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Sandalwood: Nature’s fragrant shield against cancer

7 days ago - cancer.Potential in cancer prevention and treatment

While there are other highly regarded species of sandalwood, such as the Australian sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) and Hawaiian sandalwood (Santalum freycinetian, Santalum haleakalae and other species or "iliahi"), the oil from Indian sandalwood (Santalum album) is scientifically considered to be of the highest quality.

What makes sandalwood essential oil particularly unique is its primary chemical compounds ...

World’s first peer-reviewed study on anticancer benefits of ivermectin, mebendazole and fenbendazole published in reputable journal

9 days ago -

Drs. William Makis, Paul Marik, Ilyes Baghli and numerous other scientists and doctors from the The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) put together a phenomenal research study that has the potential to save the lives of many cancer patients who would otherwise undergo conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation that threaten to kill them, not heal them.

In a tweet about the new study, Dr. Makis thanked lead authors Baghli and Pierrick Martinez ...

MOST HEALTH-DAMAGING OIL? Canola oil in most processed foods linked to rapid weight gain, early onset dementia, cancer

10 days ago -

One might even refer to canola oil as a weapon of mass health destruction, since hundreds of millions of humans eat it daily, having no clue it’s so health-decimating, because they were brainwashed by 30 years of advertising claiming it’s “heart healthy.”

Today, canola oil is the third most consumed oil by volume (after soybean and palm), but it doesn’t even come from a vegetable, or did you not know that? There is no such thing as canola plants or canola vegetables. Canola ...

Superfood pomegranate helps fight cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer

17 days ago - cancer

Pomegranates are being explored for the potential to help protect against cancer. Thanks to their powerful bioactive compounds, including antioxidants like ellagic acid and punicalagin, pomegranates can influence key processes involved in cancer development.

These compounds work in several ways to target cancer cells. First, they can slow down tumor growth by interfering with pathways cancer cells use to multiply. For example, ...

Perverted Leftists want to “pre-bunk” children from “conspiracy theories” while they brainwash them into gender-bender surgery and cancer-inducing hormone drugs

17 days ago -

The cover story, of course, is that Conservatives are spreading “conspiracy theories” about everything, from white supremacy to corrupt medicine, and from war mongering to open borders. Now, you can’t even ask questions about Leftist ideologies or you are considered to be spreading misinformation and disinformation. There’s no questioning the gender-bender movement, deadly mRNA vaccines or the money laundering communists in Washington DC or you’re considered a “domestic terrorist” ...

REPORT: Forever chemicals found in BAND-AIDS and WOMEN’S UNDERWEAR can seep into the body and may contribute to cancer and infertility

18 days ago -

Got an open wound you want to cover to keep it safe from infection? Don’t use Band-Aids or Curad, because a shocking report reveals many of their bandages contain fluorine, a primary component of PFAS (polyfluoroalkyl substances also known as forever chemicals), that raise one’s risk of thyroid cancer by 55 percent or more. The chemicals seep directly into the blood through the wound, doing the exact opposite of what they are supposed to do, which is protect the body from ...

Antioxidants in grapes found to reduce cancer risk

24 days ago -

As the global quest for natural cancer-fighting solutions continues, there is increasing concern about the rising incidence of cancer among adolescents and young adults. Despite advancements in treatment, these methods are often costly, invasive and associated with significant adverse side effects.

Fruits play a vital role in a healthy, plant-based diet. They combat inflammation and chronic conditions that lead to cancer. The shift in focus toward ...

Traditional Chinese Medicine monomers offer hope for SAFER cervical cancer treatments

a month ago -

In recent years, attention has shifted to the potential of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in addressing these issues. TCM monomers – natural compounds derived from medicinal herbs and other plant sources – have shown promise in regulating the P13K/Akt pathway with fewer side effects compared to conventional treatments. (Related: How to prevent and heal cervical cancer naturally.)

Researchers are increasingly exploring these monomers as an alternative or complementary ...

Cancer researcher: IVERMECTIN can overcome chemotherapy resistance of TURBO CANCERS caused by mRNA vaccines

2 months ago -

In a Substack newsletter, Dr. William Makis cited a paper from 2020 (by Juarez et al) on the antitumor effects of ivermectin at clinically feasible concentrations where it was found to support its clinical development as a repositioned cancer drug.

According to the study, at a human dose of two mg/kg, ivermectin can achieve anti-cancer effects such as cell cycle arrest (inhibit proliferation), preferential inhibition of cancer stem-like cells, ...

CANCER has been routinely induced by VACCINES since 1960

June 20, 2024 -

If you thought mRNA was the first vaccine to cause cancer in humans, think again. Take a close look at what Dr. Salk really did when he developed his so-called "vaccine." Instead of using human tissues to grow the polio virus, he used rhesus macaque monkey kidneys. Then Salk used formaldehyde to deaden or "deactivate" it. After field trials where half-a-dozen kids were left with paralyzed arms from the vaccine, he declared it "safe and effective." Sound familiar?

Guess ...

Cancer cases are increasing due to COVID vaccines, but Big Government and Big Pharma want you to look the other way

April 23, 2024 -

This DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines is a significant problem because the replicable DNA plasmids can invade human cells and bacteria in the gut, which can lead to the replication of antibiotic-resistant genes, sepsis, cancer and other health issues.

Besides the DNA contamination, McKernan also discovered the presence of Simian virus (SV40) promoters in Pfizer's mRNA vaccine. The SV40 found in the vaccine is just a viral piece – not the whole virus. However, ...

Cancer risk soars 52% among fully vaccinated aged 15-59, pathologist finds

March 10, 2024 -

According to Pavic, 65 percent of all carcinoma cases among people aged 15 through 59 received one or more injections for the Chinese Virus, this with a 55 percent vaccination rate overall in the same age group.

Calculated out, this means that getting jabbed for COVID increases one's risk of this particular form of cancer by 52 percent, something that was not disclosed when the shots were pushed through Operation Warp Speed.

Kirsch interviewed Pavic about ...

Cancer drug Avastin leaves 12 diabetic patients BLIND, prompting government to launch investigation

September 29, 2023 -

Health authorities in Punjab, Pakistan, where the incident took place say that Avastin, a cancer drug injection made by Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche, say they are currently probing two distributors of the shot, which contains the active ingredient bevacizumab.

In Pakistan, bevacizumab is licensed for use in the same ways it was first approved for use in the United States back in 2004, particularly in the treatment of colon cancer. Since then, ...

Cancer-fighting herbs: Queen Anne’s lace found to be effective against skin and cervical cancer

June 22, 2023 -

Queen Anne's lace is a versatile herb with a long history of use as medicine. For centuries, natural healers have used it as a natural remedy for various ailments, such as digestive disorders, kidney and bladder problems, and edema. But recent studies have found an even more compelling role for Queen Anne's lace in modern medicine: According to two separate reports, Queen Anne's lace can also be used to treat an even bigger health issue, namely, cancer.Facts about Queen ...

Cancer prevention tips: 5 Natural ways to reduce your breast cancer risk

May 31, 2023 -

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 264,000 cases are diagnosed annually in American women, and about 42,000 die from the disease each year. Breast cancer is not only exclusive to women, as men can also develop abnormal growths in their breast tissue. Although fewer than one percent of all breast cancers occur in men, the lack of routine screening for males means the disease is often diagnosed at a more advanced stage.

But ...

Cancer NIGHTMARE unleashed on the world through both SARS-CoV-2 gain-of-function and the mRNA “vaccine” injections, warns Dr. Cottrell

April 11, 2023 -

It turns out that elements from the spike protein suppress the body's innate anti-cancer immune system mechanisms, effectively raising the "cancer risk curve" for everyone exposed to covid or the vaccine. (This includes those onto whom vaxxed people have been shedding spike protein fragments.)

At the same time, other properties of the virus and the vaccine promote mutagenesis via chromosomal damage, due in part to RNA fragments causing havoc with the ...

Cancers and other diseases are “rapidly developing” among people vaccinated against COVID-19, warns expert

April 10, 2023 - cancers, which are very susceptible to immune control. All this has been recorded even before the reports of suppressor gene suppression by mRNA in laboratory experiments.

Dalgleish warned that his concerns "must be aired and debated immediately." (Related: HISTORY REPEATS: Pfizer paid out $1.2B after its drug caused thousands of BREAST CANCER cases.)What is B cell-mediated disease?

In his letter, Dalgleish talked about B cell-based diseases and cancers....

Cancer-causing compound potentially spreading across Eastern Ohio

February 24, 2023 -

According to data, the harmful compound can cause cancer.

In the letter, the two Ohio senators warned EPA Administrator Michael Regan and Ohio EPA Director Anne Vogel that the combustion of vinyl chloride, one of the toxic chemicals that was released and burned after a train transporting it derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, earlier in February, can result in the formation of dioxins.

Research suggests that dioxins are highly toxic compounds and are considered ...

Cancer-causing chemical found in 21 hand sanitizer brands, say scientists

November 16, 2022 -

But since last year, 21 hand sanitizer brands had been recalled or banned in the U.S. as data revealed that these products contain a cancer-causing chemical. They were among the 168 brands tested last year by independent lab Valisure.

Thousands of products made in China, South Korea and America were pulled from shelves between April 2021 and September 2022.

According to data, hand sanitizers like gels and sprays contained dangerous levels of benzene, ...

Cancer rates are exploding across America and the CDC is covering up the deadly truth – one of the biggest frauds was allowing mRNA genetic materials to be legally defined as ‘vaccines’

October 27, 2022 -

(Article by Dr. Joel S Hirschhorn republished from

So said a new brilliant and courageous analysis from Italian researchers at the Center for Research in Medical Pharmacology, University of Insubria that should be required reading by all in the medical and public health establishment. The title is “Understanding the Pharmacology of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Playing Dice with the Spike?” 

No major medical journal would have published this article....

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