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Superfood pomegranate helps fight cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer

17 days ago - diabetes, which are both closely linked to heart disease. They treated fat cells with pomegranate juice and its active compounds – ellagic acid, punicalagin and urolithin A. These compounds not only reduced the accumulation of fat in the cells but also decreased the release of enzymes that promote blood sugar spikes and fat storage. This effect on fat and glucose metabolism is particularly promising for those at risk of diabetes – a major contributor to heart disease....

TYPE 3 DIABETES EPIDEMIC: Most nations call dementia “Type 3 Diabetes” as science reveals Alzheimer’s gets triggered by insulin resistance in the brain

21 days ago - diabetes (meaning no change in bad diet) causes damage to blood vessels, including vessels in the brain. Without proper diagnosis of this, damage is likely to keep increasing, causing chemical imbalances in the brain while high blood sugar levels exacerbate chronic inflammation, permanently damaging brain cells.

Vascular dementia is a stand-alone diagnosis and a warning sign that diabetes is developing into an overlap with Alzheimer’s disease (T3D). As the science ...

Diabetes and obesity drugs linked to thyroid cancer

June 28, 2023 -

Semaglutide, the active ingredient found in the widely used anti-diabetes and anti-obesity drugs Ozempic and Wegovy, respectively, are linked to an increased risk of thyroid cancer in patients who take the drugs in accordance with a doctor's prescription.

Known as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists, the drugs in question are manufactured by Novo Nordisk, AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly and Sanofi Winthrop, all of which must submit supplementary information ...

Diabetes prevention: Following a 16-week vegan diet boosts gut microbes linked to body weight and blood sugar management

September 11, 2020 -

In a major breakthrough, scientists from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), a nonprofit health organization based in Washington, D.C., found that 16 weeks of a plant-based diet can enhance gut microbiota, induce weight loss and ameliorate markers of insulin resistance in overweight adults without diabetes.

Their findings, published in the journal Nutrients, provide empirical evidence that plant protein, as part of a plant-based diet, is ...

Diabetes prevention: What to eat and what to avoid

July 30, 2020 -

There are also no accepted mainstream cures for diabetes, but this does not mean that the disease is a death sentence. Scientists agree that proper diet and good nutrition are big factors in reducing diabetes risk and managing its symptoms in the long run.

In fact, adopting a balanced diet, eating more of the right foods and steering clear of unhealthy ones can slash the risk of diabetes or help keep it in remission for diabetics. This holistic ...

Diabetes breakthrough: Can this protein significantly reduce insulin overproduction?

May 21, 2019 - diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. (Related: Research shows that insulin resistance may be detrimental to brain health.)Eliminating GRP94 protein may help prevent hyperinsulinemia

In a press release, UCPH researcher Dr. Michal Tomasz Marzec explained that proinsulin needs assistance to assume the form of a fully mature insulin. The GRP94 protein provides support by helping proinsulin fold into the right structure.

Typically, removing a ...

Diabetes industry pushing high-profit medications rather than teaching people to eat healthier

February 27, 2019 -

As the seventh leading cause of death in our nation, most people would agree that something needs to be done about diabetes. Unfortunately, the diabetes industry seems to be taking an approach that does not serve those who suffer from this condition. As they focus on pushing medications on the masses, they are doing people a huge disservice by glossing over the fact that dietary changes can go a long way toward managing diabetes.

Every two ...

Diabetes journal article retracted after author found to have copied and pasted the “sciency” images

February 17, 2019 - diabetes researcher Dr. Saad

Mario Saad of the State University of Campinas (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP), in São Paolo, Brazil, is no stranger to Retraction Watch, a blog that reports on retractions of scientific papers. In 2015, the diabetes researcher sued the American Diabetes Association (ADA), for defamation after four of his papers had been flagged for duplicating several images of western blot results. He lost the lawsuit, and ...

Diabetes science: Tasmanian bluegum regulates blood sugar levels

February 04, 2019 -

Recent estimates by the World Health Organization show that more than 422 million adults worldwide suffer from diabetes. This condition has two major types. The first of these is Type 1 diabetes or juvenile diabetes, which occurs when the body is unable to produce insulin. On the other hand, patients with Type 2 diabetes still produce insulin, however, their cells are unable to respond like they normally do. One thing that both types of ...

Diabetes found to double your risk of cataracts, potential blindness

January 03, 2019 -

Researchers from Anglia Ruskin University, University of Basel, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, and Boston University School of Public Health looked at the risk of cataracts in individuals with and without diabetes. The research team carried out the study by assessing the medical records of more than 56,000 diabetic patients in the U.K. aged 40 years and older. The participants' medical records were obtained from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink, ...

Diabetes prevention study: Fiber helps reduce blood sugar, improve gut bacteria

April 14, 2018 -

Fiber helps lower blood sugar levels and improve gut bacteria, according to a study published in the journal Science. The study, led by researchers at Rutgers University, New Brunswick (RUNB), found that people with Type 2 diabetes who followed a diet rich in fibers had a greater reduction in blood sugar levels.

In the study, the researchers divided the participants into two groups, the treatment group and the control group. The treatment group followed a diet ...

Diabetes medication plunges blood sugar to dangerously low levels, increasing risk of heart attack and death

March 31, 2018 -

Because pharmacologic therapies for type-2 diabetes come with some serious health risks, the ACP is now recommending that physicians take a more conservative approach in administering them. Rather than try to achieve what are now being regarded as impossibly low blood sugar level targets, the ACP says that doctors should instead focus on more minor reductions.

The problem is that too many type-2 diabetics are suffering heart attacks and early death as a result ...

Vermont Sen. Sanders: Pharma companies charge more than $1,000 for diabetes drug that costs $5 to make

a month ago -

The lawmaker zeroed in on pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk, the manufacturer of the drugs Ozempic and Wegovy, on Sept. 17. He slammed the company for charging Americans more than $900 a month for Ozempic. According to Reuters, Novo Nordisk sells Wegovy for $1,349 a dose and Ozempic for $935 a dose.

During a panel discussion with experts, Sanders said he and his staff have been in touch with executives of major drug firms. These drug firms, he continued, could sell a generic ...

Diabetes and obesity: How you can survive and thrive

February 20, 2018 -

As of 2017, over 12 million children and teenagers in the United States alone are considered obese. Every year, more than 3,500 children and teenagers are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes -- and that's just in the United States. Obesity and diabetes rates among adolescents have been on the rise in the United Kingdom as well, with there being 33.2 cases of Type 2 diabetes identified in every 100,000 children annually.

What awaits these children ...

STUDY: Voice analysis tech can accurately detect Type 2 diabetes through speech patterns

2 months ago - diabetes but also in those with normal blood glucose levels – indicating a broader application for this discovery. The relationship was slightly less pronounced in individuals already diagnosed with diabetes.

The human voice has up to 200,000 unique characteristics and AI algorithms can filter through these to find patterns linked to specific diseases. For detecting Type 2 diabetes, the AI evaluated brief voice recordings – only six to 10 seconds long ...

Diabetes compromises the immune system: Study finds diabetics face increased risk of serious infections

February 07, 2018 -

The research team noted that 5,863 of these patients had type 1 diabetes, while 96,630 had type 2 diabetes. These numbers were compared with 203,518 healthy matched controls. The experts then determined infection rates between 2008 and 2015, which were obtained from primary care and linked hospital and mortality records. The rates were compared across 19 individual infection categories.

The scientists used Poisson regression to estimate the incidence ...

Study: Continuous aerobic training confirmed to be the MOST EFFECTIVE exercise for diabetes management

2 months ago -

The research, published in the American Journal of Cardiology, indicates that consistently participating in continuous aerobic training might be the most effective approach for enhancing blood sugar control in those with Type 1 diabetes, particularly female patients.

"This study is important because diabetic patients often lack motivation to exercise as a means of managing their condition," noted study co-author Dr. Pooya Soltani, a senior lecturer at Staffordshire ...

Australian doctor targeted by food industry for curing diabetes: “I was reported to the medical board on three occasions”

August 14, 2024 - diabetes.

This is insane - it’s almost like they want you sick.

— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) August 8, 2024

(Related: Did you know that get injected with insulin increases the risk of death twofold in type 2 diabetics?)Medical establishment feeds diabetics loads of sugar

The same doctor says he was reported on one occasion for "inappropriately" reversing someone's diabetes on television.

"We're ...

Diabetes drug manufacturers unable to prove any real benefit to patients

December 10, 2017 - diabetes and established vascular disease. In the study, sitagliptin together with existing anti-diabetic therapy was compared with usual diabetes care in this study. However, there were no conclusions that could be derived from the study because the comparative data was lacking. Moreover, there was no confirmation that there were uniform health care standards in the countries involved in the study and the results cannot be applied to the German health care context....

Intermittent fasting better than pharmaceutical drugs at managing diabetes

July 01, 2024 -

New research published in the journal Diabetes and Endocrinology shows that blood sugar can more easily be managed through timing when you eat rather than popping diabetes medications.

Participants who adhered to a 5:2 intermittent fasting diet, meaning they eat normally for five days while reducing calories for the remaining two days, improved their blood sugar levels and lost weight more easily than diabetes sufferers who stick with pharmaceuticals ...

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