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COVID, monkeypox and now West Nile: The election virus fearmongering continues

18 days ago -

End of August and early September is usually when mosquito populations really start to explode across the more humid areas of country, including in New York City where city officials have begun "spraying" the streets with chemicals as mitigation.

Thanks to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic," some cities and towns are even launching "voluntary" curfews and lockdown orders as a way to try to mitigate the perceived threat of West Nile Virus.

The town ...

TOTAL RECALL: Canadian government DESTROYING all Covid mRNA jabs to eliminate evidence of genocidal crimes against humanity

4 days ago -

When the masses of Canadians and other victims of vaccine violence around the world get wind of the cause of their injuries and forever symptoms (long-vax syndrome), and the deaths of the injected sheeple, there will be no evidence (besides autopsies) left to use in the new-age Nuremberg trials of the mass murderers who knew exactly what they were doing when they pushed these toxic jabs on the populace.Tens of millions of deadly Covid “vaccines” being recalled by the ...

WEF admits COVID was a “test” of public obedience to new globalist world order

5 days ago -

On the "My Carbon" page of its website, the WEF makes a pitch for 15-minute "smart" cities as the solution to climate change. On that page, the WEF shows its hand about what COVID was really designed to do.

"COVID-19 was the test of society responsibility," the WEF openly admits. "A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world."

"There were numerous examples globally of maintaining ...

Rep. Thomas Massie says recorded phone calls prove CDC lied about COVID “vaccine” efficacy

5 days ago -

Rep. Massie caught the CDC lying in its official publication (MMWR) about COVID jab efficacy all the way back in December 2020. He further confirmed the lies by calling the CDC and recording the answers he received to questions about the shots.

When the CDC refused to tell the general public the truth, Rep. Massie took it upon himself to share the recordings with investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson who exposed them publicly.

"The CDC, in a paper that had ...

Moderna admits in patent filings that its mRNA COVID-19 injections can cause CANCER

5 days ago -

The company made this admission in patent filings disclosed by Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, during a hearing led by U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). According to Malone, Moderna's patent shows that its vaccine contains billions of DNA fragments and other contaminants linked to birth defects and cancer.

The expert also mentioned that Moderna's patent acknowledges that RNA is preferable to DNA in vaccines. However, the vaccine maker also ...

The CONNECTION between AUTISM and COVID JABS could boil down to destruction of good gut bacteria

5 days ago -

Big Pharma and the Vaccine Industrial Complex (VIC) do not want anyone studying this, reading about it, or talking about it. Autism is one of the biggest cash cows for the VIC, and now it’s come to light that the Covid-19 mRNA jabs are contributing to the further spike in autism cases. Surprised?Big Pharma’s cash cow autism now “injected” with new major cause ­– Fauci Flu mRNA “vaccines”

One of the most insidious ways Big Pharma bankrolls off human health detriment ...

TABOO DEBATE TOPIC: Neither candidate nor the debate moderators spoke about the health horrors that came from the Covid vaccines, masks, and lockdowns

5 days ago -

Neither candidate for President discussed how the pandemic response went so horribly wrong, including all the horrific injuries and deaths caused by the mRNA clot shots. Nobody addressed that masks don’t work but rather cause diseases, according to in-depth scientific and evidence-based research. No one talked about the deadly Covid jabs causing miscarriages and spontaneous abortions.

Neither candidate spoke on the subject, nor did the moderators ask about the failed ...

Oxford’s new COVID jab aimed to sterilize 60% – 70% of recipients, developer admits

6 days ago -

In a recent interview about the new shot, Sir John, who teaches medicine at Oxford, seemed to suggest that one of the goals behind these injections is to mass sterilize the planet under the guise of protecting public health against the "COVID virus."

"These vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize a population," Sir John said with seeming disappointment during the interview.

"They're very likely to have an effect which works in a percentage, say 60 or ...

Coming Sept. 18: ‘Vaxxed 3 exposes widespread injuries, deaths following COVID shots, hospital protocols

6 days ago -

(Article by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. republished from

A new documentary, “Vaxxed 3: Authorized to Kill,” premiering in theaters across the country on Sept. 18, compiles clips from over a thousand interviews with the everyday people who visited the bus to share their stories.

The interviews reveal a radical consistency in the experiences related by those who were injured and by the families who lost their loved ones and in the descriptions of ...

CDC wants to inject BABIES with COVID-19 shots – but they aren’t licensed for kids under 12

6 days ago -

According to the public health agency's guidance issued on Aug. 30, children as young as six months old should get injected with either two doses of the 2024-2025 Moderna COVID-19 vaccine or three doses of the 2024-2025 Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

For the latest Moderna injection, the CDC recommends that babies get the first dose at six months and the second dose a month after the first. For the latest Pfizer shot, the agency advises that the first dose should ...

Dr. Malone explains how COVID-19 vaccines cause cancer in latest congressional hearing discussing vaccine injuries

7 days ago - covid-19 vaccine from a colleague who was working with the vaccination program in Columbia, South Carolina.

Professor Buckhaults sequenced all the DNA from those vials. He was shocked to see the DNA in the final samples. He said, "You can kind of work out what it is and how it got there and I’m kind of alarmed about the possible consequences of this both in terms of human health and biology."

Sources include:


Joe Rogan blasts media for failing to publish “real numbers” of people injured, killed by COVID jabs

7 days ago -

During their discourse, host Joe Rogan went on a tirade about how the world does not even know the true numbers of injuries and deaths because the media refuses to publish the "real numbers."

Rogan believes that the reason it is all crickets from the corporate media is because many pundits and reporters got the jab and are now "probably freaking the **** out," to quote his crude statement.

Weinstein agreed, adding that Big Pharma and government regulators at the FDA ...

Highly evolved polio strain that infected Chinese boy suspected to have “leaked” from same Wuhan lab as COVID

7 days ago -

A paper from France's Pasteur Institute suggests that this new "highly evolved" strain of polio was more than likely developed at the WIV. It is said to be 99 percent similar to the Saukett A strain of polio used in laboratory settings and in vaccine production.

Dr. Maël Bessaud, who led the research, says WIV14 probably came from the WIV or another facility that handles polio. The only other possible origins of WIV14 include a natural reservoir or another lab.

(Related: ...

FDA authorizes yet another COVID “vaccine” – and once again WITHOUT clinical data to back it

8 days ago -

This latest jab is protein-based and targets the so-called JN.1 variant of the Chinese virus. Like the many others before it, Novavax's JN.1 injection was granted emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA.

Though there is not a single human clinical trial to back the shot, the FDA says it must be allowed to hit the market immediately based on animal testing data that supposedly supports its use.

"Today's authorization provides an additional COVID-19 vaccine ...

Fatality rate spikes to 9.6% for individuals diagnosed with myocarditis or pericarditis after taking the COVID vaccine

8 days ago - covid jabs

Despite the severity of these findings, the study's authors chose to downplay the reality of mass injury and death from the vaccines, reporting that "overall outcomes were good" for most cases of myocarditis. This has drawn sharp criticism from experts, including Dr. Peter McCullough, a prominent cardiologist and author of over 1,000 scientific publications. McCullough has voiced concerns that the authors’ conclusions are dangerously misleading, given the high fatality ...

Christians who betrayed their faith and pushed abortion-tainted COVID-19 vaccines should repent for perpetuating mass murder

8 days ago -

Parents who question vaccines are often dismissed from pediatric offices and denied healthcare for their children.

Healthcare providers who question vaccines are often stripped of their license and/or fired from their position.

Moreover, the media parrot’s vaccine industry propaganda, elevating vaccine “science” to an authoritarian orthodoxy that demands obedience and forever compliance.

Many Evangelical Christians tend to fall in line with the vaccine narrative....

World Economic Forum finally tells the truth about COVID: It was a ‘test’ of our obedience to rapidly forming new world order

8 days ago -

(Article republished from

Now, we’ve got the World Economic Forum coming out and all but admitting that was exactly why the Covid-19 “pandemic” had to happen.

The WEF gleefully posted the following snippet to the “My Carbon” page of its website where they make a pitch for so-called smart cities, which is just another term for 15-minute cities.

The first of three “developments” that the WEF says must be in place before the world ...

House panel subpoenas Tim Walz over $250M COVID fraud – was he aware of it at the time?

9 days ago -

The House panel subpoenaed Walz in demand of documents related to the Minnesota Department of Education's (MDE) management – or rather mismanagement – of money intended to fund federal child nutrition programs (FCNP).

At issue is the spending habits of Feeding Our Future (FOF), a Muslim-run Minnesota nonprofit organization accused of thieving $250 million intended for hunger relief efforts during the "pandemic."

Commenting on what has been uncovered so far, the Department ...

Dr. Sabine Hazan reveals that important gut bacteria are ERASED by COVID “vaccines”

11 days ago -

Instead of boosting one's immune system like government authorities and the media are still claiming, COVID jabs destroy the probiotic bacteria that the body relies on to process nutrients, neutralize toxins and promote strong immunity.

"I started noticing a month later, the bifidobacteria, this important microbe, is dropping in patients pre- and post-vaccinations," Dr. Hazan commented. "Only a certain group of microbes are getting killed ... Bifidobacteria is a ...

QUACKERY: NY Times says injecting yourself with lizard venom peptides can prevent COVID deaths

11 days ago -

The New York Times ran a piece claiming that a large clinical trial found that people who injected themselves with lizard venom peptides during the "pandemic" are less likely than others to die from a COVID infection.

According to the report, the Wegovy patients still tested "positive" for COVID at the same rate as non-patients taking a placebo. However, the death rate in the Wegovy group was 33 percent less than the placebo group, and for reasons that the ...

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