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Biology teacher says it’s more ‘inclusive’ to say that eggs come from ovaries rather than women

May 04, 2022 -

(Article by Nick Monroe republished from

This comes from an undated clip that Libs of TikTok posted on Tuesday night. The educator's method for achieving their goals is by policing the language used in the classroom.

Christian Rhodes, senior adviser to the secretary at the Department of Education, is seen present at the meeting.

The stated rationale by Colorado high school biology teacher Sam Long for their instruction ...

Biology matters: Male and female brains have distinct differences in architecture, activity and function, say scientists

November 21, 2018 -

Researchers from Semmelweis University looked into the so-called hemispheric lateralization of sleep spindles in a number of healthy human subjects. Their study included both male and female participants, which is why they were able to note some key differences between them. What they found was that there were clear differences between the behavior of each gender's brain as far as their respective sleep spindles are concerned.

The researchers found evidence for asymmetrical ...

Biology Fortified is another front group for Monsanto, pushing GMOs and cancer-causing herbicides in your food

July 27, 2018 -

Of course, BFI routinely denies having any ties to Monsanto (now owned by Bayer), but just last year documents were released during a lawsuit against Monsanto that exposed glyphosate (50 percent of Roundup weed killer, used worldwide) as a cause of cancer. Documents also detailed Monsanto's insidious plan to discredit the World Health Organization's exposure of this truth about Frankenfoods,  including a list of tactics and strategies, naming their key "industry partners," which ...

World mercilessly mocks biology denier Neil deGrasse Tyson for claiming DNA has nothing to do with gender

2 months ago -

In a video clip he posted to social media, Tyson explains how he takes pride in "communicating science" online. Watch as Tyson tries to explain how XX/XY chromosomes somehow play no role in determining whether a person is male or female – instead, people can simply wake up and decide that "today I feel like I am female or male:"

Neil deGrasse Tyson takes pride in “communicating science”. Here he explains that XX/XY chromosomes don't determine if you are male or female, and ...

Texas college FIRES biology professor for teaching students biological fact that chromosomes determine sex

June 29, 2023 - biology professor at SPC, he consistently received exemplary performance reviews and was never subject to discipline. Throughout that time, he never discussed with any student his personal views – religious or otherwise – on human gender or sexuality."

But Varkey's unsullied reputation was tarnished by students denying basic biological truths. Two months after the November 2022 walkout, SPC issued Varkey a notice of discipline and termination of the employment contract ...

‘Woke’ researchers claim scientists should ignore biology and drop terms like ‘male,’ ‘female,’ ‘mother,’ ‘father’

February 16, 2023 - biology, period.

Now, 'identifying' as a woman or a man is a choice, and while the person doing the choosing may not be able to mentally refrain from doing so, that doesn't make it any less of a choice. Homosexuality may be far less of a choice (although it can be), but it still involves sexual and social interaction between humans of the same gender. And those genders have long been known.

What's more, these 'researchers' who are making these absurd claims ...

PENTAGON: Males identifying as females are still required to sign up for the military draft, because suddenly biology is REAL when it comes to WAR

October 13, 2022 - biology still matters in a war

Perhaps a stark example of Cheong's point was seen during the opening months of the Russia-Ukraine war. Kyiv declared martial law, and with it came mandatory military service for all Ukrainian males aged 18 to 60. Some MTF transgenders, however, opted to flee – only to be stopped at the border and ordered to return to the frontlines.

The Guardian recounted two such cases.

Judis, a transgender woman, fled "her" hometown in the ...

The radical Left’s world of make-believe biology: Babies don’t have heartbeats but men can give birth

October 02, 2022 -

In a recent statement, Abrams falsely declared that "there is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks," referring to embryonic development at the month-and-a-half stage of gestation. (Related: Remember when the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists called for the word "baby" to never be used in reference to pre-born human life?)

"It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman's body," Abrams alleges....

Biden’s transhumanist EO calls for natural biology to be programmed like computers

September 21, 2022 - biology the way we program software, if applied to humans, would facilitate [the] transhumanist vision of the creation of 'superhumans' through various kinds of technology, including biotechnology," wrote Emily Mangiaracina for LifeSiteNews.EO echoes "hackable humans" concept from Yuval Noah Harari

Biden's transhumanist EO 14081 oddly echoed the concept of hackable humans promoted by Israeli intellectual Yuval Noah Harari.

"Today, we have the technology ...

CHILLING: Biden signs new order to develop genetic engineering technologies to “write circuitry for cells” and “predictably program biology

September 14, 2022 -

Most shocking, the order directs multiple federal agencies to work with the private sector to develop genetic engineering technologies to “write circuitry for cells” and to “predictably program biology.”

Taken directly from the executive order: “For biotechnology and biomanufacturing to help us achieve our societal goals, the United States needs to invest in foundational scientific capabilities. We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques ...

Nobel Prize winner dismantles transgenderism as ‘unscientific,’ at odds with fundamental biology

August 31, 2022 - biology,” she joked.

The German government had appointed Lehmann as its first “commissioner for queer affairs” in June. Last year, the government began pushing for legislation to allow children as young as 14 to change their legal gender without parental consent.

Nüsslein-Volhard told EMMA that allowing children to “change their gender” is “madness,” noting that she, like “many girls,” had been ”unhappy in puberty.” According to the professor, young girls should ...

The empire of child grooming, Disney, pushing more junk biology brainwashing of our youth with ‘Baymax’ clip

July 04, 2022 -

Researcher Christopher Rufo posted the disturbing video clip to Twitter along with this description: “EXCLUSIVE: I’ve obtained leaked video from Disney’s upcoming show ‘Baymax,’ which promotes the transgender flag and the idea that men can have periods to children as young as two years old. It’s all part of Disney’s plan to re-engineer the discourse around kids and sexuality.”


EXCLUSIVE: I've obtained leaked video from Disney's upcoming show "Baymax," which ...

Massachusetts high school trying to erase “gendered terms” from biology class

February 12, 2022 -

The genetics lesson reportedly urges students to no longer make any references to male or female because other "orientations" and "identities" need to feel "included and respected" – even if actual biology gets lost along the way.

The "Language Matters" section of the course instruction claims that natural human biology is not a fixed thing, but rather a "social conditioned" construct that has long mistakenly taught humans "to view sex and gender as ...

Biology news, articles and information:

a long time ago - Biology news, articles and information:

Synthetic biology is the new GMO - engineered food ingredients arriving this year

FBI shares Health Ranger's concerns over genetically engineered biology and its potential to devastate human life

DARPA now creating manufacturing platform for synthetic living organisms as government weaponizes the seeds of life

Campaign launched to halt synthetic biology food ingredients

Substitute teacher ...

PLoS Biology journal says criticizing Fauci should be a “federal hate crime”

August 04, 2021 -

According to Hotez, federal hate crime protections need to be extended to encompass "far-right extremists" who refuse to obey Fauci's demands that they wear a mask and get "vaccinated" to prevent infection and spread of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Earlier in the year, Hotez published a paper in the Nature journal calling for people who refuse Trump Vaccines to be punished harshly for putting "vaccinated" people at risk of contracting Chinese Germs.

"There ...

Environmental Protection Agency accused of retaliating against scientists who voiced concerns about toxic chemicals

14 days ago - biology and biochemistry as well as board certifications in toxicology, says that he was transferred out of the new chemicals division after he refused to change reports, including one that cautioned about a chemical potentially causing immune, neurological and reproductive problems.

Meanwhile, whistleblower Martin Phillips said that the experience was traumatic, from the hostility he received from supervisors to having his professional work changed and worrying about ...

EPA scientists said they were pressured to downplay harms from chemicals. A watchdog found they were retaliated against

15 days ago - biology and three board certifications in toxicology, was transferred from the new chemicals division into a division of the agency he calls “existing chemicals,” after refusing to change several reports, including one on a chemical that he suspected of causing reproductive, immune and neurological problems. Irwin said his supervisor later cited his refusal to sign off on that assessment as a reason to downgrade his rating in his annual performance review.

The division where ...

Doctors warn: Meat-centric “Carnivore diet” may increase the risk of heart disease, dementia and cancer

19 days ago -

The carnivore diet, which focuses solely on eating animal products, has gained a lot of attention online, particularly among fitness enthusiasts who claim it has helped them lose weight and improve their health. However, some experts are raising concerns about the potential downsides of this restrictive way of eating.

British general practitioner and nutrition expert Dr. Rupy Aujla urged caution about the carnivore diet and other low-carb diets, such as keto, which he warned ...

Dr. Malone explains how COVID-19 vaccines cause cancer in latest congressional hearing discussing vaccine injuries

a month ago - biology, studies how genes cause cancer. He and his team specialize in detecting foreign pieces of DNA in places where they can incorporate or interfere with healthy genetic expression.

"The Pfizer vaccine is contaminated with plasmid DNA. It’s not just mRNA, it’s got bits of DNA in it." Prof. Buckhaults said in front of the South Carolina Senate committee. Prof. Buckhaults retrieved a vial of Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine from a colleague who was working with the vaccination ...

German podcasters ordered to delete an episode where they “misgendered” a transwoman or pay a $276K fine

a month ago - biology, identity and law."

"In an expedited procedure, without an oral hearing, the court ruled in favor of the applicant, a transgender woman. Why? Our repeated designation as a 'man' was considered a violation of her personal rights, since she is 'legally and socially recognized as a woman,'" Hossainpour added.

Hossainpour also denounced the court's urgency in running the case, emphasizing how the court believed that the use of biologically correct terms represented ...

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