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RFK Jr. says DOJ under Trump will launch RICO investigations into collusion between medical boards, medical journals and Big Pharma

4 days ago - collusion between the pharmaceutical industry and the medical boards that are de-licensing these physicians who actually try to heal patients and try to treat them."

BREAKING: RFK Jr. says the DOJ under Trump will launch RICO investigations into the collusion between medical boards, medical journals, and Big Pharma, which led to many brave doctors getting fired for prescribing alternative treatments for Covid & other illnesses

"The Justice…

— ...

Here comes the infamous Russian collusion hoax part deux – despite media gaslighting Americans about Kamala Harris, they are already ‘colluding’ to blame Russia for a Trump win

19 days ago -

(Article by Susan Duclos republished from

Remember 2016, and for years afterwards, how the media and Democrats, and yes I know they are one in the same, screeched about Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, hired a special counsel, Robert Mueller, who eventually found no evidence of any coordination between Russia and the Donald Trump campaign.

There was no doubt in any mind that functions properly that the Democrats and their brethren ...

COLLUSION: Newly released emails show Biden White House officials met with and communicated with pro-censorship group

March 28, 2024 -

(Article by Didi Rankovic republished from

The emails originate in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of State and refer to using US assets designed to counter domestic terrorism to work with CCDH, the non-profit has announced.

AFL – which positions itself as a counterpoint to ACLU – has filed several lawsuits concerning various government bodies’ involvement in collusion with private tech companies, aimed at ...

Collusion coverup: Department of Justice intervenes in Pfizer fraud case, in a corrupt attempt to shut the case down

March 22, 2024 -

- The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) is attempting to shut down the Pfizer fraud case scheduled for April 17.

- The lawsuit alleges that Pfizer-BioNTech violated the False Claims Act during their clinical trials and knowingly delivered a defective product to the world.

- Former employee Brook Jackson, who worked at Ventavia Research Group (a company that conducted some of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials), is suing Pfizer, her former employer Ventavia, ...

COLLUSION: Biden staffers met with top aide for Special Counsel Jack Smith at the White House before Trump indictment

August 29, 2023 - collusion over Trump indictments

Critics and legal experts are asking why a member of the Department of Justice's special counsel's team would take meetings at the White House counsel's office while he is part of an active investigation into the leading Republican politician likely to face off with Biden in the 2024 election.

"There is no legitimate purpose for a line DOJ guy to be meeting with the White House except if it's coordinated by the highest levels," said ...

COLLUSION: Biden regime ordered Facebook to tweak algorithms to suppress Republicans

August 07, 2023 - collusion with Big Tech to censor Americans and deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights can be found at

Sources for this article include:

This site is part of the Natural News Network © 2022 All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing International, LTD. is not responsible for content ...

COLLUSION: FBI helping Ukrainian authorities censor Twitter users and obtain their info

June 14, 2023 -

Journalist Aaron Mate of Grayzone News disclosed this collusion in a June 7 article on his Substack. His article focused on a March 27, 2022 email sent by FBI Special Agent Aleksandr Kobzanets to two Twitter executives – one named Marlena and Yoel Roth, then the head of trust and safety. The agent included four of his colleagues in the FBI in the exchange.

Kobaznets attached a list of 163 accounts to his email to the two Twitter executives. According to him, the ...

COLLUSION: Merck, Big Pharma trying to kill off all generic ivermectin production because it’s cutting into profits

March 02, 2023 -

Dr. Kazuhiro Nagao, chairman of the medical company Yuwakai and director of the Nagao Amagasaki Clinic in Japan's Hyogo prefecture, issued a warning – you can watch an English translation below – claiming that Merck is buying up the Indian companies that produce ivermectin in order to shut down their operations.

ALARMING! Merck is buying companies producing ivermectin in India and shutting down the production.

Here is the English translations of doctor Nagao's video. ...

Collusion: Slate writer sent hit piece “Russiagate” article on Trump to Fusion GPS for editing

May 15, 2022 - collusion hoax stories to Fusion GPS and asked them to edit. via @Techno_Fog

— Mollie (@MZHemingway) April 26, 2022

grave, grave journalistic no-no. But for a propagandist participating in a hoax, probably standard operating procedure. And it's not the only time he's been caught doing it with Fusion on a Russia collusion hoax story.

— Mollie (@MZHemingway) April 26, 2022

New Durham filing -

He ...

COLLUSION: Facebook running vaccine campaign in collusion with health authorities, Big Pharma

March 13, 2022 - collusion.

Facebook announces medical FASCISM rule: All content that contradicts the corrupt vaccine industry will be BANNED.

Australian health authority wants to refer "fake vaccine theories" on Facebook to law enforcement.

Federal gov't telling Facebook to silence those with vaccine safety concerns, says lawsuit.

Whistleblowers expose Facebook's plans to censor vaccine hesitancy posts.


Find out more stories like this on FacebookCollapse....

COLLUSION: Emails reveal that Fauci, Daszak coordinated influential articles that downplayed the lab leak theory

June 13, 2021 -

The articles were produced in response to a request from then-White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Director Kelvin Droegemeier. They were used extensively by media organizations to push the "natural origins" theory and deride alternative theories – including the now resurgent lab leak theory – as conspiracy theories.Articles were part of a coordinated effort to downplay the lab leak theory

The two articles look to be part of a coordinated effort stemming ...

COLLUSION: Emails indicate Fauci and others bent to China’s confidentiality rules after January 2020 WHO study on COVID-19 spread

March 04, 2021 -

What’s not unexpected, however, but nonetheless thoroughly disgusting, is that officials within our own government were involved in it.

And one of the officials is a name readers will know well: Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. epidemiologist who has been ‘less than honest’ with Americans about the coronavirus and its actual effects on humans throughout the pandemic.

“Judicial Watch announced today that it and the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) received 301 ...

COLLUSION: Dominion Voting Systems is part of the very same council that disputed concerns about election integrity in a Homeland Security statement

November 20, 2020 -

You may have heard that a division of the Department of Homeland Security has said this year’s elections were “the most secure” in the nation’s history. 

The statement came from the head of DHS’ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Chris Krebs, who has since been fired by President Trump, by the way. 

Why? Because the statement wasn’t just misleading, it was dishonest and very likely intended to undermine the president’s efforts to get to ...

COLLUSION: Project Veritas suspended from Twitter for revealing Pinterest’s censorship of conservatives

June 13, 2019 -

(Article by Tom Pappert republished from

On June 11, O’Keefe interviewed a whistle blower at Pinterest who revealed that the platform adds conservative news websites, including Big League Politics, to a list of “porn” websites in an attempt to prevent our links from being posted to the platform, and that employees at Pinterest consider Ben Shapiro, a Jewish conservative commentator, to be an anti-Muslim “white supremacist.” Project Veritas was suspended ...

Collusion: Report documents links between staffers at HuffPost, The Guardian, and SPLC to Left-wing domestic terror group Antifa

May 23, 2019 - collusion between the Left-wing media and the violent Left is clear

PJ Media noted further:

After mentioning a few journalists with close Antifa connections and Twitter bios mentioning their anti-fascist affiliation, Lenihan turned to Emily Gorcenski, who "uses Twitter to dox those she deems fascist. Further she created the 'First Vigil' website that processes court documents to share the personal information of suspected members of the far right. In cases where people ...

X, Rumble file lawsuit against online advertising cartel for collusion to withhold ad money from pro-speech platforms

a month ago - collusion."

Beyond all this, Rumble says advertising collusion is harming not just digital platforms like itself and X but also content creators who are struggling to bring in revenue for their brands and products. As such, the cost of advertising is also on the rise, the company claims.

The digital advertising ecosystem as a whole is being negatively impacted by what the WFA and GARM are doing, the complaint further alleges. Like X, Rumble wants financial ...

House probes major businesses for censorship collusion with GARMs alleged ad “cartel”

2 months ago -

(Article by Didi Rankovic republished from

The Committee has long had GARM (set up by the World Federation of Advertisers, WFA) in its sights in the context of a broader investigation into the government colluding with tech companies, but also other corporations, to censor online speech.

In this case, GARM is suspected of getting the world’s biggest brands to effectively demonetize, by withholding ads, various platforms, podcasts, news sites, “and ...

Missouri AG Andrew Bailey: Protect the First Amendment by disallowing Big Tech-Big Government collusion

2 months ago - collusion? Missouri AG accuses Biden DOJ of coordinating with Trump prosecutors.

Sources include:

This site is part of the Natural News Network © 2022 All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing International, LTD. is not responsible for content written by contributing ...

CIA is involved in domestic censorship collusion with Big Tech, bombshell report reveals

May 28, 2024 - collusion efforts. "These existing or former IC employees, contractors or intermediaries weren't satisfied with simply controlling Twitter. They also wanted to use PayPal, Amazon Web Services and GoDaddy in a totalizing effort to de-platform, de-monetize and excommunicate from the Internet entirely those individuals that the IC  et al. deems to be a threat," Shellenberger exposed.

He further expressed that the investigation may still need more information. "We do not ...

Brighteon Media sues Google, Facebook, Twitter, NewsGuard, Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Global Engagement Center, ISD and others for globally-coordinated government-funded censorship collusion against Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Natural News and Brighteon

May 27, 2024 - collusion is exactly what this lawsuit is intended to achieve.

The following graphic summarizes some of the ties between US government departments, various NGOs and Big Tech platforms, all colluding to silence myself, Natural News, Brighteon and other related publishing properties, causing many years of direct financial harm, a substantial loss of audience and a lifetime of reputation damage:

In effect, through this mechanism, the United States federal ...

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