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Jewish Bolsheviks killed over 60 million Orthodox Christians, many of them from starvation caused by food theft, deliberate destruction of agricultural sector

a day ago -

It started in 1917 when two revolutions swept through Russia, effectively ending Russia's longtime legacy of imperial rule and ushering in the murderous communist regime known as the Soviet Union.

Before the communist takeover of Russia, the Russian people were largely poor in earthly possessions but rich in Christ Jesus through their Orthodox faith. The Bolsheviks scoffed at this arrangement, thinking it foolish that anyone would follow Christ rather than try to live ...

Civil War scenario: Blockade & airstrike

11 days ago -

(Article republished from

I’m not as aggressive as Whatifalthist, I think there’s a lot of scenarios where a major regional war in the Middle-East occurs, or WW3 begins with Russia (we’ve gotten very close to Nuke launches during the war with Ukraine) as factions in the deep state push for an October surprise if they think Trump might win.

Likewise I think there’s numerous ways where a crisis could happen that results in a minor war or last minute ...

More Christians were murdered in Soviet gulags than Jews in Nazi concentration camps – why is the anti-Christian holocaust never taught in history books?

2 months ago -

Todd M. Johnson wrote a paper for a class at Notre Dame in 2012 that contains a demographic assessment of Christian martyrdom around the world. It turns out that far more Christians have died for their faith than Jews have for theirs.

One would think, based on Western history books, that Jews have endured the worst of the worst throughout time, but that title actually belongs to the tens of millions of Christian martyrs who paid for their faith in Christ with their lives....

US 2024 may be our last

2 months ago -

(Article republished from

The mainstream press has become the enemy of the people just as they did in Communist Russia. They seem to be married to their dogma, and we should not expect them to repent. Warner Brothers will lament the day they championed CNN. Those in the media will probably fear for their lives, just as the communist politicians. As the New York Times reported on the Russian press when Communism fell:

“Can you believe that this ...

Russia introduces new Shared Values Visa for Westerners escaping woke liberal home countries

2 months ago -

LifeSiteNews reported that on Aug. 19, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a decree approving the SVV. The new visa allows foreigners seeking "humanitarian support" – particularly conservative Westerners fed up with "destructive neoliberal ideology" – to relocate to Russia on a temporary basis.

According to the pro-life news outlet, the SVV program is part of a larger effort marketed to Westerners promoting Russia as a bastion of traditional values. The program, which ...

Ukraine to BAN CHRISTIANITY unless Ukrainian Orthodox Church cuts ties with Moscow

August 26, 2024 -

Members of the Verkhovna Rada (MP), the Ukrainian parliament, just passed a new law that will effectively outlaw the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) throughout Ukraine unless it agrees to completely part ways with the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC).

Though a definitive link between the two sects of Orthodox Christianity cannot be 100 percent verified, reports indicate that suspected ties between the two are driving Ukrainian authorities to take action by trying to silence ...

The 100 worst landlords in New York City nearly all happen to be Jewish – what are the odds?

April 29, 2024 -

Sam Parker, who is running for the Senate as a Republican in Utah, tweeted on X (@SamParkerSenate) a screenshot of the 100 Worst Landlords in New York City, an official government document that tracks slumlords with the most known violations.

Topping the list is Jonathan Cohen of Silvershore Properties, who as of 2017 had an astounding 1,090 average open violations spanning 188 rental units in 19 different buildings across the city.

In second place is Rawle Isaacs ...

America beware

April 08, 2024 - bolsheviks are always dead set on completely shutting down all criticism, dissent and truth-telling about their exceedingly nefarious schemes and genocidal conspiratorial plots.

Were the world community of nations to understand that the Khazarian Cabal is totally responsible for the long but truncated list of mass casualty events posted at the following link, they would be hunted down in New York minute.

In light of the rapidly emerging reality that the Khazarian ...

Medvedev slams Brussels over its demand that Russia return gold bullion to Romania

March 21, 2024 -

In a March 15 post on his page on the Russian VK social media platform, the former Russian leader described the move as "impudence." The deputy chairman of Russia's National Security Council wrote: "I don't even know how to respond to such."

"The EU has stolen $300 billion worth of Russian assets and is now demanding that Russia return gold to Romania. There is nothing to say except f**k off."

Medvedev's response came a day after the European Parliament in Brussels ...

It is no longer correct to refer to any Western government as Democratic. Every Western government is a budding tyranny.

November 02, 2023 -

(Article republished from

This destruction of liberty began a long time ago.  I published a book 23 years ago about the transformation of law from a shield of the people into a weapon in the hands of the government  which it clearly is as witnessed by the false charges against Trump and the imprisonment of 1,000 people who used their First Amendment right to protest the theft of the 2020 election from President Trump.  Hardly anyone believes the ...

Like the Twin Towers on 9/11, the U.S. is currently in a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION – here’s what comes next

September 26, 2023 -

Ever since Joe Biden was installed into the White House through fraud, the engineered takedown of the United States has accelerated. We are watching now as the supply chains continue to melt, along with skyrocketing inflation, shortages, and growing civil unrest.

It is a plan that has been in the works for many decades. Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov warned about this in that famous video that circulates every now and again on social media to remind Americans that their ...

Confiscation: Why isn’t the far left honest about their end game on guns?

August 02, 2023 -

(Article by D. Parker republished from

What is the far left’s end game on guns? Anyone on the pro-freedom right side of the political spectrum has known this answer for years. Gun confiscation has always been the ultimate goal of every collectivist authoritarian down through history since firearms were invented, from the Bolsheviks, and National Socialist German Workers' (Nazi) Party, to the Democrats and every leftist extremist in between....

AG Barr: Antifa is a fascistic “revolutionary group” similar to the Bolsheviks

August 17, 2020 -

In an interview with Fox News’ Mark Levin, Barr described Antifa as a socialist and communist “revolutionary group” that is interested in establishing socialism and communism in America. “They’re essentially Bolsheviks. Their tactics are fascistic.”

While Antifa has never hidden their ties to radical leftist ideologies, the Fox interview marks the first time that Barr has detailed the organization’s political leanings as well as their tactics and organizational ...

AG William Barr says lawless Antifa engaging in “urban guerrilla warfare” the same way Lenin’s “Bolsheviks” operated in Russia

August 12, 2020 -

In an interview with Fox News’ Mark Levin on Sunday, Barr decried the treatment and disrespect of police officers in Democrat-run cities around the country following the George Floyd incident in May, mostly at the hands of anarchist groups like Antifa as well as Marxist mayors and city council members who want to “defund” departments.

He also labeled Antifa as terrorists who are engaging in a new form of “urban guerrilla warfare” with the ultimate goal of toppling our ...

The Ukrainian Nationalist Movement is bought and paid for by the CIA

January 25, 2023 - This is the true story of the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement in its form today, bought and paid for by the US Central Intelligence Agency.

(Article by Rhoda Wilson republished from

Cynthia Chung has published chapter 5 from her newly released book ‘The Empire on Which the Black Sun Never Set: the Birth of International Fascism and Anglo-American Foreign Policy’ on Substack.

The chapter details how the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement post-WWII was bought ...

Will the United States exist after November?

September 19, 2022 -

(Article by Paul Craig Roberts republished from

The question the Nazi attorney general doesn’t answer, and the question the presstitutes studiously avoid asking, is why was the warrant containing the probable cause for the unprecedented invasion of an American president’s home sealed in the first place?

Little doubt the official explanation will be a lie, one that the presstitutes will repeat endlessly in their attempt to turn the lie into ...

The greatest gaslighting operation in U.S. political history begins

September 11, 2022 - bolsheviks utilize such scorched earth tactics which will surely inflame the entire body politic?

Why use such a such a brazen, provocative and malicious ploy that could even lead to a very real cold Civil War?Because the Democrats are so desperate to win the midterm elections across the board that they will attempt to steal every election in sight—THAT’S WHY!

Hence, their primary game plan revolves around sowing seeds of maximum chaos, confusion and conflict ...

A new kind of rationing: Amazon to launch “invite only” ordering for high-demand products, meaning you now have to “qualify” just to buy

June 06, 2022 -

The company says it is starting with well-known low-inventory products such as the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X gaming consoles. Over time, however, other products will be included in the open-ended system, which will select which users are allowed to buy them by sending them private invites.

In order to prevent inventory shortages and price gouging, Amazon says its new invite only ordering platform is a necessity.

"We work hard every day to provide customers ...

Schwab’s admiration for Lenin

April 11, 2022 -

This is based upon first-hand knowledge, not speculation or rumor.

(Article by Martin Armstrong republished from

Let me explain something very important for those who do not know their Russian history. Following the 1917 October Revolution, the Bolsheviks/Communists relied upon the dogmas of Marx and Engels to create a new world of equality. They too preached that they would change all the existing ways and customs far beyond politics ...

Roadway checkpoints for covid “vaccine” compliance rolling out in Austria… purebloods to be HUNTED by police

February 10, 2022 -

The new papers, please plan is set to expire on Jan. 31, 2024. Until that time, every unvaccinated Austrian will now face as many as four separate fines per year, each one increasing up to €3,400 (about $3,884).

President Alexander Van der Bellen signed the new rules into law, which exempt only pregnant people and those confirmed to have health effects affected by the injections. People who have been previously infected with covid are also exempt.Austria to create ...

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