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Israeli armored bulldozers destroy roads, utilities across two cities in the occupied West Bank

a month ago -

The rampant destruction began in late August in the major West Bank cities of Tulkarm and Jenin. The scope of the destruction has left residents reeling, with many expressing that they had never before witnessed such a devastating level of assault on their cities' infrastructure.

The New York Times reported that the Israeli military sent in armored bulldozers that "tore up mile after mile" of the streets and alleys of Jenin and Tulkarm, causing damage to ...

Cities in California are BANNING construction of new gas stations

July 13, 2022 - cities in the Bay Area region have followed suit with their own bans, and several cities all over the state are also considering bans. West Hollywood in Los Angeles County is already evaluating a plan to ban gas stations which could become a city ordinance by the end of the year.

"The real question now that's coming up as we ban new gas stations: What do we do with our old gas station sites?" said Fischer. "Because they're going to take a lot to clean up… ...

Cities that defunded police last year are now reversing course and RAISING police budgets

October 18, 2021 -

According to the New York Times, cities across American that saw their funding targeted last year are now seeing local leaders increase police spending as crime rises. They report that an “additional $200 million has been allocated to the New York Police Department and a 3 percent boost given to the Los Angeles force.”

In Dallas, where homicides have risen 25 percent in the last year to reach a two-decade high in line with police defunding there, funding cuts ...

Cities now walking back plans to defund law enforcement as crime rates soar

June 03, 2021 -

This new trend is a complete 180-degree turn from last year's calls to "defund" police departments during Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests across the country.

Most of these Democrat-led cities gave in to BLM protesters' demands to "defund" law enforcement. The call came after George Floyd died at the hands of law enforcement in Minneapolis in May last year. Anti-police activists have used the term "defund" in a number of ways – such as shrinking the size of current ...

Cities across the nation are absurdly declaring racism a “public health crisis”

July 20, 2020 -

And it’s not just cities that are making such declarations; some school districts and local hospital systems are also getting in on the act.

At the same time, 1,000 CDC employees have signed a letter asking the agency to declare racism a public health crisis and to address racism within the organization. In their letter, they also call for diversifying senior leadership. They complain that black employees make up 10 percent of the leadership roles within the agency, ...

Cities using creepy “pandemic drones” to identify people with coronavirus

April 10, 2020 -

While using drones to safely deliver food and supplies to some remote areas of China seems like a reasonable enough use, drones that can detect fever and coughing are raising more than a few eyebrows.

The Australian government is poised to deploy “pandemic drones” that they say can remotely monitor potential coronavirus cases. The drones come from Canadian drone manufacturer Draganfly, and they are equipped with specialized sensors and computer vision systems that can ...

Cities are exploring nuclear fusion as a potential power source

April 03, 2019 -

Unfortunately, while these efforts are beginning to bear fruit, the power supply needs of overcrowded cities continue to increase at an alarming rate. Densely populated areas require high-density energy which simply cannot be sufficiently supplied by low-carbon power sources like solar, hydro and wind energy.

The solution? Nuclear fusion, the very same process that powers our amazing sun. (Related: Scientists bring energy-efficient nuclear fusion closer to reality....

Cities really are death traps: Sitting in traffic found to suppress HDL “good” cholesterol that prevents cardiovascular disease

December 28, 2018 - cities generally report themselves as unhappier, more stressed, and more fatigued than those who live in the countryside.

There is also the additional factor of the prevalence of highly-processed foods in cities, which contribute to the growing epidemic of obesity. Javier Lopez, Director of New York’s Strategic Alliance for Health, says that these fatty foods are a favorite among minority neighborhoods; not only because they taste good, but because they’re ...

Cities that are running out of water can now safely remove at least some pharmaceuticals from recycled water and wastewater

August 02, 2018 - cities are considering recycling wastewater to fill the gap. Low volumes of treated wastewater can be added to the local water supply.

The UJ-developed nanofibers promise a low-cost yet effective way to filter out toxic chemicals such as pharmaceuticals.

The titanium dioxide nanofibers target Diazepam and related drugs during the photocatalytic decomposition process. Filters comprised of these fibers can be installed in treatment plants to catch pharmaceuticals....

Cities of the future that use 5G technology will increase public exposure to EMF pollution

July 20, 2018 -

5G, short for "fifth generation," will greatly expand the range of microwave radiation used by consumer devices, including higher-end gigahertz range frequencies that have never before been publicly deployed. These frequencies travel much shorter distances than current 3G and 4G technologies and don't penetrate buildings as well; but the places where they can reach will be much more saturated in EMF radiation.

The antennas that deliver 5G will also have to be much more ...

Cities can reduce air pollution by adding more trees and bushes along roadways

May 31, 2018 -

If these new plans are put into effect, structures in the city will be filled with bushes, trees, and other greenery that will help clean the air by the roadside. At least 900 deaths a year in Birmingham are often connected to air pollution via health conditions like cancer and heart and lung disease. (Related: We know air pollution contributes to disease; now a new study finds air toxicity also causes psychological stress.)

Birmingham Conservatives suggested the plans ahead ...

If our cities already look like they belong in “Grand Theft Auto”, what will they look like once the economy implodes?

a month ago -

(Article republished from

According to reports from 6 ABC, hundreds of cars and massive crowds participated in illegal car meetups, causing widespread chaos that lasted from 9:30 p.m. Saturday until 4:30 a.m. Sunday.

At least 11 meetups took place, six of which turned into violent confrontations with police. The mayhem resulted in the hospitalization of one officer, while five police cars were heavily damaged.

These kids are completely ...

U.S. Army issues threat advisory warning about migrant gangs terrorizing American cities

a month ago -

In a threat advisory, the U.S. Army revealed that TdA has already established a major foothold in numerous American cities. Their presence is a threat to local, state and federal law enforcement, the military says – oh, and to American citizens and their neighborhoods.

Investigative journalist James O'Keefe of O'Keefe Media Group (OMG) obtained the Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) memo in question, which warns of escalating migrant gang violence across America....

Democrat sanctuary cities are BUSING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS OUT of their areas

July 26, 2024 -

The New York Times reported that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott transported around 120,000 migrants from border towns to cities such as Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. The busing of migrants is part of a new strategy to redistribute the responsibility of dealing with the border crisis to states further away from the border. Without these transfers, Texas would have become a more permanent home for these illegal immigrants.

Despite ...

Census Bureau data reveals 9 of the 10 fastest-growing U.S. cities and towns ARE IN TEXAS

July 26, 2024 -

According to the latest data, the nine cities and towns in Texas that have experienced the biggest population growth from 2020 to 2023 are Celina (143.2 percent), Fulshear (142.7 percent), Royce City (76 percent), Melissa (64.4 percent), Princeton (59.8 percent), Anna (58.3 percent), Forney (48.5 percent), Manor (44.9 percent) and Georgetown (40.1 percent).

The other city is Amherst, Massachusetts, which saw population growth of 44.9 percent. (Related: POLL: 40% ...

Left-wing cities no longer report crime statistics to the FBI, resulting in a “50-year low” in reported criminal activity

June 20, 2024 -

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), crime rates nationwide have plunged to a 50-year low. Murders, rapes, robberies, thefts and property crimes are supposedly much less frequent than they were half a century ago – but is it true?

It turns out that left-wing cities, which is most of them, are no longer reporting crime to the FBI like they once did. As such, the data appears to suggest a safer and stronger America, which is anything but true.

The ...

Cities that enjoy the benefits of “cool roofs” also conserve water — they reduce the amount needed for irrigation, according to new study

November 05, 2017 -

How it works

Science establishes that light colors tend to reflect more sunlight than dark colors which absorb it. Applying this basic principle onto roofs, light-colored roofs reflect heat instead of absorbing it and releasing it into the building's interiors. Solar panels, if you've noticed, are usually dark in color, since sunlight should be absorbed in order to create electricity. Imagine two people standing on a stage, one wearing a white shirt, and the other wearing black....

Denver publishes guide on how other cities can turn themselves into migrant sanctuaries using taxpayer dollars

May 31, 2024 - cities, cutting funding and services, and evicting immigrants from city-sponsored shelters. (Related: Denver to shell out an additional $3.2M in taxpayer dollars to "temporarily" house 200 illegals.)

Despite these contradictory actions, the guide offers practical advice for aspiring sanctuary cities on redirecting city services from citizens to immigrants. It includes tips for establishing intake centers to direct immigrants to free services, providing free ...

Americans fleeing cities for small towns in droves as crime and taxes skyrocket

May 30, 2024 -

In the three years leading up to the pandemic, counties encompassing metro areas with a million residents or more lost 200,000 residents yearly to other regions, on average. The pandemic only served to accelerate this trend, with the average loss climbing to 750,000 in 2021 and 650,000 in 2022.

Statistics show that a lot of these people are moving to small towns, a trend that has not been seen in the U.S. since at least the 1970s. Although big cities are still seeing ...

Check out the top U.S. cities and towns where Biden is sending hundreds of thousands of paroled migrants – is YOURS on the list?

May 07, 2024 -



Ft. Lauderdale


Los Angeles



New York

San Francisco


More than 80 percent of the migrants ended up in Florida with Miami receiving more than any other city at 91,821 of them.

Reports indicate that the program was enacted in October 2022, allowing a limited number of migrants who had not entered the U.S. illegally to fly directly into the country and land in one of 45 locales.

All qualifying ...

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