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Food service giant Compass sued over wrongful termination of employee who stood up against discrimination

August 01, 2023 - compassed posting job listings, reviewing applications, conducting interviews, writing and sending offer letters, carrying out background checks, ordering drug tests, initiating and reviewing onboarding and ensuring that personnel updates were reflected in the system.

In March 2022, the company created a program called "Operation Equity," a purported diversity program that offered qualified employees special training and mentorship and the promise of a promotion ...

White House Nutrition Advisor creates “Food Compass” that vilifies whole foods while promoting junk like Lucky Charms

September 20, 2022 -

Joe Biden’s latest appointee to nutrition advisor is Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian. He helped put together a “Food Compass” nutrient profiling system that ranks foods into three groups – those that should be encouraged, those that should be moderated, and those that should be minimized. Each food has a score, from 1 to 100, with 1 being the worst ranking and 100 being the best. The Food Compass rankings were published in Nature Journal, widely considered one of ...

Food Compass rating system claims processed GMO junk food is healthier than meat

July 31, 2022 -

One of their tools in brainwashing is the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy's Food Compass. It is discouraging consumption of animal source foods (ASF) by falsely rating them as unhealthy, while encouraging consumption of ultra-processed foods by giving them high nutritional ratings.

Food Compass is a nutrient profiling system that combines cutting-edge science on how various characteristics of foods positively or negatively impact health....

SHTF essentials: Top 10 tools every survivalist should have in their kit

14 days ago - compass

While technology is beneficial for preppers, you should still learn how to navigate using tools like a map and compass. If you know how to navigate without GPS, you won't get lost when SHTF. (Related: Essential gear for SHTF situations: Choosing the right equipment for survival.)Signal mirror

If you get lost and are separated from your group, the last thing you want is to be in a situation where you are too exhausted or far away to signal that you need ...

Unprocessed whole foods are racist, diversity nutritionist claims

2 months ago -

(Article by Ben Bartee republished from

So we’re already off to a glorious start.

Some background on this unique brand of hustle: two years ago, White House “nutrition advisor” Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, whom I exposed at the time as an industry hack funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Nestle, released a criminally wrong “Food Compass©” that ranked foods by their nutritional value, in which he concluded that Lucky ...

Pro-Palestine Abandon Biden movement now committed to ensuring Kamala Harris loses in November

2 months ago - compass." Thus, it stressed that "there is only one path forward" – abandoning "the party of genocide and ethnic cleansing" and standing up for "dignity, integrity and humanity."

"Our commitment is to ensure that Harris loses the 2024 election and to make it clear that anyone who runs on a platform of genocide will be condemned to failure," concluded the press release.Even Harris is complicit in Gaza genocide

According to ABC 7 Detroit, the Abandon Biden movement ...

Essential skills for urban prepping: How to prepare for emergencies in a city environment

August 20, 2024 - compass as you familiarize yourself with the city's layout. Take the time to learn about the city's infrastructure and find where key resources are located. Doing this makes it easier to navigate your city when disaster strikes.

If you're worried about scenarios like a nuclear threat, find the nearest public underground facilities and buildings where you can hide with your family. (Related: Essential gear for SHTF situations: Choosing the right equipment for survival....

Survival 101: How to turn your car into a bug-out vehicle

August 02, 2024 - compass, a protractor, topographical maps, road maps and a handheld GPS. Learn how to use these tools and teach the person in the passenger seat who will act as your primary navigator. (Related: Bug out survival planning: How to get out of the city after SHTF.)Communication

Your bug-out car should have a VHF/UHF amateur radio. Before SHTF, program all local repeaters, emergency frequencies, Family Radio Service channels, General Mobile Radio Service channels, Multi-Use ...

The invasion and occupation of America is well under way: An interview with “TREASON” film producer JJ Carrell

July 06, 2024 - compass that it's supposed to be. A small percent, 3 to 5 to 7 percent, tops, tops.

Mike Adams: Well, JJ…

JJ Carrell: And that's what we have to hope for.

Mike Adams: Every single thing that you've said here today is true, verified. These are facts that you're sharing. As unpopular as they may be in the minds of some people who are living in a denial, delusional, fairytale land where men can get pregnant and children can change their gender through surgical ...

Trump campaign launches initiative encouraging Republicans to embrace early voting and mail-in, absentee ballot options

June 18, 2024 - compass. There's no anything. They figure out how to win, how to get where they need to be, and then they do it. And they will run over anything in their way," the younger Trump said.

The adoption of the non-traditional voting methods is in line with Trump's campaign messaging of persuading his supporters to come out on Election Day to make the results "too big to rig."

Follow for more stories about the upcoming U.S. presidential election.

Watch ...

IDF kills at least 210 Palestinians in “bloody massacre” hostage rescue operation in central Gaza

June 11, 2024 - compass, and is only interested in the latest photos of themselves they posted to social media."

"The world is a sad and degenerate place ... we may all wear the latest fashions and own the latest accessories. We play at being intelligent beings. But scratch the surface and you find a vicious, primitive animal that only cares about food, domination and sex if they're still capable. Everyone knows this ... every other creature on the planet sure knows this."

Another ...

Dr. Phil urges Biden to DISMISS bogus charges, verdict against Trump

June 07, 2024 - compass, shame on you. If you let your disgust for Biden make you blind to the inevitable consequences of pursuing revenge, then God help the children who will inherit the dystopian nightmare we create.

"We need leaders who will pledge to end this vicious cycle right now and return us to that safe place where our institutions are no longer bastardized and weaponized, but rather simply serve their intended purpose. We have serious problems to solve, and it will take ...

SUPPRESSED: NY appeals court DECLINES Trump’s request to overturn GAG order

May 16, 2024 - compass" defending the former president. He added that his family persuaded him to stop protecting his former boss.

Visit for more stories related to the ongoing legal battle the former president is fighting.

Watch the video below where Trump speaks with the press after a hush money trial hearing.

This video is from the GalacticStorm channel on related stories:

Judge excuses juror from Trump's hush money trial ...

Must-have items for sheltering in the wilderness

April 05, 2024 - compass

With a topographic map and compass (assuming you know how to read and use them), you can confidently establish your bearings or location and set a course toward safety. Without these, you may wander in circles or head in the wrong direction. These items don't rely on batteries or satellites or have screens that break.

Learn how to use a compass and never get lost again. In case you break your compass, you can learn to create your ...

Prepper essentials: Tips for building an emergency prepping kit

April 01, 2024 -

An emergency prepping kit ensures that you have access to a variety of essential supplies, which can help your family stay safe during an emergency.

If you already have emergency prepping kits at home, you can create more kits for family and friends who aren't preppers so they can get started on their journey to preparedness and self-sufficiency. (h/t to and water supplies

Food and water supplies will ensure that you have enough to eat ...

COVID propaganda roundup: Future biotech to ‘determine what you think about the government’

March 25, 2024 - compass — he would let Brandon continue to take full credit for the shots and keep his mouth shut.

Anyone impressed by this genre of COVID fear porn in 2024 is already going to vote for Biden no matter what. Trump could run an industrial-scale injection campaign on a stadium full of captive, masked children at National Guard gunpoint, and it wouldn’t be enough to lure any Branch COVIDians away from the Democrat plantation.Human knowledge is under attack! Governments ...

EVIL EXPOSED: New documentary reveals the DARK SIDE of children’s shows on Nickelodeon

March 18, 2024 - compass? Shouldn't they at least try to report to some sort of ethical standard?"

Watch this "Entertainment Tonight" report regarding a documentary about sexual abuse in Hollywood.This video is from the mh4bright channel on related stories:

Harvey Weinstein revelations prove Hollywood is a left-wing cesspool of perverts, pedophiles and rapists.

Late-night HATE monger Jimmy Kimmel mocks man who was sexually abused by Hollywood ...

The coming of the police state in America

March 13, 2024 - compass and spreading of loneliness and nihilism, 3) rioting resulting from citizen frustration, 4) police absent because of ideological hectoring, 5) a rise in uncontrolled immigration/refugees, 6) an epidemic of ill health from substance abuse and otherwise, 7) businesses flee the city 8) cities fall into decay, and that results in 9) more surveillance and police state. The 10th stage is the sacking of liberty and civilization itself.

It doesn’t fall out this way ...

VIDEO: “Bisexual” NYC judge recuses herself from custody case after trying to hook up with mom on “swingers’ app”…

February 07, 2024 - compass and zero justice.

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Dr. Joseph Ladapo: Pfizer will CEASE TO EXIST when the full truth comes out about COVID-19 vaccines

December 29, 2023 - compass to greed."

What will become of Pfizer in 2024 and beyond? Find out more at

Sources for this article include:

This site is part of the Natural News Network © 2022 All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing International, LTD. is not responsible for content written by contributing ...

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