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ABRACADABRA: Vaccine and pharmaceutical WITCHCRAFT and how evil laboratory warlocks “conjure” the deadly concoctions

May 30, 2022 - concoctions that make up "vaccines" and prescription medications form the new "religion" that all Western medicine is "safe and effective," though it's just the opposite – dangerous and deadly.

Left-wing extremists believe in sacrificing children to the devil, and that's why they push so hard for late-term abortions (including day-of-birth killings) and vaccine-induced miscarriages. The COVID vaccines have already been nicknamed the "morning after pill" for these reasons....

The HIDDEN HISTORY of vaccines and the horrors of toxin accumulation

March 10, 2024 -

After that, Dr. Jonas Salk tested the virus on Rhesus monkeys (using their kidneys) and 5 pharma firms somehow immediately concluded that the experimental concoctions were the ultimate formula for preventing Polio in humans, and voila – the holy grail of medicine was born – vaccines. This was declared "science-based medicine," and no longer would any natural remedies ever be considered viable for preventing or treating any disease.The polio vaccine lie was born, ...

6 Things you can do to protect yourself from viral infections

September 13, 2023 -

Conventional wisdom suggests that getting vaccinated can keep you protected from viral infections. But vaccines, no matter what they promise, are not the best solutions and don't always offer adequate protection. Fortunately, there are simple, natural ways to avoid catching common viral illnesses that don't require you to accept dubious (and often harmful) pharmaceutical concoctions into your body.How viruses spread

Unlike bacteria and fungi, viruses are not ...

Records show that Fauci, Collins both profited from COVID with 58 NIH royalty payments worth $325M

August 11, 2023 -

Former NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins and former NIAID Director Dr. Tony Fauci together received 58 royalty payments from companies to license their own personal COVID-19 inventions, which were also developed using American taxpayer dollars.

Not only did Fauci and Collins grift the American public for cash to develop their little concoctions, but they also profited through royalties from the continuing payments that arrived in their bank accounts throughout ...

At least 13 million people worldwide killed by covid jabs so far, warns Dr. Denis Rancourt

June 27, 2023 - concoctions – elderly people who were already at a high risk of dying due to a deteriorating immune system – is what drove up the death numbers exponentially throughout the "pandemic."

"Young adults are above the exponential [risk]," he further added. "There's a plateau of risk of dying for young adults."

In summary, Dr. Rancourt explained to the room that had there been no propaganda or coercion, and no declaration of a pandemic at all, then there would have ...

Homesteading 101: How to start your own medicinal herb garden

June 01, 2023 - concoctions.

Visit to learn about other medicinal herbs and plants to grow in your home garden.

Watch the video below to learn how organic arjuna bark and hawthorn berries can help support healthy heart function.

This video is from the Health Ranger Store channel on related stories:

Prepper medicine: 9 Medicinal herbs to plant in your home garden.

Gardening tips for preppers: How to start a ...

From TheCOVIDBlog: Declassified 1944 CIA manual outlines government, mainstream media manipulation tactics, as artificial intelligence and performance art blurs lines between reality and theater

April 30, 2023 - concoctions with no safety or effectiveness records into your pregnant body.

This blogger saw (albeit on film) three controlled demolitions of three New York City skyscrapers on September 11, 2001. But the U.S. government said 19 Muslims with boxcutters were responsible for crashing two planes into the first two buildings, and jet fuel caused them to collapsed. World Trade Center 7 collapsed hours later because a few offices were on fire, according to the government ...

Synthetic food market projected to hit $3 trillion as fake world goes nuts for fake food

March 31, 2023 - concoctions, those behind them are having to come up with tricky terminology that makes them sound more natural.

One popular industry buzzword currently being thrown around is "precision fermentation," which piggybacks on the popularity of truly health-promoting natural fermentation.

"It's a form of synthetic biology that's been around for at least 20 years," explains Dr. Joseph Mercola about precision fermentation and what it actually entails.

"It uses ...

Drug insider spills beans: DoD, HHS and Big Pharma committed MASS MURDER with covid “vaccines”

January 16, 2023 - concoctions cause the recipient's body to produce "literally unidentifiable" versions of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

The shots have never been properly tested for safety, either – obviously because they are not safe and were designed to kill. They produce negative efficacy, meaning a person is much better off not getting injected if he or she wants to live.

Basic good manufacturing practices (cGMP) were also not used in the shots' development, which could ...

Yes, there was once a Lyme Disease vaccine, and it was pulled from the market due to “poor sales” after seeming to generate symptoms that mimicked the disease

November 07, 2022 - concoctions as "safe and effective" treatments.

Patients are victims of lab-concocted diseases, fabricated diseases, and adulterated treatments that cause disorder and spread MORE disease. There are even Lyme pseudo-specialists that call themselves Lyme doctors, who treat chronic Lyme disease and 'employ' their patients to spread the word about their business. CLD patients are even encouraged to threaten anyone contesting the fake long-term syndrome. Consider that ...

Staggering proof the globalists are pulling out all stops to weaponize bioweapons post-COVID in our own backyards

October 30, 2022 -

(Article by Stefan Stanford republished from

With COVID not scaring enough people into taking their experimental mRNA injections and the word out now that 'Monkeypox' is the 'next big thing' we should take their experimental concoctions for,  psychopaths at a US Government lab in Maryland plan to create a hybrid monkeypox strain that is MORE deadly than one currently spreading in the US. And with NIAID research that will see so-called 'experts' swapping ...

Cardiologist says all covid jabs must be suspended IMMEDIATELY

October 26, 2022 - concoctions found inside the mystery vials they are calling "vaccines."

"This has not been replicated in Florida," Malhotra went on to state about the Israeli research confirming all this.

"That's why the general surgeon of Florida has come out and suggested that certainly people in that age group should not be having the vaccine."

According to Malhotra, who dug through the data even more deeply, this risk of heart harm does not just apply to people ...

7 SCARIEST prescription medications, according to Big Pharma’s own warnings

September 12, 2022 -

Still, all these kids get jacked up with stimulants that have side effects like severe depression, and (increased) feelings of committing homicide and suicide. Doctors are told to be on the lookout when prescribing these experimental concoctions, for patient mood swings, trouble sleeping, migraine headaches, weight loss, and of course, suicidal tendencies.

That's just the beginning of the "black box" warnings that come with these ADHD drugs, prescribed for ...

Are you or a loved one SUFFERING from allopathic syndrome? There’s a CURE

September 12, 2022 - concoctions that fuel chronic inflammation, headaches, lethargy, obesity, arthritis and osteoporosis.

That brings us to the insecticide called fluoride that's put in tap water purposely and for evil reasons (lowers IQ, and causes cancer and brittle bones). This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the toxins that most Americans never try to filter out of their daily intake, and their medical doctors and surgeons have nothing to say about it.

That's ...

STUDY: 94% of mRNA jab recipients found to have “metal-like objects” in their blood

September 08, 2022 - concoctions alongside centrifuged plasma samples from the cases they studied intensively."If you want tainted blood, go ahead and get "vaccinated" for covid

The complete composition of the particles and what they all are is still unknown, which is why researchers continue to probe the issue for answers. What we do know is that these substances are not what you want floating around in your bloodstream – not if you want to be healthy, anyway.

Amazingly, only ...

LISTEN as Dr. Judy Mikovitz explains how glyphosate amplifies the toxicity of covid “vaccines”

September 02, 2022 - concoctions of these same ingredients that, when exposed to glyphosate cause the body to become overloaded with toxicity, resulting in a cytokine storm, followed by severe sickness and eventually death. (Related: The CDC has confirmed that four out of five people have detectable levels of glyphosate in their urine.)

"Over the years, the cumulative exposure to glyphosate in everything, and the quantity of these peptides – the deadly fusogenic peptides getting into ...

Prescription-drug-induced MASS SHOOTINGS and the ‘elephant in the room’

August 22, 2022 - concoctions that literally make them violent and crazy. We need prescription drug control, not gun control. Guns don't shoot people, it's young males on psychotropic drugs that shoot people.

In fact, depression rarely results in violence, without the prescription SSRIs as a factor. So while there are all these "active shooters" in movie theatres, on college campuses, and in school classrooms, the real "elephant in the room" is the drugs they're on. So let's take ...

The most dangerous drug in the world is NOT cocaine, heroin, or crystal meth, but rather a drug commonly prescribed by doctors who get lavish bonuses for slinging it

August 15, 2022 - concoctions contain anti-freeze or bug-killer for added hallucinatory effects and deeper addiction. The worse the 'come down,' the more the addict needs another fix. Big pharma knows this too. Doctors who sling these as prescriptions also know this.Doctors get fancy dinner bonuses and big money 'spiffs' for speeches at doctor/health conventions about how great fentanyl is for pain

Some doctors are said to have received over $10,000 just to push fentanyl on their ...

EV market depends almost entirely on communist China – “going green” actually means going COMMIE

August 04, 2022 -

Through the end of 2025, Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co. and CNGR Advanced Material Co. have promised to supply Tesla with ternary precursors and various chemical concoctions needed for lithium-ion batteries to store energy. This will ensure a steady cashflow to China as Americans continue to get flooded with more dangerous Tesla vehicles on the road.

It turns out that China now produces nearly 80 percent of the world's lithium-ion batteries, which are needed for ...

Medical industrial complex makes children sick to keep the cash flowing

July 26, 2022 -

Those babies that make it past the Democrat abortion machine (Planned Parenthood and any term abortions) are subjected per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention vaccine schedule to over 30 vaccines by age six.

And with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) deadly spike protein jabs, add in another five to 10 vaccines during those years.

These experimental lab concoctions contain various elements of adjuvants, emulsifiers, preservatives, breeding cells ...

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