backlash against the company.

According ...

Disgusting left-wing BIGOT Sen. Mazie Hirono calls for total ban on white people in Biden’s cabinet… a sitting Senator openly admits to judging people by the color of their skin

March 26, 2021 -

These two racist women, both of whom are non-white Asians, say that there needs to be more "diversity" in the White House – meaning more people who look like them and have similar body parts.

There are already far too many white people in Joe Biden's cabinet, they say, and white people are not "diverse." The only people who are diverse are people with dark skin.

"I am a 'no' vote on the floor on all non-diversity nominees," Duckworth told reporters during a recent ...

DISGUSTING: Cuomo, Lemon dismiss, mock rising murders, shootings in major cities

July 09, 2020 -

(Article by Curtis Houck republished from

In other words, Cuomo and Lemon chose to cast as fake news the deadly gun violence that’s lead to the recent deaths of young African-Americans like Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr., Davon McNeal, and Secoriea Turner in Seattle, Washington D.C., and Atlanta, respectively.

During the hand-off to Lemon’s CNN Tonight, the two were discussing hate charges being filed against a California man and woman for trying to ...

DISGUSTING: Chick-fil-A plans to donate to pro-LGBT youth charity founded by alleged molester priest

November 29, 2019 -

(Article by Shane Trejo republished from

They were able to pull the wool over the eyes of Rev. Franklin Graham, who defended the fast food giant after talking with Chic-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy.

“I picked up the phone and called Dan Cathy. Dan was very clear that they have not bowed down to anyone’s demands, including the LGBTQ community. They will continue to support whoever they want to support,” Graham wrote in a Facebook post.

“They ...

Disgusting! Despite president’s outstanding record – Far left hospital staff protests First Lady Melania Trump’s visit to comfort babies born addicted to drugs

November 07, 2019 -

(Article by Jim Hoft republished from

President Trump has done more than ANY PRESIDENT IN HISTORY to stem the flow of illegal drugs into the United States.

President Trump has done more than ANY PRESIDENT IN MODERN HISTORY to secure the border to prevent Mexican cartels who bring in tons of illegal drugs into the US each year.

On Wednesday First Lady Melania Trump traveled to visit the Boston Medical Center to comfort babies born ...

Disgusting: Late-term abortionist offers patients cuddle time with their dead babies before trashing them

September 19, 2019 -

In a brochure entitled, "Caring for women with Kindness, Courtesy, Justice, Love & Respect for over 45 years," Dr. LeRoy Carhart explains that women who receive late-term abortions can help quell their consciences of the horrors involved with this grotesque procedure by sentimentalizing their dead babies.

"Many patients request a remembrance of their baby to take home with them," the flyer reads. "Once the process of healing has begun, you may want to consider a token ...

DISGUSTING: Elizabeth Warren tries to buy off Native American tribes with taxpayer money to cover for her “woman of color” deception

August 19, 2019 -

You may recall that Warren has earned the nickname “Fauxcohontas” from President Donald Trump and millions of Americans over her longstanding false claims of being a Native American.

In addition to claiming Native American heritage, Warren, earlier in her academic and legal career, listed herself as an “American Indian” as her race in a handwritten Texas State Bar association registration form in 1986, The National Sentinel reported.

“The claim made more than 30 ...

DISGUSTING: Pathogens like salmonella can survive in cookies and crackers for half a year

December 27, 2018 -

The study, carried out by researchers at the University of Georgia, aimed to determine how long harmful bacteria that cause foodborne diseases can survive in certain foods. For the study, the researchers used five various serotypes of salmonella that had been isolated from foods involved in previous foodborne outbreaks. The isolates were particularly from foods with very low moisture content.

The researchers put the salmonella into four types of fillings. For the cracker ...

DISGUSTING: Nearly 90% of privacy curtains in hospital rooms are loaded with MRSA superbugs

December 20, 2018 -

As reported by Science Daily, an often-overlooked source of such infections are hospital privacy curtains which are washed far less often than other hospital linens but which are touched repeatedly by doctors, nurses, visitors and others. A recent study published in the American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC), found that these curtains, if not carefully and regularly washed, can become breeding grounds for antibiotic-resistant superbugs like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus ...

Disgusting liberals manipulate “gay” penguins to push anti-science LGBT agenda

November 11, 2018 -

The gay penguin charade has captured the hearts of millions: Magic and Sphen reportedly "bonded" just before the 2018 mating season began. The pair were seen building their own nest, and as usual, humans were compelled to intervene. At first, they were given a"dummy egg" to practice on. Staff at the Sea Life Aquarium in Sydney were moved to eventually give Magic and Sphen a "foster" egg.

The egg in question was stolen from another, heterosexual pair of penguins. Staff ...

Disgusting Democrats cling to open borders agenda even as American citizens like Mollie Tibbetts are butchered by illegal aliens

August 22, 2018 - disgusting. But she got away with it because she said it on MSNBC, home to the dregs, kooks, losers, racists, and lunatics of modern media.

As for Warren, the “real problem” when it comes to our immigration system is that it is unenforceable. There are laws on the books, sure, but between activist federal courts, Left-wing legal organizations, and congressional inaction, we have a patchwork of loopholes ...

Disgusting left-wing logic forces schools to blacklist conservative teachers… views steeped in “whiteness” go against social justice theories

April 22, 2018 -

Erin Miller, a white woman, and Tehia Stark-Glass, a black woman, say that educators of the future can't hold conservative viewpoints because anything other than a left-leaning mindset is too steeped in "whiteness."

According to reports, the anti-white, anti-conservative duo recently co-authored a manifesto for the journal The New Educator that attempts to make the case that white conservative teachers aren't a proper fit for inner city schools.

Entitled, "The Maintenance ...

DISGUSTING: Study finds that animal vaccines have no safeguards against contamination and contribute to serious pet diseases like cancer

April 22, 2018 -

A study recently published in the journal Biologicals, entitled “Endogenous retroviruses as potential hazards for vaccines,” warns that the way in which animal vaccines are manufactured leaves them vulnerable to contamination by retroviruses which are present in the master seed stock of the cells used in their production.

The manufacture of both human and animal vaccines is dependent on the use of live human and animal cells as seed stock. Unfortunately, as noted by GreenMedInfo, ...

Disgusting: United Airlines cuts ties with the nation’s oldest civil rights group, the NRA, but continues to fund abortion murder

February 28, 2018 - disgusting decision not to investigate formally or charge anyone, Planned Parenthood was busted during an undercover media operation in 2015; some of its officials were caught on video negotiating the sale of baby body parts for profit, which is illegal in the United States. (Related: Planned Parenthood harvested baby parts without patient consent; whistleblower says they just "took what they wanted.”)

Instead, the miserable Leftists who run California charged ...

Disgusting Left-wing American media fawn over North Korean dictator’s sister because they know NOTHING about living under Communism

February 14, 2018 - disgustingly gooey puff piece about the North Korean gulag queen "stealing the show" at the Olympics.

But the commie news network certainly wasn’t alone. As I noted above, the Washington Post was the paper that actually compared Kim Yo Jong to President Donald J. Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, calling her a “political princess” and adding:

Here she was, a political princess, but the North Korean “first sister” had none of the hallmarks of power and wealth that ...

EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Drew GOES OFF on US govt over lack of transparency in Wuhan lab funding scandal: ‘I find it disgusting

May 23, 2024 - disgusting. It's the real core of the problem. So we're going to tune up the propaganda on one side and we're gonna cancel anybody on the other so people don't have to be exposed to God forbid the truth, the facts."

Watch the full episode below:

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Disgusting “environmental crimes” against America covered up with EPA quack science

February 24, 2017 -

The fertilizer in question is formally known as "biosolids." It starts out as sewage sludge, the semi-solid mix of animal fat and human feces that settles to the bottom at wastewater treatment plants. When this sludge has been chemically or biologically treated to reduce its levels of odor and indicator pathogens (that is, not all pathogens), it becomes known as biosolids.

Biosolids contain more than just human fecal bacteria. They also contain 27 separate heavy metals, ...

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