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Complicit media covering up covert bankruptcy of Evergrande… global financial house of cards about to fall

October 29, 2021 -

It is believed by some that Evergrande is already bankrupt but that the complicit western media is attempting to pull a fast one in order to keep exposed entities here in the United States from facing the music with their bad bets.

An English press release out of Berlin that was published by DMSA (Deutsche Markt Screening Agentur GmbH) reveals that international investors alone have put around $23.67 billion USD into 23 bonds and three large loans of the failing ...

COMPLICIT MSNBC doesn’t want violent left-wing rioters prosecuted

February 25, 2021 - complicity in excusing leftist violence was brought to viewers by Progressive and Google. You can fight back by letting these advertisers know what you think of them sponsoring such content.

Here is a transcript of the February 24 segment:(...)

STEPHANIE RUHLE: And today’s news comes as other states are cracking down on demonstrations. Later today, an Alabama lawmaker will introduce a bill to punish protesters that are deemed rioters, with very ...

Complicit: MSNBC gaslights concerned Americans, defends rioters

July 24, 2020 -

(Article by Adam Burnett republished from

Co-host Mika Brzezinski started off enabling the radicals by denouncing the actions of federal authorities:Democrat-run cities like Portland and Chicago have been devastated because of these rioters. Mass looting, violence, and severe spikes in murder rates have occurred largely because the mayors of these cities have kept the police from doing anything. But instead of focusing on the inaction of incompetent ...

COMPLICIT: California Gov. Jerry Brown wants to pardon murderers in order to protect illegal aliens

December 28, 2018 -

Just in time for the holidays, Brown granted 143 pardons and an additional 131 sentence commutations that included Kevin Cooper, an inmate sitting on death row after being convicted if killing four members of a Chino Hills family in their home with a hatchet, a knife, and an ice pick in 1983.

In response to a clemency request from Cooper, Brown ordered new DNA tests on four pieces of evidence that includes the handle of the hatchet used to commit the murders and the ...

Rights groups and activists urge U.S. court to reconsider lawsuit against Biden-Harris administration for their complicity in Gaza genocide

a month ago - complicit in genocide

In January, the Biden administration argued that the suit involves "quintessential political questions" outside the court's purview. The defendants assert that the case attempts to "superintend the Executive Branch's foreign policy and national security judgment." They responded with a motion to dismiss.

Their defense rests on the claim that Israel, as a sovereign nation, controls its military operations and that the plaintiffs have not sufficiently ...

New Secret Service director announces changes to security protocol following failed Trump assassination attempt (in which the Secret Service was complicit)

August 05, 2024 -

Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe Jr. made the announcement on July 30 – a week after his predecessor Kimberly Cheatle stepped down. During a Senate hearing on Capitol Hill held on the same day, Rowe told lawmakers that he had traveled to the site where 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks shot Trump.

According to Rowe, what he saw while lying in a prone position on the roof of the American Glass Research (AGR) building made him feel "ashamed." Crooks had positioned ...

X user: FBI and Secret Service were complicit in Trump assassination attempt

July 19, 2024 - complicit in last night’s assassination attempt. That multiple Trump rallygoers reportedly told Secret Service agents about a suspicious man who ended up trying to assassinate Trump —…

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 14, 2024

Read more at:

This site is part of the Natural News Network © 2022 All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing ...

Invasion-complicit Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas IMPEACHED by GOP-controlled House in second attempt

February 16, 2024 -

GOP lawmakers impeached Mayorkas in a 214-213 vote on Feb. 13. House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) was present during the session, with his vote finalizing the lower chamber's impeachment proceedings against the secretary. He had returned to Capitol Hill after undergoing treatment for blood cancer.

A week before, on Feb. 6, the House GOP's initial attempt to impeach Mayorkas ended in failure after three Republicans voted "no" alongside their Democratic colleagues....

Rep. Kat Cammack: Biden administration is complicit in cartel trafficking of people, drugs

January 16, 2024 -

"The cartels are 100 percent involved in the trafficking of individuals and drugs across the border into the United States. And the Biden administration is complicit in completing the trafficking circle on behalf of the cartels. It's big business every single month. The cartels are making over a billion dollars just in the human trafficking that they are engaged in," Cammack told Newman in the interview aired on "The Sentinel Report" show. (Related: Smuggling ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS into ...

An utterly corrupt, captured & complicit Congress continues to cover up the crime of the century

January 08, 2024 -

(Article republished from begs the question:

Where the hell is Congress?!

How can this possibly be, except by highly purposeful design?

That virtually the entire Congress is completely AWOL throughout the duration of this obviously long-planned and efficiently executed depopulation of the United States is as damning as it is demanding a swift and severe response from We the People.

That the exceedingly weaponized Covid jabs ...

PROTESTORS: Boeing is complicit in war crimes against humanity by rushing bombs to Israel for slaughtering Palestinian civilians

November 10, 2023 - complicit in a genocide the country called on them to stop. The whole world is watching."

So far, the war has killed at least 10,000 Palestinians living in Gaza, many of whom are believed to be civilians. The enclave has also been cut off from accessing basic resources by Israel.

Boeing said it would not be canceling any shipments and allowed employees whose work can be carried out remotely to work from home during the protests.Protestors want Boeing ...

Twitter Files reveal social media platform rigged the COVID debate, was complicit in deaths that could have been easily prevented

January 02, 2023 -

It did this, according to journalist David Zweig, by censoring information that was true but inconvenient to U.S. government policy; discrediting doctors and other experts who disagreed with the official government position; and suppressing ordinary users, including those who merely shared data from government agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

While on assignment for The Free Press, Zweig was given access to internal files from Twitter ...

Russia: Washington complicit in war crimes by supplying Ukraine with ammunition

September 20, 2022 -

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said during a media briefing that if the U.S. decides to supply Ukraine with longer-range missiles, "it would cross the red line and become an actual party to the conflict."

She added that such a move would be equivalent to deploying ground-based, medium-range missiles in Europe and that such weapons were already previously banned by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty), which the ...

Google is complicit in the vaccine holocaust

August 04, 2022 - Executive summary

We tried to run a simple two question survey to find out just how safe or unsafe the vaccines are. Google refused to let us ask the questions.

(Article republished from

Clearly, they don’t want anyone to know the truth. The only truth they want you to know is what the government tells you.The two question survey

Here are the two questions we tried to ask in our Google Surveys survey:

Google rejected both questions

Here ...

WHO, which was complicit in China’s COVID spread, tells Ukraine to destroy “high-threat pathogens” in labs to prevent disease outbreak

March 14, 2022 - complicit in helping China cover up the release and spread of COVID-19 in early 2020 as the pandemic spread throughout the world, is instructing Ukrainian researchers in those labs to destroy "high-threat pathogens" so they don't 'accidentally' get released and spread mass death across the planet.

Reuters reported on this potential catastrophe:

The World Health Organization advised Ukraine to destroy high-threat pathogens housed in the country's public health ...

Vatican’s support for vaccines and mandates makes it COMPLICIT in vaccine deaths

February 17, 2022 -

The Vatican started its mandate in October, when it began requiring a "green pass" or an equivalent vaccine passport for all employees. The passport verified an employee's status as fully vaccinated or recently recovered from a COVID-19 infection.

Since then, the Vatican's mandate has gotten more restrictive. In December, the COVID-19 vaccine was mandated for all employees, as well as "visitors and users" of Vatican offices and services. Employees and visitors who could ...

Crimes against humanity: Complicit media now attempting to normalize heart conditions

February 14, 2022 -

The new claim is that all the young people having heart attacks these days is not only no big deal but also the way things have always been, even though this is clearly untrue.

In-shape athletes dropping dead on the field or court, as has been happening all around the world ever since the jabs were forced on them, is not normal. But the media talking-heads are hoping that nobody notices. (Related: Meanwhile, the CDC already confirmed that Fauci Flu shots cause heart ...

New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith accuses Biden of being “complicit” in China’s human rights abuses

February 14, 2022 - complicit with CCP

The congressman also said that the president is complicit with China in more ways than permitting the athletes to compete. "This Olympics is the Genocide Olympics," Smith said. "President Biden, unfortunately, has enabled the Chinese Communist Party for a long time."

He mentioned that while serving as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee in 2011, Biden failed to denounce China's one-child policy. Biden drew backlash from Republicans ...

Future ‘woke’ Americans should shame these media figures for being complicit with China’s 2022 Olympics

February 10, 2022 - complicity up to this point, the whole topic is just bound to make you feel kinda bad.

No, what I’m proposing is much simpler. It will make you feel good! Call it a form of self-care.

Below please find a list – a treasure trove! – of the names of powerful men and women who were the elites of my time, here in 2022. You won’t believe the evil they’re guilty of! Get this: They ignored the plight of the powerless as they were enslaved, slaughtered, and brutally ...

Twitter complicit in GENOCIDE by censoring large-scale study revealing ivermectin can prevent 68% of covid deaths

January 10, 2022 -

The social media giant has decided that this actual science showing a 68 percent reduction in mortality when taking ivermectin cannot be allowed on the platform – though no clear explanation was given as to why, which suggests the "fact checkers" simply do not want people learning the truth about ivermectin.

The study involved 220,517 people in the Brazilian city of Itajaí who were offered free ivermectin from the government. The goal of the research was to determine ...

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