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Managers complain: Gen Z lacks “soft skills,” has “unrealistic” workplace expectations

2 months ago -

Most of the managers in the 1,200 knowledge workers pool that the Harris Poll surveyed say more guidance, time, and training is needed to help Gen Z function as expected in the workplace.

Soft skills, by the way, include things like how to receive blunt feedback, or how to strike up a conversation with a senior manager if a lower-level employee runs into one in the office kitchen. Gen Z, having grown up in the modern era, lacks what generations from the past possessed in ...

Basic survival and prepping skills that your kids should learn ASAP

June 28, 2023 -

Here are some of the basic survival and prepper skills your kids need to learn:Overcoming fear of the dark

Get them off the couches and lead them on their own adventure outside. This is necessary for bug-out situations where they have to move out during the night.

Start by accompanying them on walks after dark. Better yet, let them play flashlight tag with other kids.

Turn off the power or the lights in the house at night and let your kids practice finding ...

A self-sufficient legacy: 12 Useful prepping skills to teach the next generation

July 12, 2023 -

Instead of just letting them waste time on their smartphones and computers, teaching children useful skills can help them grow up into self-sufficient adults.

As a prepper, think about your life and list the practical prepping and survival skills you’ve learned as you got older. (h/t to

These useful prepping skills can help your children become independent preppers before SHTF:Animal husbandry

If you have experience caring for livestock, ...

In five years, nearly HALF of all human skills will be replaced by AI

January 04, 2024 -

This is a frightening prospect, especially for the younger generations that anticipate not being able to get a job once they become of age because all the jobs will have been taken by AI robots that are much cheaper for companies to maintain than actual human lives with salaries, benefits and pensions.

The globalist-controlled World Economic Forum (WEF) has already come up with a term for this increasingly widespread fear among young people of never being able to enter ...

Bill Gates’ Microsoft aims to equip two million people in India with AI skills by 2025

February 12, 2024 -

According to Microsoft Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella, the company will equip two million Indians with AI skills by 2025 in an effort to generate more jobs in the nation of nearly 1.5 billion. (Related: Technocrats Gates and Altman admit current AI is the stupidest version of AGI but believe it can eventually "overcome polarization" – or in reality – censor views.)

"We are devoted to equip two million-plus people in India with AI skills, that is, ...

A collective “common enemy” now stalks mankind

16 days ago -

(Article by Stephen Karganovic republished from

Yuval Hariri, Klaus Schwab’s spokesman, recently made a statement that should send chills up everyone’s spine. “If bad comes to worse and the Flood comes,” Harari said, he and the likeminded cabal of shadowy world masters will “build an Ark and leave the rest to drown.”

Elsewhere, Harari elaborates on the reasons for his fellow elitists’ cold-hearted indifference to the fate of the vast majority ...

Cultural Marxism and the corruption of common law

February 19, 2024 -

(Article by William Brooks republished from

During the 12th-century reign of Henry II, the English king began to establish a more trustworthy system of legal decision making. The king’s judges were asked to consider verdicts that had been reached in similar cases.

Throughout the following centuries legal decision making was based on tradition and custom. This unified system of justice became known as “English Common Law.”

The legal principle, ...

Studies show common prescription medications raise DEPRESSION risk

July 31, 2023 -

A recent study published in JAMA found that more than a third of U.S. adults are taking prescription medications that could potentially cause depression or increase suicide risk.

While not a comprehensive list, the following are common types of pharmaceutical drugs that have been found to cause depression symptoms. (Related: 10 Classes of medication that can cause or worsen DEPRESSION.)Medications that influence hormones

Hormonal contraceptives are known to cause ...

5 Herbal remedies for the common cold and flu

March 06, 2024 -

A cold is a minor infection that affects the nose and throat and can be caused by any one of over 200 respiratory viruses. The predominant cause of the common cold are the rhinoviruses, which are some of the smallest viruses in existence.

The common cold is highly contagious and causes symptoms like cough, clogged or runny nose, sneezing and a scratchy throat. It can also cause fever in infants and young children. (Related: Common cold can help boost immunity against COVID, ...

FDA rules common ingredient in decongestants DOES NOT WORK

September 19, 2023 -

Many decongestants contain phenylephrine, the most common active compound in many over-the-counter (OTC) medications, such as Benadryl Allergy Plus Congestion.

After a two-day review, the FDA panel announced that the oral decongestant "is not effective" at standard or even higher doses compared to a placebo.

The panel's ruling is not binding, but it strongly suggests that the agency could soon pull its approval of the decongestant.

While phenylephrine is ...

Common disinfectant wipes may contain DANGEROUS CHEMICALS, warn researchers

May 24, 2023 -

What are quaternary ammonium compounds?

Quaternary ammonium compounds, or quats, refer to a class of hundreds of chemicals also used in paints, pesticides, hand sanitizers, personal care products and more.

Considered pesticides, quats are used in antimicrobial products like disinfectants and sanitizers that kill bacteria and viruses on surfaces.

More than 2,000 pesticide products contain quats. Quats are also found in aerosols, pressurized liquids, ready-to-use sprays, soluble ...

Study: Global decline in male fertility linked to common pesticides

November 28, 2023 -

Published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, the study reviewed findings from 20 studies, 21 study populations, 42 effect sizes and 1,774 adult men. Authors of the study have found sufficient evidence that exposure to two widely used insecticides, namely organophosphates and N-methyl carbamates, lowers sperm concentration in adult men.Pesticides and reproductive health

Multiple studies by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have shown that pesticides ...

Common herbicides linked to diminished brain function in young adults

November 07, 2023 -

However, a recent study from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) has found potential dangers linked to the use of common herbicides – particularly their impact on the brain function of adolescents.

Previous studies have also linked exposure to some of the most used insecticides to altered neurocognitive performance, while other insecticides have been shown to affect brain development and mood.

Exposure to neurotoxic environmental contaminants, such ...

Signs of abnormal mental development and common disorders in children

June 27, 2023 -

If you notice that your children are struggling with their homework and not functioning effectively at home, school and other social environments, it might be time to check if they have signs of abnormal mental development or mental health issues.What causes mental health issues in children?

Mental health problems in children refer to difficulties or disruptions in their "normal development of thinking, behaviors, social abilities and emotional regulation appropriate for ...

Recommended antibiotics are shockingly ineffective for common childhood illnesses, study finds

November 03, 2023 -

In the study, which was published in The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia, researchers from the University of Sydney looked at the resistance rates among kids in 11 countries from 2011 to 2021. They examined antibiotics recommended by the World Health Organization’s most recent guidelines on antibiotic usage. They found that many of those recommended by the WHO to treat common infections such as meningitis, sepsis and pneumonia had efficacy rates of less than 50 percent....

Reducing Parkinson’s disease will require phasing out common pesticides and herbicides across agriculture

2 months ago -

Every year, nearly 90,000 new cases of Parkinson’s are diagnosed. The rate of Parkinson’s has dramatically increased since the 1980s, when the rate of diagnosis was approximately 60,000 people per year. At the current trajectory, there will be 1.2 million people living with Parkinson’s by 2030.

Now, a new study finds that Parkinson’s is more prominent in areas of the country that use greater levels of agricultural pesticides and herbicides. Three of the greatest chemical ...

Yale study exposes common chronic symptoms people experience after receiving COVID-19 vaccines

November 20, 2023 -

The study, which was partly funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, looked at those “who report a severe, debilitating chronic condition following COVID-19 vaccination” that started shortly after they got the jab and continued for a year or longer. According to the study, patients reported experiencing a median of 22 symptoms; the highest number of symptoms experienced by an individual was 35.

The most common symptoms among those studied were brain fog, neuropathy, ...

Warning labels have become far too common to be taken seriously by consumers

July 25, 2023 -

Warning labels have been in use in consumer products since at least 1927, when the government passed the Federal Caustic Poison Act requiring warnings when products may expose people to certain immediate, toxic hazards. Over a decade later in 1938, food and drug warnings were required following the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.

"Warning labels really were fairly rare until the 1960s," said W. Kip Viscusi, professor of law, economics and management at Vanderbilt University ...

Green Party in Ireland wants to restrict free speech “for the common good”

June 26, 2023 -

Criminal Justice Bill 2022, also known as the Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences bill, would, as its name suggests, criminalize "incitement to violence or hatred against" people with "protected characteristics." This includes "condoning, denying or grossly trivialising genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace."

Like many Democrats here in America believe, O'Reilly and other Irish Greens believe that "restricting freedom" in ...

LGBTZ? Top five things the destructive philosophies of transgenderism and zionism have in common

a month ago -

Here are the top five things transgenderism and zionism have in common:

1. Both transgenderism and zionism destroy children. Transgenderism mutilates children through surgery, chemical castration and psychological damage. Zionism bombs children to death as they sleep in their beds. After bombing entire families to death, zionists then declare those families to be "Hamas" so they can claim they are destroying Hamas terrorists.

2. They both demand absolute obedience ...

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