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Bill Barr has been an American traitor since at least 1992

January 01, 2021 -

Conservatives must be suffering from some kind of amnesia because it is common knowledge that Barr worked back in the early '90s as attorney general under George H.W. Bush, one of the most corrupt swamp creatures in our nation's history. Like Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Barr has been a staple in establishment politics for decades, having spearheaded some of the earliest known instances of warrantless surveillance against innocent Americans, as one prominent ...

Bill Barr is about to drop the hammer on vote fraud

November 14, 2020 -

(Article by Scott Lively republished from

Lying is the language Big Media and Big Tech have been speaking almost exclusively since Trump became president: deliberate falsehoods, misrepresentations, distractions, diversions, suppression of dissent, amplification of false witnesses, accusations that truth-tellers are guilty of exactly the crimes they themselves are committing and multi-faceted, multi-dimensional coordination of this campaign within a vast network ...

Bill Barr finally authorizes DOJ to start investigating “substantial allegations” of vote fraud

November 10, 2020 -

In a memo to U.S. attorneys, Barr indicated that no investigation is off-limits so long as there are "clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State."

This is big news that comes on the heels of an announcement from President Trump's campaign that it has filed a lawsuit in Pennsylvania over the alleged "creation and implementation of an illegal 'two-tiered voting ...

DEEP STATE AGENT: Former AG Bill Barr became “irate” when authorities wanted to investigate voter fraud allegations surrounding rigged 2020 election

April 10, 2024 -

Trump spokeswoman Liz Harrington recently posted on X: “In December 2020 an “irate” Bill Barr told investigators looking into Jesse Morgan’s claim of hundreds of thousands of completed mail-in ballots hauled across state lines to “STAND DOWN” “‘I told you you need to stand down on this.’ “[He was] agitated, to say the least.”

Harrington added: “While Bill Barr was publicly claiming there was no fraud in 2020, he PRIVATELY ordered those with credible fraud ...

As crime continues to explode in Dem-run New York, lawmakers focus on bill barring prosecutors from using rap song lyrics as “evidence”

May 23, 2022 -

There, left-wing lawmakers ignore real problems like crime and homelessness to focus on inane, pointless distractions that do nothing to improve the lives of a majority of their citizens.

New York is a perfect example.

There, the Democrat super-majority looks askance at the rising tide of criminal violence as they move to protect rap artists from having their song lyrics used against them in a court of law.

No, that's not a joke.

According to local station ...

The Democracy Fund: Trudeau’s Online Harms Act could weaponize courts and stifle free speech

a day ago -

In February, Minister of Justice and Attorney General Arif Virani proposed the Online Harms Act, also known as Bill C-63. The bill, which includes amendments to the Criminal Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act, claims to protect children from online sexual abuse, cyberbullying and self-harm.

Bill C-63 seeks to reinstate Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, a "hate speech" provision abolished in 2013 by former Prime Minister Stephen Harper. The bill would enable the ...

Germany’s Der SPIEGEL calls Elon Musk “Public Enemy Number 2” who needs to be ELIMINATED

a day ago -

Der SPIEGEL is no friend of Musk or his pal Donald Trump, having published all sorts of stories over the past several years in condemnation of he and the former president's behavior and statements. A few examples include:

– A 2017 report depicting Trump as a terrorist beheading the State of Liberty with a knife, just like ISIS

– Another report that same year showing Trump in a KKK hood along with the headline, "The True Face of Donald Trump"

– A 2018 report portraying ...

Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris, parrots Democratic lies about abortion

a day ago -

Cheney, daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, was known in Congress for her staunch pro-life voting record. She consistently earned perfect 100 percent pro-life ratings and zero percent pro-abortion ratings from organizations like the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, NARAL Pro-Choice America and Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPAF) during her tenure in the House of Representatives.

The only exception came in the 2021 to 2022 ...

British anti-online speech organization linked to Kamala’s campaign plotted to “kill” Musk’s X platform

a day ago -

The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) is an advocacy organization based in London and with an office in Washington, D.C. whose supposed goal is countering so-called "online hate speech" and "disinformation."

Internal documents obtained from whistleblowers claim that the CCDH has been plotting to kill Musk's X since at least January 2024. (Related: Joe Rogan warns Elon Musk and other tech leaders that ONLINE CENSORSHIP will intensify if Harris-Walz ticket wins.)

The ...

Gallup poll: Most Americans feel worse off today than four years ago

a day ago -

The Gallup survey was a callback to former President Ronald Reagan, who famously asked his opponent, then-incumbent President Jimmy Carter, during a 1980 debate: "Are you better off than you were four years ago?"

According to the Gallup survey, 52 percent of respondents say their financial situation has declined, while 39 percent say they are better off, and eight percent believe their circumstances have remained the same.

Gallup believes the American people's perception ...

OpenAI wants to build data centers that consume MORE POWER than the entire United Kingdom

2 days ago -

The company behind ChatGPT pitched the idea during a meeting with U.S. officials at the White House, with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and other tech leaders in attendance. OpenAI proposed building five to seven data centers in various U.S. states.

When completed, each of these data centers would need five gigawatts (GW) of electricity to operate. "To put that in context, five GW is roughly the equivalent of five nuclear reactors, or enough to power almost three million homes," Bloomberg ...

Family of woman brutally raped and murdered by illegal migrant slams Kamala Harris: “We need accountability, not excuses”

2 days ago -

In an interview with Fox News anchor Brett Baier, Harris faced tough questions about the cases of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, 22-year-old Laken Riley and 37-year-old Rachel, all of whom were brutally assaulted and killed by illegal immigrants. Baier then asked Harris if she regrets overturning the Trump administration policy which required illegal migrants to be detained through the deportation process. Baier also asked Harris if she felt she "owed these families an apology?"

Harris ...

Islamic religious leader in Michigan ENDORSES TRUMP for president

2 days ago -

Imam Husham Al-Husainy of the Karbalaa Islamic Center in Dearborn made the endorsement during a Michigan GOP press call. The call also had other Muslim government officials in the Great Lakes State in attendance, including Dearborn Heights Mayor Bill Bazzi and Hamtramck Mayor Ameer Ghalib, a Democrat.

According to Al-Husainy, he supports Trump due to the real estate mogul's anti-war stance – something the imam described as "closer to the Bible, Torah and the Quran." He continued: ...

Liberal PACs launch a series of MISLEADING and DECEPTIVE campaign ads against Trump

2 days ago -

One of the ads, which features a female narrator, dismisses election "conspiracy theories" about illegal immigrants voting and claims that elections in the United States are very secure and questioning their integrity is baseless.

The ad even directs viewers to a site linked to Election Facts PA, a site with the copyright of the States United Democracy Center, while claiming strong safeguards exist to ensure only eligible citizens vote. It also warns against interfering with ...

Border Czar Kamala Harris somehow blames Trump for surge in illegal immigration

3 days ago -

In a 30-minute interview with Fox News anchor Bret Baier on Oct. 16, Harris, who was appointed as the "Border Czar" by President Joe Biden in 2021, faced tough questions on immigration. Baier pushed Harris on immigration policy, particularly on the issue of undocumented immigrants linked to crimes in the United States. (Related: Mainstream media memory holes "border czar" moniker of Kamala Harris amid worsening migrant crisis.)

"Well, I'm glad you raised the issue of immigration ...

U.K. employment tribunal rules in favor of professor unfairly dismissed for criticizing Israel’s actions in Gaza

3 days ago -

The 120-page ruling favored David Miller, a professor fired by the University of Bristol over his alleged "antisemitic remarks." Miller took his former employer to court, accusing it of unfair discrimination.

"Although many would vehemently and cogently disagree with [Miller's] analysis of politics and history, others have the same or similar beliefs. We find that he has established that [the criteria has] been met and that his belief amounted to a philosophical belief," employment ...

EU plan to ban sales of gas, diesel vehicles by 2035 “no longer realistic,” warns BMW

4 days ago -

If the ban is allowed to persist, the European auto industry will see a "massive shrinking" as automakers will have nothing left to sell that anyone with practicality, longevity and economy in mind will ever want to buy for their families.

Even with heavy government subsidies, i.e., taxpayers being forced to foot the bill for their very existence, EVs are wildly unpopular, not to mention the fact that many such subsidies are coming to an end. Add to that the fact that communist ...

Climate alarmism – NOT so-called “climate change” – is negatively affecting kids’ mental health

4 days ago -

The FNZ article, titled "Climate change sparks anxiety among children," highlights a new campaign by a renewable energy company called 100Green. This campaign points to a study by Save the Children, which claims that a significant number of children – 70 percent, to be exact – are struggling with climate anxiety. (Related: Start ‘em young: Government climate alarmists brainwashing kids to comply with green tyranny.)

The article begins by advising parents to "keep things positive" ...

Police want the password to your phone

4 days ago - Growing police power has gravely distorted interactions between cops and citizens. Officers arrive with not just a gun and body armor but with wide-ranging legal immunities and both the privilege and training to lie to you during questioning.

(Article by Patrick Eddington and James Craven republished from

Now they want to force you to unlock your phone.

The amount of personal data we keep on our smartphones is almost immeasurable, a reality the Supreme Court recognized in ...

Bill Clinton confirms that Americans are being replaced by migrants so money masters can keep growing U.S. economy with new slave workers

8 days ago -

At one of Kamala's campaign stops, Clinton told a small crowd of supporters that the only way to keep America the corporation alive is to forge on with what many now refer to as the Great Replacement.

"We've got the lowest birthrate we've had in well over a hundred years," Clinton said. "We're not at replacement level, which means we've gotta have somebody come here if we want to keep growing the economy – unless one of you is one of these artificial intelligence geniuses ...

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