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CBS is controlled by a left-wing social justice group that approves news stories before they are aired

11 days ago - control.Social justice groups filtering the news and crafting narratives at CBS

Since this collusion went public, the integrity of CBS and their editing process has come under scrutiny. Upon further investigation, it turns out that there is a “Race and Culture” unit at CBS that approves or disproves stories and filters them through a left-wing ideological lens. This Soviet-style commissar system was developed in 2020 after the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement....

Hillary Clinton says more internet censorship is needed to keep establishment from losing “total control

16 days ago -

Unless the establishment wants to lose "total control" of everything, social media companies need to do a whole lot more to silence users who depart from the official narratives, Clinton told the fake news giant's Michael Smerconish.

Clinton took aim specifically at X, formerly Twitter, which changed pretty substantially after electric vehicle (EV) guru Elon Musk bought the platform and took it private in 2022. Since that time, X has become a lot more right-wing ...

New York City launches RAT BIRTH CONTROL scheme to clean up filthy, rodent-infested streets

22 days ago - control scheme

Prior to Flaco's Law going into effect, the city spent 12 months trialing its effects on rodent populations throughout New York City's boroughs. City inspectors went around checking the traps during this time to see if the rats were eating the contraceptive pellets.

"During such monthly inspections of the pilot program areas, the department shall track the amount of rat contraceptive in each rat contraceptive dispenser," the bill's provisions state.

As ...

Is your “private” VPN service controlled by Israel?

22 days ago -

The report suggests that Israel exploits technology used by millions of people, i.e., VPNs, to target individuals and conduct mass surveillance. What you think is private may actually be getting tracked by the Israeli government, according to the accusations leveled in the report.

Concerning Kape, the following "top brands" are listed on the company website as falling under the same umbrella of control:

• ExpressVPN

• Private Internet Access

• CyberGhost ...

Since its illegal 2003 invasion, the U.S. has maintained full control of Iraqi oil revenues: WHY?

25 days ago -

Bush signed Executive Order 13303 on May 22, 2003, stipulating that all revenues from oil sales in Iraq are to be funneled into an account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Every president since Bush, including Joe Biden, has renewed EO13303 annually to make sure it stays in place.

Entitled "Protection of the Development Fund for Iraq and Other Property in Which Iraq Has an Interest," EO13303 gives control over oil, Iraq's financial lifeline, to the private ...

Control freak “controligarchs,” many of them billionaires, are leading the world off a cliff

February 13, 2024 - control."

What the world saw during COVID is merely a taste of what the globalist billionaires have planned for their next worldwide scam: climate change. Expect things like food control, energy control, everyone being forced into unreliable electric vehicles (EV), mobile phones and human bodies being merged with the so-called "Internet of Things," smart cities and global financial control, among other authoritarian measures.

A ...

CONTROL THE FOOD: Amazon quietly building nationwide grocery chain during the pandemic

March 22, 2021 -

Called Amazon Fresh, the first of these stores was opened to the public in Los Angeles in September last year. The company opened its 11th store on Thursday, March 10, and is working on at least 28 more stores around the United States.Amazon's second attempt to conquer the grocery industry

Many consider Amazon Fresh to be the tech giant's second major attempt at getting a larger chunk of the $900 billion U.S. grocery industry.

In 2017, the company completed a $13....

Control your blood pressure naturally with these low-glycemic foods

November 13, 2019 -

Unlike foods with moderate or high scores on the glycemic index (GI), low-GI foods are slower in raising a person’s blood sugar levels. Having high blood sugar can damage nerves and blood vessels, which can lead to high blood pressure.

The GI, which is a scale from 1 to 100, indicates how fast carbohydrate-containing foods can increase blood sugar levels compared to pure glucose. Each food item has a GI score – the lower the score, the longer it takes for that food ...

Control blood pressure with food therapy

June 20, 2019 -

Author Ping Zhou, a researcher from Nipissing University in Canada, looked at the beneficial effects of food therapy on controlling hypertension or high blood pressure. He summed up the basic concepts of traditional Chinese medicine, the principles of food therapy, and its application for hypertension control based on Chinese literature in this paper.

In traditional Chinese medicine, food is conceptualized based on the nutritional and functional aspects ...

Control mood swings with diet

November 12, 2018 -

For most people, mood is reflective of the events that are happening around them. But some people lose control of their emotions and experience mood swings at unpredictable times. This can happen because of a hormonal imbalance, which is the result of unhealthy lifestyle choices. A way to regain control of a person’s mood is by choosing to eat the right foods and avoiding those that can worsen this condition.Using diet as a means for regulating mood

Foods ...

Control weeds naturally with vinegar

August 05, 2018 -

You can use this kind of vinegar to keep your garden free of weeds. It is effective for weed control and it is also an eco-friendly option that does not include any harmful chemicals. If you do not have horticultural vinegar, you can use regular vinegar instead. Just keep in mind that the former is a much stronger substance compared to the latter. (h/t to to make homemade vinegar weed killer

Regular vinegar has a five percent acidity ...

Can China remotely control and detonate electric vehicles?

a month ago - control of EVs, the remote shutdown of EVs, and the remote detonation of EVs.Report warns of potential remote shutoff and remote control over EVs

The CSRI report explicitly warns that these CIM modules could allow for remote shutoff or allow hackers to take remote control over the cars. If this is possible, then it isn’t out of the realm of possibility that the CIMs could be loaded up with detonation material and remotely detonated at a future date....

Bill Gates shares his vision for shaping AI and controlling “misinformation” with Oprah Winfrey

a month ago - control speech surrounding vaccines on the pretense of stopping “misinformation.” In a recent interview with CNBC, he suggested that AI could be used to identify so-called vaccine misinformation – which is really a label for factual information about the negative effects of vaccines – so that it can be censored before others see it.

“We should have free speech, but if you’re inciting violence, if you’re causing people not to take vaccines, where are those boundaries ...

Kamala Harris working with Tim Walz to create federal Department of GROCERIES – food price controls and empty shelves won’t be far behind

2 months ago -

The economic plan involves having the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) use antitrust laws as leverage to control the price of food, which ultimately means controlling private business entirely.

Americans saw something similar back when Barack Obama had the federal government take control of Detroit's automobile industry. Kamala is doing the same kind of thing except instead of cars, she and Walz will decide how much your family's meals cost.

At ...

Brazil’s supreme court orders SHUTDOWN of Elon Musk’s X to silence speech they can’t control

2 months ago -

Justice Alexandre de Moraes of the country's Federal Supreme Court (STF) issued the edict on Aug. 30 after Musk failed to comply with his initial 24-hour order to name a representative in the country. According to CBS News, X hasn't had a representative in Brazil since early August.

In his Aug. 30 order, de Moraes gave internet service providers and app stores five days to block access to X. It will remain blocked until it complies with his orders. Furthermore, people or ...

Kamala Harris used fake letter to deceive public into thinking Tucker Carlson praised her push for gun control

2 months ago - control, their once radical ideas are now missing or appear watered down," the writeup read.

The Democrats want universal background checks; "assault weapon" and standard-capacity magazine bans; mandatory safe-storage laws; the repeal of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act and increased red-flag laws; funding for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; funding for the Federal Bureau of Investigation for more background checks; and funding ...

CORRUPTION: How Washington controls Ecuador by preventing prosecution of its U.S.-aligned criminal politicians

2 months ago - controls which wings of politics, lawfare is the usual weapon in trying to subvert the criminal justice process as it is supposed to work.

In Ecuador's case, U.S. influence is trying to stop the Revolución Ciudadana Movement from taking hold, even if the people of Ecuador want it to, because it is an apparent threat to U.S. interests. Why is the U.S. allowed such a high degree of leeway over foreign affairs?

Also in Ecuador's case, it is the right wing of politics ...

U.S. government now in control of AI models – any AI that doesn’t parrot disinformation propaganda and lies will be BANNED

2 months ago - control over the world. Find out more at

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‘Demons are losing control’: Influencers react to Pavel Durov’s detainment

2 months ago - control."

Italian film producer, Robin Monotti, remarked on X: "Pavel Durov is facing up to 20 years in Macron's dungeons for refusing to censor content on behalf of the globalist oligarchy and their war machine."Do Western Governments Want to Control Telegram Better?

In addition to ridiculing France's accusations against Durov, social media users recall that the Telegram CEO had told US journalist, Tucker Carlson, that Western intelligence agencies ...

Top 6 LAST DITCH ATTEMPTS the Communist-controlled Democratic Party may put into play to REMAIN in POWER

2 months ago -

There are only two problems left for the D.C. Democrats and globalists to “conquer” to take 100 percent control of the populace. They must not let former President Donald Trump win the election and take office in January 2025 and they must, somehow, take away all the automatic weapons that tens of millions of Americans have stored in their homes, on their ranches and in the hills (think of the mountains out west).The next steps for the Democrats to remain in control ...

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