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Beijing-linked online operatives found to be impersonating Americans to sow division and chaos ahead of 2024 elections

4 days ago - chaos.

In a statement, Liu Pengyu, spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C., denied all allegations that the CCP is the main handler of Spamouflage's operations.

"China has no intention and will not interfere in the U.S. election and we hope that the U.S. side will not make an issue of China in this election," said Liu.

Watch this clip of former President Donald Trump's National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt discussing how Vice President ...

Chaos erupts as BLACK MONDAY stock market crash sends most major U.S. brokerages OFFLINE

August 05, 2024 - chaos. "These financial institutions are protecting their rigged and corrupt legacy systems. It's time for change!"

Users of other U.S. brokerages reported the same "errors" and problems with their mobile and desktop apps, which prevented them from even logging in to attempt to make trades.

"I can't log on to my brokerage account to buy more $TSLA," one user complained about not being able to fulfill his desire to buy more Tesla stock due to the industry-wide ...

Chaos agents infiltrating health freedom movement, warns Crawford

December 07, 2022 -

Matthew Crawford, writing in his "Rounding the Earth Newsletter," cites a study on human brain activity that suggests the brain registers decisions moments before they are actually made. If that gap of time in between can be exploited, the theory goes, then decisions that otherwise would have been made can be manipulated and stopped before they occur.

How is this relevant to the health freedom movement? So-called "chaos agents" or "controlled opposition" infiltrators ...

Chaos in China: Rushed exit from zero-COVID strategy could COLLAPSE Chinese economy

December 01, 2022 -

The current protest wave in China was sparked by a deadly apartment fire in the city of Urumqi that led to the deaths of 10 people, including a three-year-old child. The deaths are being attributed to zero-COVID policies making it difficult for emergency responders to fight the fire and save the lives of the people who were trapped in the apartment building. Thousands upon thousands of people have held demonstrations and marches all over China, including in cities like Beijing, ...

Chaos in China: Workers at Foxconn iPhone plant in Zhengzhou riot, fight with police over COVID lockdowns

November 29, 2022 -

Several videos have been posted to various social media platforms showing crowds of workers at Foxconn's largest iPhone factory rioting and clashing with police who are clad head-to-toe in protective suits. Reports claim that workers are revolting over conditions at the factory dorms, where they claim they are being forced to share dorm rooms with infected staffers, though there has been no confirmation and, of course, Chinese officials aren't talking.

But the videos ...

CHAOS all over the world: UN food chief describes “destabilization of nations” resulting from FAMINE

September 30, 2022 - chaos all over the world," Beasley warned during an interview with The Associated Press (AP). (Related: Other UN officials are begging Russia to export more fertilizer to Western nations.)

Five-and-a-half years ago when Beasley was installed to his current position, only 80 million people around the world were headed towards starvation. Then that number ballooned to 135 million. Then it doubled from there to around 276 million as a result of the Covid-19 scamdemic....

Chaos in England as Muslim gangs hunt down Hindus on the streets of Leicester

September 27, 2022 - chaos

Brexit architect and former British member of parliament Nigel Farage weighed in on the situation, blaming the government of England for the clashes and tweeting that “virtually every single MP in Westminster is responsible for the ethnic and religious violence seen in Leicester. They decided to go down the road of diversity and multiculturalism. Our politicians have done this to our great country.”

He also shared footage of an intense clash in which mobs ...

Chaos IS the plan: More evidence Democrat DAs are turning American cities into war zones by refusing to lock up violent criminals

September 26, 2022 -

That much is evident by his continued financing of campaigns for Marxists running for district attorney in major American cities.

For years now, Soros' candidates -- all of whom run under the banner of the Democratic Party -- have been winning their races in cities like St. Louis, New York City, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles. And once they are in office, the new DAs implement 'reforms' that include getting rid of cash bail and refusing to charge or prosecute ...

Chaos in U.S. rail infrastructure causing emergency FEED SHORTAGES for ranchers in California and other southwest states

July 18, 2022 -

Agriculture companies, including Foster Farms, are starting to get nervous as no more rail service means no more feed for their animals.

The Association of American Railroads (AAR) says it expects that Biden will appoint a PEB in the final hour before the deadline. However, Biden is currently in Israel announcing new Palestinian aid and expressing support for a two-state "peace and safety" solution at some point in the future.

Rail bottlenecks over the past several ...

Chaos coming to streets of Chicago as mayor won’t back off vaccine mandate and 3,200 cops refuse to take the jab

October 21, 2021 -

That's because thousands of CPD officers are in the process of either calling her bluff or forcing her to fire them after they have refused to get the jab. And firing them will mean she will instantly lose one-third of her force.

According to CBS Chicago:

The back and forth between the mayor and the Chicago police union continues, with the city sending out a flurry of emails and memos as its vaccine mandate enters its first full week in effect.

CBS 2’s ...

Chaos coming to Chicago over COVID vaccine mandate as head of police union tells members to defy mayor’s order

October 18, 2021 -

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is among the many left-wing lunatic Democrats shunning "the science" who has ordered all of the city employees to get the COVID-19 mandate or else they will lose their jobs.

And while most employees tend to be vital to the function of large cities, there are few that are more vital than emergency workers -- like police officers, whose presence literally keeps the fabric of society from unraveling completely.

In a video posted late ...

CHAOS comes to Washington: Lunatic, angry Leftists mob Sen. Rand Paul and other GOP members on the streets of D.C.

August 28, 2020 -

The photos and videos below show the level of pure insanity and mind-wrenching lunacy to which left-wing mobs have now plummeted. As we've stated before, these sub-human creatures have now descended into goblin-like levels of animalistic hatred, and they can no longer be reasoned with or taught to respect any rules of civility.

That's why it's time for law enforcement to simply start shooting violence terrorists and lunatic mobs who are attacking innocent people. We are ...

Chaos in Kenosha: Wisconsin Gov. Evers sends in the National Guard to quell rioting and civil unrest

August 25, 2020 -

Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, made the announcement on Monday night, Aug. 24, after whole swathes of Kenosha, a city with just around 100,000 people, went up in flames. In his statement, Evers said that the National Guardsmen will be there “to help protect critical infrastructure and assist in maintaining public safety and the ability of individuals to peacefully protest.” Along with this, the troops will also be assisting local first responders.

Evers further stated that ...

CHAOS: The Atlanta PD is unraveling as the city is threatened by an anti-self defense, anti-cop District Attorney and the criminal thugs he is empowering

June 18, 2020 -

This is what happened to Officer Garrett Rolfe from the Atlanta PD. After pulling over a suspect for driving under the influence, Rolfe attempted to make an arrest, but he was attacked in the process. The suspect, 27-year-old Rayshard Brooks, stole the officer’s taser and attacked him. Officer Rolfe fought back in self defense and shot the suspect in an effort to apprehend him.Anti-cop DA to abolish self defense, handicap police officers from doing their jobs

Suspect Rayshard ...

CHAOS ALERT: New CHAZ Antifa / BLM mini-cities to pop up in every single Democrat run state in every metropolitan city and all mayors will be sworn to stand down

June 16, 2020 - chaos for the middle and lower class. Socialism is what all Democrats want now for America, and the few who don’t won’t matter, because the money is coming from one of the richest people in the world, George “Nazi” Soros. Socialism means getting rid of all the police, not just taking away certain funds for certain expensive weapons and gear.

Socialism means nobody owns their own business anymore, and all income is taxed at 70 percent or higher for embezzlement hoaxes ...

Chaos is a certainty: The lack of preparedness among city people is truly horrifying

March 18, 2018 - chaos and lawlessness. I've never seen our society so close to breaking down, and I've never seen everyday citizens so clueless and stupid. (This might be one reason why I usually don't go to cities like Austin...)

Perhaps I'm just used to interacting with rural people who tend to be intelligent, capable, self-reliant, civilized and decent human beings. But even then, I've visited cities all my life, and I've never seen it this bad before in terms of the obvious downward ...

Cultural revolution redux: Southern Poverty Law Center denounced from within for fostering ‘inhumane’ ‘chaos

a month ago - chaos since then,” Wright told The Guardian.”

*It’s frankly bemusing that an East Asian is an aggrieved enough minority to qualify for SPLC leadership.

While, granted, Margaret is a slight rung above whites on the oppression pyramid and she is, apparently, a bio-fronthole woman, for which she gets a precious few Diversity™ points, it’s definitely not enough to be the chief put-upon minority; non-tranny Asian ladies are as good as white per Social Justice™ dogma these ...

The migrant gang takeover of apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado is just a small taste of the chaos to be unleashed against Americans

2 months ago - chaos is deliberately unleashed, you will almost certainly die. As Yon says, it's time for "big boy rules." Bad choices have bad consequences, and nobody is coming to save you. Most certainly not your government, which has conspired to engineer this exact scenario that they hope will result in your extermination and replacement. The Democrats' war on the American people is probably only months away from going hot, due to invaders and terrorists who were deliberately let into ...

Given anti-Russia CrowdStrike’s history, it is hard to believe the company when it claims the global chaos caused by them was just a simple ‘update’ glitch

July 30, 2024 -

(Article by Susan Duclos republished from

Let us take a little trip down memory lane in regards to CrowdStrike, shall we?

Russia was blamed for the hack into the DNC (Democrat National Committee) and Hillary Clinton emails that were published by Wikileaks back during the 2016 campaign cycle. The DNC hack linked above is to the WayBack Machine since the original searchable database at Wikileaks leads to an error page.

There are a few moving ...

IT blunder by ‘Russia hacked the DNC’ firm CrowdStrike causes global chaos

July 23, 2024 - A massive IT failure at CrowdStrike has disrupted travel, banking, and healthcare services worldwide. Flights were grounded as an IT outage left many computers displaying blue error screens. CrowdStrike, based in Austin, Texas, is a major cybersecurity service provider with nearly 24,000 customers, each a large organization.

(Article by Jack Montgomery republished from

Infamously, it was hired by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to claim Russia had ...

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