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Study: SESAME OIL found to promote bone health in post-menopausal women

January 15, 2024 - bone health, its levels typically decrease after menopause. "Maintaining levels of aromatase … could be a way to keep estrogen levels high enough among women going through menopause," the Epoch Times noted.

The rats given sesame oil also showed positive signs of bone formation – namely increased bone mineral density, serum osteocalcin and trabecular area measurement. They also showed increased levels of procollagen-I C-terminal propeptide – a marker for collagen ...

Natural health: 4 Ways to boost your bone health

September 27, 2022 - bone health, get a turmeric formulation standardized to contain at least 94 percent curcuminoids, which data suggests is more effective than lower concentrations.

If you are not used to taking turmeric, check with your integrative doctor first before incorporating it into your regular diet.Dandelion greens contain nutrients that strengthen bone

Many gardeners despise dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) because it is a pesky weed, but this humble plant offers ...

Maintain eye and bone health with vitamins A and D (recipe included)

April 14, 2022 -

You can boost your intake of these essential nutrients by eating the foods discussed below.What are vitamins?

Vitamins refer to different organic substances that are essential in specific quantities for your overall well-being. These nutrients act as coenzymes and precursors of coenzymes involved in the regulation of metabolic processes.

Additionally, vitamins can be found in natural foods or sometimes produced within the body.

Fat-soluble vitamins bind to ...

Bone health news, articles and information:

a long time ago - Bone health news, articles and information:

Mediterranean diet enriched with olive oil boosts bone health, study

Vitamin D and osteoporosis: How this 'miracle' vitamin can restore optimum bone health in men and women

Magnesium is crucial for bone health, says Dr. Carolyn Dean

Coral reef bacteria found to protect bone health, fight cancer

Strontium Reduces Risk of Vertebral Fractures

Strontium: An Alternative Treatment ...

7 Popular honey varieties and their science-backed health benefits

a day ago -

The exact composition of honey varies depending on the climate, region, the flowers the bees visit and how the honey is processed. Despite these differences, modern research has found numerous health-enhancing properties and wellness benefits of honey. From its potent anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidant power to its ability to combat harmful bacteria, fungi, viruses and other pathogens, honey's benefits extend far beyond its sweetness.

Here are seven popular honey varieties and ...

Gaza Health Ministry appeals for global intervention to save remaining hospitals from Israel’s violence

a day ago -

"BREAKING: The Ministry of Health in Gaza appeals to the world for immediate intervention to save the hospitals in northern Gaza from collapse due to the ongoing 15-day blockade and the continuous targeting of medical staff by Israel. But will the world listen?" wrote user Khalissee on X. The post included a video clip of Dr. Mohammad Salama, the head of the neonatal intensive care unit at the Al-Helal Al-Emirati Maternity Hospital, giving a statement during a press conference.

"The ...

Honey: A natural pharmacy of health-promoting ingredients

2 days ago -

Honey also is mentioned over 60 times in the Bible, illustrating its significance in various contexts. Today, modern science is uncovering the biological mechanisms behind honey's medicinal properties. Its diverse therapeutic properties stem from a complex array of natural compounds that work synergistically to combat infections, promote tissue regeneration and reduce inflammation.

Honey's therapeutic effects can be traced back to its rich composition of bioactive chemicals....

3 Easy meals-in-jars canning recipes

a day ago -

Meals-in-jars are a great idea if you want to level up from simply canning excess harvest from your home garden.

Use a spoon or bubble remover to get the bubbles from inside the jar. Don't forget to clean jar rims with vinegar before placing the seals on them.

Add the rack to your canner before placing the jars in the canner. Add at least four to five inches of water to the canner after the jars are in the canner, or refer to your pressure canner for specific instructions....

Sermon 81: SPIRITUAL COURAGE and the fate of cowards in the afterlife

a day ago -

The Bible nutrition educator based his sermon on the Book of Revelation, in particular a passage from its 21st chapter. The verse reads: "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone – which is the second death." (Revelation 21:8)

Based on this, the Bible nutrition educator pointed out that most people choose cowardice as it is easier compared ...

“Miracle Tree” MORINGA: An ancient natural medicine against chronic diseases

a day ago -

Beyond its use as food, studies have confirmed several medicinal uses of Moringa oleifera. (Related: Moringa 101: All you need to know about its health benefits, medical applications and nutrient profile.)An excellent source of essential nutrients

Moringa leaves are packed with essential nutrients. Just one cup of fresh, chopped moringa leaves provides plenty of protein, vitamins A (from beta-carotene), B1 (thiamine, B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), C (ascorbic ...

Tennessee judge orders unvaccinated 5-year-old boy to take 18 shots, causing an ICU admission and irreversible autism

a day ago -

However, after the boy was forcibly inoculated, he had to be rushed to the ICU, where he stayed for 12 days. Little Issac has since been diagnosed with severe, regressive autism, something that cannot be undone.

So far, the judge who caused these serious health problems appears to be free from any accountability. His coercive and abusive ruling during this custody battle is an issue that should be legally addressed.Judge divides and coerces parents, orders children to ...

Acetaminophen is unsafe for kids at any dose because it can cause AUTISM, review finds

a day ago -

Acetaminophen, the gateway to autism

Acetaminophen, widely used for fever reduction, mild to moderate pain relief, and adverse events from vaccination, has long been associated with liver toxicity. Additionally, the scientific literature also provides evidence that the drug disrupts the nervous system of children in a way that can forever change how they communicate and process the world around them.

Dr. Parker, the CEO of the nonprofit research firm WPLab, highlighted a critical ...

The U.S. Government has WASTED $200 BILLION DOLLARS on Ukraine and Israel that could have helped OUR NATION’S broken education system and homeless veterans

a day ago -

Those two countries are still in the same position they were in when we began giving them free money, they are fighting in endless wars against enemies that don’t even respect America, and who will probably never stop fighting with those countries, no matter how much money we hand them. Plus, this money does not even account for all the value in assets, including weaponry.

Currently, the United States has over 115,000 schools, including public and private K-12 schools, career ...

The Atlantic’s Anne Applebaum compared Trump to Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini – then she received the PEACE Prize for demanding more weapons for Ukraine

a day ago -

Applebaum, described as an American-Polish historian, received the prestigious Peace Prize of the German Book Trade after she wrote an article for The Atlantic called "Trump Is Speaking Like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini," along with the tagline:

"The former president has brought dehumanizing language into American presidential politics."

Applebaum's work was recognized by the prestigious German Book Trade, where she delivered an acceptance speech about her peace prize ...

Members of Justin Trudeau’s own party sign document calling for his resignation

a day ago -

This comes as pressure builds on Trudeau due to growing anxiety among Liberal Members of Parliament (MPs), especially following two recent disastrous defeats in by-elections in "safe" Liberal electoral districts in Toronto and Montreal.

Disgruntled Liberal MPs held a series of meetings to discuss a path forward for the party since the surprising Toronto-St. Paul's by-election loss in June. (Related: Trudeau willing to make a deal with Quebec nationalists to prevent snap election....

UN confirms Israel is deliberately targeting peacekeepers in southern Lebanon

a day ago -

UNIFIL spokesperson Andrea Tenenti said these attacks are deliberate, contradicting claims made by Israeli officials. He detailed multiple targeted incidents, including direct strikes on the control tower in the small city of Naqoura, where the main headquarters of UNIFIL is located, that resulted in injuries to two peacekeepers.

Additional incidents involved assaults on UNIFIL's communication systems and surveillance cameras, and a recent incursion into a UNIFIL headquarters, ...

Climate alarmism – NOT so-called “climate change” – is negatively affecting kids’ mental health

4 days ago -

The FNZ article, titled "Climate change sparks anxiety among children," highlights a new campaign by a renewable energy company called 100Green. This campaign points to a study by Save the Children, which claims that a significant number of children – 70 percent, to be exact – are struggling with climate anxiety. (Related: Start ‘em young: Government climate alarmists brainwashing kids to comply with green tyranny.)

The article begins by advising parents to "keep things positive" ...

WHO director-general wants to get “aggressive” against anti-vaxxers, work with all governments to police “disinformation”

2 days ago -

Dr. Tedros delivered a laughable address at the UN's Summit 2024, saying the “science is on our side” and that we should get “aggressive” against antivaxxers.”Tedros is ready to get aggressive with antivaxxers

At the summit, he highlighted the “persistent threat of online misinformation and disinformation in public health.” In his speech, he called for collaborative efforts with tech companies and other partners to combat the spread of false information, which he described ...

Amish foods that you need in your survival stockpile

2 days ago -

Like preppers, the Amish value self-sufficiency. And if you're a prepper, you might want to buy essential foods at Amish stores such as dried beans and fruits or canned vegetables.

When disaster strikes, your stockpile of various non-perishable and long-lasting foods can help save your family's life, or at least ensure that you don't starve during an emergency. (h/t to

Compared to grocery stores that sell foods that contain preservatives and other harmful ...

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