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COCAINE found in West Wing phone cubby hours after Biden visit, Secret Service confirms

July 09, 2023 -

At first, the mystery white substance was described as being "cocaine like," though a brief evacuation occurred over hazmat fears as well. The substance was eventually identified as cocaine, and the area it was found described as "a heavily traveled area," according to White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

When asked by a reporter if Secret Service was able to identify who brought the illegal substance into the White House, and whether or not ...

Cocaine-producing giant Colombia seeking to DECRIMINALIZE the drug

August 24, 2022 -

Colombian President Gustavo Petro put forward the proposal to end the "prohibition" of cocaine during his inaugural address in August. According to the leftist leader, the country will work with its leftist neighbors through legislation and alliances to turn Colombia into "a laboratory for drug decriminalization."

"It is time for a new international convention that accepts that the War on Drugs has failed, said Petro.

Felipe Tascon, Petro's drug czar, ...

Cocaine and other illegal drugs are so common that 13% of us have traces of it on our fingers (even if we don’t use it)

April 16, 2018 -

The study, which was carried out by researchers at the University Surrey, involved testing the fingerprints of 50 drug free volunteers and an additional 15 volunteers who had taken cocaine or heroin in the past 24 hours. The researchers found that of the fingerprints taken from the 50 drug-free volunteers, roughly 13 percent contained traces of cocaine, and one percent contained a metabolite of heroin.

“It’s clear that fingerprint testing is the future ...

Meta running ads for cocaine, opioids and other ILLEGAL DRUGS while censoring the truth about natural medicine

August 02, 2024 -

According to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), the revelation comes amid the tech giant facing a federal probe over the matter in March. Despite this, the Menlo Park, California-based Meta has continued to obtain income from ads that violate its policies, which prohibit promoting the sale of illicit or recreational drugs.

A review by the WSJ discovered dozens of ads selling illegal substances like cocaine and prescription opioids – with the ads displaying photos ...

Hunter Biden’s daughter testifies about father’s erratic behavior under the influence of COCAINE

June 13, 2024 -

Biden's daughter testified on June 7, and she recounted Hunter's erratic behavior in the days after he illegally lied about his crack cocaine addiction to purchase a .38-caliber revolver on Oct. 12, 2018. She said her father texted her at 2 a.m. on Oct. 18, asking if she could meet him somewhere in Manhattan so they could exchange cars after she used his Ford Raptor pickup. However, he did not show up.

Prosecutors presented evidence suggesting Hunter was arranging ...

LeBron James is “very concerned” about squatters who throw cocaine parties in his ritzy neighborhood

April 04, 2024 -

The NBA star, 39, bought an extravagant $36.8 million mansion in Beverly Hills in 2022 before tearing it down to build his dream home near the properties of A-listers such as Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez.

Just two doors down from his property, squatters have taken over a home that they are allegedly using to throw cocaine parties. (Related: Homeless camp pops up on a Beverly Hills sidewalk as homelessness spills into the wealthier areas of California.)

The ...

Chemist confirms presence of COCAINE RESIDUE on Hunter Biden’s firearm pouch

January 22, 2024 -

Prosecutors led by Special Counsel David Weiss disclosed shocking details about the gun, alleging that Hunter acquired it under questionable circumstances while under the influence of drugs. The firearm is now at the center of a three-count indictment, as Hunter faces charges of dishonesty about his crack cocaine addiction during the gun purchase.

The recent Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) discovery of cocaine in the firearm pouch has ignited ...

CBP seizes four tons of cocaine in NARCO-SUB off southwest Mexico coast

August 07, 2023 -

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), led by the Air and Marine Operations, recently intercepted a "narco-sub" with approximately four tons of cocaine worth $108 million off the southwest Mexico coast.

For the past five years, drug smugglers have been using narco-subs to discreetly transport large quantities of narcotics. In fact, Colombian officials revealed that they seized 111 narco-subs involved in drug trafficking from 2018 to 2021. It's ...

COKED-UP JAWS: Florida sharks may be feasting on cocaine dumped into the sea by traffickers

July 27, 2023 -

Florida-based environmental engineer Dr. Tracy Fanara notes in a study that pollutants, including drugs, ending up in wastewater streams and natural bodies of water are adversely impacting aquatic life."If these cocaine bales are a point source of pollution, it’s very plausible [sharks] can be affected by this chemical," said Fanara. "Cocaine is so soluble that any of those packages open just a little, the structural integrity is destroyed and ...

Trump: Secret Service that destroyed evidence of the White House cocaine scandal knew who the culprit was and possibly covered for “him”

July 23, 2023 -

His comment came after the team that conducted the investigation on the baggie of cocaine that was found in the White House and was blown up right away is now closing the probe without conducting any interviews.

As per the Daily Mail, a USSS agent found a bag with less than a gram of cocaine in the cubby of a cell phone lockbox in the West Wing on July 2, leading to a hazmat evacuation of the White House. "I don't think it's possible for bags of cocaine ...

Big surprise: Secret Service quickly finishes its probe into cocaine found in White House with NO suspects identified

July 18, 2023 -

The White House is, without question, one of the most secure buildings in the entire world. It's staffed by security professionals within the Secret Service and is replete with all the modern surveillance technology you could imagine.

So, when reports broke earlier this month that cocaine was found near a 'visitor's area' of the White House, the culprit who left it there would be quickly identified and arrested.

But no.

Instead, the Secret Service ...

UN report: Cocaine smuggling and production increase amid growing demand for illicit substances

July 02, 2023 -

This is according to the World Drug Report 2023, which found that the number of cocaine users in 2021, the most recent year for which data is available, reached 22 million, compared to 21 million the previous year. The report highlights the growing demand for illicit substances of cocaine.

Furthermore, the report notes that cultivation of coca bushes, from which the drug is produced, has soared from approximately 234,200 hectares in 2020 to an alarming ...

Arizona state trooper seizes over $3M worth of fentanyl pills and cocaine during traffic stop less than 30 miles from the border

June 07, 2023 - cocaine hidden in the car.

According to the department, the drugs found had an estimated street value of $3.1 million if sold in the Phoenix area. (Related: DEAD customers are bad for business: LA County seeks to curb fentanyl deaths by handing out GLASS PIPES for drugs that can be smoked.)

Alfonso-Fernandez was immediately arrested and booked into the Pima County Jail on charges of possession, transportation and sale of narcotic drugs. The department alleged ...

Coca-Cola operates secret COCAINE manufacturing facility in New Jersey

April 04, 2023 -

The Stepan Company, as it is now called, imports around 500 metric tons of coca leaves per year, according to past records, which are first "decocainized" and used by the Coca-Cola Company to produce its iconic soda beverage. After the food syrup is produced, the leftover cocaine, worth around $2 billion in an average year, is then sold off to Big Pharma to use in the production of opioid drugs, as well as in the numbing agents and topical analgesics used by dentists ...

Credit Suisse lost $5.5 billion on criminal-run hedge fund, also pleaded guilty in “tuna bond scam” and was convicted in scheme involving cocaine money laundering

March 19, 2023 - cocaine trafficking ring.

When asked by one media source for a comment about all these scandals, Credit Suisse, headquartered in Zurich, referred the outlet to statements recently made by company CEO Ulrich Koerner who said:

"My team and I are resolved to move forward rapidly to deliver a simpler and more focused bank built around client needs."

(Related: If Credit Suisse implodes, which seems likely even with a temporary bailout, the ripple effect around ...

PENAL CODE: German doctor who killed lover by spiking his genitals with cocaine ordered to pay for her medical treatment

October 27, 2022 -

In 2019, Dr. Andreas David Niederbichler was sentenced to nine years in jail for aggravated rape and bodily harm leading to death over the incident and is currently receiving drug therapy. The 46-year-old’s married lover died after overdosing on cocaine that he had placed on his penis before they got intimate.

The woman, a 38-year-old who has only been identified as Yvonne M., passed away after experiencing shortness of breath and collapsing. Her autopsy showed ...

1.6 Million fentanyl pills, 114 pounds of cocaine seized at the border

August 25, 2022 - cocaine seizures decreased 56 percent, according to CBP data.

Ports of entry in Arizona saw record-breaking amounts of fentanyl seized in July at 567 pounds, a 318 percent increase from June. Cocaine seizures at ports in July slightly decreased in Arizona. (Related: Big Pharma's addictive opioids are causing the ruination of society.)

With over 2,600 pounds of seizures, the number of fentanyl seizures at Arizona ports has increased 34 percent over ...

The most dangerous drug in the world is NOT cocaine, heroin, or crystal meth, but rather a drug commonly prescribed by doctors who get lavish bonuses for slinging it

August 15, 2022 - cocaine (freebased into crack and called blue or applejack), or cooked with heroin (birria), or lab-concocted with crystal meth (amp, bump, or 'crank'), and then snorted, smoked, swallowed or injected. Some people call them "8-balls" or "cannonballs." Some are cut (mixed) with baby laxatives and even chemical-laden non-consumables.

Some of these concoctions contain anti-freeze or bug-killer for added hallucinatory effects and deeper addiction. The worse the 'come ...

Actress Anne Heche had cocaine in her system during fiery car crash (UPDATE: She has now died)

August 12, 2022 - cocaine as well as fentanyl rather than alcohol.

However, experts note that fentanyl is sometimes administered to patients as a pain medication in hospitals. Therefore, further testing is needed to determine whether fentanyl was already in her system ahead of the crash or if it had been given to her to address the severe pain she must have experienced as a result of her extensive burns.

Footage of the moments before the crash showed her speeding down an alley ...

Cawthorn EXPOSES dark underbelly of DC, says he was invited to ORGIES and saw anti-drug lawmakers do COCAINE

April 04, 2022 - cocaine and other illegal substances.

"And then you watch them do a bump of cocaine right in front of you and it's like, this is wild," he said.

Cawthorn should be praised for standing up to establishment Republicans

On an episode of "The Stew Peters Show" on Brighteon.TV, guest hosts Edward Szall and Lauren Witzke, the GOP's former candidate for the Senate in Delaware, said Cawthorn should be praised for having the courage to speak up about what's ...

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